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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. I doubt seriously he was shot 10 times. No Thai is that accurate shooting from a car. Mostly likely a shotgun with buckshot.

    "No Thai is that accurate shooting from a car ..."

    It would hardly be a skill to be proud of, but your dismissal of 66 million people, none of whom you assume could properly aim a gun, is a stupendous example of mind boggling racism.

    Not necessarily racism as few Thai gun owners have weapons that discharge repeatedly 10 times. You 'suraditly' forget that shotgun shells with buckshot have around 10 pellets. A little too touchy on the subject, stick to '69' ing. Do you think you know more than a firemedic, seriously?

    • Like 1
  2. "Police checks revealed he was wanted on two arrest warrants in connection with a murder from 2007 and an attempted murder from 2012."

    "the victim himself was armed with a 38 caliber pistol which suggested he felt unsafe"

    "Police expect the shooting to be a revenge attack for one of the two incidents he was wanted in connection with but remain open-minded for now as the murder investigation continues."

    So he had 2 arrest warrants pending, for murder and attempted murder, but apparently wasn't concerned about being seen (by the police) drinking in front of a shop owned by a former mayor. Sounds like he not only had friends in high places, but powerful enemies as well. Time will tell whether or not the shooter is ever caught (or is already across the border of a neighbouring country if he's smart).

    (Then again, if it turns out the owner of the car is the shooter's or driver's girlfriend, then not too smart at all.)

    wai.gif "Butterfly don't fly away from me"wai2.gif

  3. Perhaps an oversight?

    Today I bought an item for 60 Baht and paid with a 1000 baht note.

    The saleswoman gave me back 40 baht.

    I told the saleswoman that i have given her a 1000 baht note and pronto she gave me 940 Baht back.

    Perhaps an oversight?

    w00t.gif Not at all. Seventy baht (thai) actually means 20 baht the way they say it. I catch them trying to cheat me all the time as I always try to calculate how much items cost before I pay. Promotion items=full price.bah.gif

  4. "he had several businesses on Koh Samui and he had also been acting like a mafia providing protection to farang on the island."

    "Thewet said Forlet was notorious for often engaging in quarrels after he became drunk."

    But they classify him as a "tourist". dry.png

    coffee1.gif Tourist? Mafia? Mean drunk? Well, one less 'turkey' on Samuithumbsup.gif

  5. I thought these new glass-clad high-rise office buildings had smoke detectors and sprinklers, but in this case the fire apparently spread to 3 floors(!) ..... obviously the systems not well maintained/not effective.

    Weird that 10 firemen ran out of "oxygen" and passed out .... with one dying.

    Evidently the sprinkler systems were not activated. The =compressed air= tanks only last a short time and even less if worn too soon to actually needing them; add the fact that being scared (natural) causes you to exhaust the air tanks too fast. It seems that the firefighter was a volunteer and did not have an air tank. He may not have had sufficient training for a high rise fire. He tried to help---RIP. May I remind everyone reading this that 343 brave NYC firefighters were killed on 911 and didn't have a chance because of extenuating circumstances.

    • Like 2
  6. what crime dod he actually do?If somebody is so stupid and sends money to a stranger because he he says so then whats the crime?

    I believe it is called obtaining money by deception.wai.gif

    I thought that if "obtaining money by deception" is illegal, there would not be enough bar workers left to open many bars in Thailand. Then where would take the mom's prize water buffalo to the vets? Not to mention the many karaoke bar owners and some police officers might be behind bars too. sorry.gif

    My new girls brother was badly injured riding his buffalo. B100,000 on the way

    • Like 1
  7. That story doesn't even make sense.

    He voluntarily spent every last satang he had, such that he couldn't even get a room?


    It must be a conspiracy right? Certainly a farang wouldn't do anything stupid and accept the blame. It must be that some Thai woman overwhelmed him with her superior intellect.

    We all do stupid things and after farang spend much of their lives in a state of deprivation (of one sort of another) back in Farang Utopia, quite a few come unglued once they get to Thailand, but unless you're forced to do something at gunpoint, learn to live with the consequences of your own behavior.

    "That story doesn't even make sense"

    The story makes perfect sense in the context of the real world, as opposed to the fantasy world where farang must be the victims of nefarious Thais who outwit them ... well the "outwitting" part is probably true more often than not.

    'back in Farang Utopia' ... they are so glad to see the back of YOU.

    Hey Lostmebike - I found your bike ... and the seat was really really happy. :-) Nice photo ! 555

    Yeah, I don't feel sorry for the old dudes back home who sit around dark bars drinking and smoking cigs one after another. A great grandmother appears in the bar and poor old guys fall all over themselves trying to woo her. Yep, the monkeys are quite comfortable in their 'cages' dying a slow death.bah.gif

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