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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. All his noise around the 300 Bahts minimum wage has no meaning. The unemployment rate in Thailand is close to 0%. Businesses even paying more than the minimum 300 Bahts can't find workers. The problem is Thais do not want to work. As soon as they reach "sustainability", why means they can pay for their daily booze, they stop working. Increasing the minimum wage will just lower the number of working hours needed to reach this level. The problem in Thailand is work ethic. Success here means doing nothing. That's what need to be improved, not minimum wage.

    Sorry Johnny but I have to disagree with you on that point.

    I have know a lot of Thais who work bloody hard day in day out to support their families and your comments are nothing but stereotypical generalizations based on bar room hearsay.

    gigglem.gif So, how do I get the lazy folk in my neighborhood to do some work for me? I usually pay between B500 and B1500 for just a few hours of work and they still don't come and rather stay home an sleep. BS, sir.bah.gif

  2. Very sad, RIP Chinese tourist.

    What is alarming is that the news was withheld on the order of the junta boss, I watched a very interesting documentary the other day where it mentioned that the problem with the media is not so much what they distort and the lies they tell, it's what they know but do not say.

    So what other news is being held back because the junta boss doesn't like it. Makes you think!

    coffee1.gif I was in Saudi when Iraq invaded 'Saudi Arabia' at Al Khafji. Thousands of troops shooting/looting at one of my power/desal plants. KSA withheld all news of this event for over 4 days. We knew we were being invaded as a comrade of mine from the USA was working there at the time and let us know as he was escaping. I had to go either to the desert or on a high roof to hear the happenings on short wave radio from BBC. So, you are alarmed at this event? This stuff happens.bah.gif

  3. I wonder just how the average Thai sailor will respond to a sub mariners life?

    I had a short induction assessment course as a submariner many a year back and I assure you it is not the nicest of experiences.

    Rare breed sub mariners they have my respect. I much preferred being on top of the ocean as opposed to in it umpteen fathoms down.

    At least you were in with a chance if disaster struck.

    I would really like to see thais do the 'blow and go'whistling.gif from depth in the USA training tower in New London, CT. I did it. Are there thai divers? Just sayin'wai2.gif

  4. Thailand is soooo funny. So here’s my question. How did they “nab” all of these people at once?

    And for god’s sakes how were they all wearing the same damn t shirts?
    What does it say in Thai “I am an a%*hole” or something?

    Big T shirt sale planned on Beach Rd at Soi 9. I WANT ONE! Who do you have to rob around here to get one?

  5. Another Bush, another Dunce!

    Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

    Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

    please dont say you think he,s bright...hes an utter vegetable runs in the genes..

    UMMM. You can't even write. Where did you get your education?

  6. The big elephant in the room that most candidates and the mainstream media will not talk about is that most all of these nutcase shooters are on SRI drugs [ basically anti-depressants ] that say right on the insert that they can make you violent and even more so when coming off the drugs. A ridiculous number of Americans are on those drugs. The drug companies make billions off those drugs and the mainstream media gets lot's of advertising money from them.

    And then there are the documented links between several of the shooters in recent decades like the unibomber and Sirhan - Sirhan who had connections to MK Ultra which is the division of the CIA that does mind control research. But that sounds to much like conspiracy theory talk so I won't go there.

    Miami; you are so right. JEB made concealed carry laws easier so decent law abiding folk could protect themselves... e.g. Miami. He also sorted out the Castle Domaine laws so that people could protect themselves without restrictions when someone was trying to kill them. Maybe JEB can help control the current violence killing all nationalities-ISIS. Go Gators.

  7. Another Bush, another Dunce!

    Did you live in Florida under Jeb Bush's governorship? Why do you say he is a dunce...as compared to what current leader? Name it, Boy.

    Floridian who actually experienced JEB! Very simply 'JEB' on election signs. Get used to it folks, he will be the next president and just might be able to repair all the 'dunce' acts from Oboy.

  8. coffee1.gif If you read the last sentence of the report you will see a splendid description of Americas downfallssad.png. Having said that, (yes, I'm a Yank), Thailand just purchased 3 Chinese submarines after all the military support and money the Americans throw at Thailand. The US just sent thousands of military for Cobra Gold along with the required hardware and the Chinese sent 5 observers. Thank you Thailand, I suppose you wanted us to give them to you. You should of asked: the US government is nuts.blink.png Oh, by the way, kudos on straightening out the lottery fiasco......gigglem.gif

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