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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. Another one looses everything. When are the old men going to wake up?

    smile.png Some 'old men' are amazed that they are not put out with the trash like they are back home. Job worth, women, and respect are lost when you hit 40, let alone 70. Old dudes chase attractive, loose (not to be confused with loose(sp) above, because they can. I am not at all surprised that a woman took a cheap shot at the poor 'old men'. Ponce De Leon roamed around Florida looking for the 'fountain of youth' and thought he found it in a central Florida spring. I found it in Pattaya town and still have some money left. Eat your heart out giggle.gif jealous western women.cheesy.gif

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  2. If Thailand threw out all foreigners who had a criminal record somewhere the departures lounge at BKK would be full to bursting.

    Personally I'm more bothered about the numerous scam artists allowed to live here running boiler-shops or becoming "financial advisers" and estate agents.

    Amen to financial advisers. Why would someone hand over hard earned money to relative strangers (Thai word 'farang') Answer=greed and stupidity.

  3. Its further evidence that IS has now turned on Jordan. It was inevitable as Jordan is not seen as legitimate. Stay in the coalition; leave the coalition? It doesn't matter- they are still aiming at Amman shortly. Evidence of the lack of legitimacy IS extends to Amman can be gleaned from their having killed the pilot without even a valid pretense to negotiation. They have no intention of extending to Abdullah legitimacy. They want to fracture the delicate tribal balance that enables the Hashemite's last line of power. Abdullah's days may be numbered as a Monarch but he is no pushover. He is smart, savvy, and he is exceptionally well trained in insurgency and special operations, personally. It is unclear if he realizes his patron, the USA, will shortly throw him under the bus.

    Let me guess~ Tom Clancy was your favorite author?

    Sorry, I don't do fiction.

    Arj, I simply don't understand your 'USA, under the bus statement'. Are you just another jerk taking a cheap shot at America? Hey, I simply don't see any other superpower spending massive amounts of money to help other countries who can't help themselves and sending military everywhere to take on tyrants. What great country are you from and what the hell is it doing? Jealousy, envy and simple embarrassment of ones own country makes you want to take cheap shots. BTW, did you serve in your country's military? I didn't think so. JAW (Just Another <deleted>)

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  4. So, the 'scummy foreigner' will no longer be required to step up and take care of families where the Thai male has done a runner? How about the 'scummy' money the people love from expats? Don't need, going back to the farm to work............Wait, the farms are mechanized so there is no work there JJ.

    if it gets rid of the majority of sex tourists looking for a girlfriend or wife. Gee Whiz! They might have to make an effort learn Thai and date a normal Thai woman. Problem is mom and dad would take one look at scummy foreigner and toss his butt out the door. The majority of sex tourists need to go including the expats. It would improve things greatly for the Thais. The girls would have to get a real job.

    This should be Interesting....

    As for those involved in child prostitution I agree 100% these people should be targeted and thrown in jail for a long period of time. As for adults just look at when they do raids on Beach Road, your nicked just pay 100Bt and on your way. Anyway we all know that most if not all these venues pay the police off so they can do business.Oh well another blow to tourism even if you do not agree with this type of business.

  5. coffee1.gif Security is everywhere in Thailand, even in the smallest bar. I pay monthly for security that does little in my village. If Thailand wants the 'security' of a superpower showing off on its turf they should pay for it. They should pay for billeting US personnel attending military 'teaching' exercises and give back to the US citizen living here free visas. As they say in Thailand "you have to pay!" If the US has learned anything in past military conflicts, it is, the deadbeats you fight for will not pay you back for your services.facepalm.gif 'Yankee, go home'.wai2.gif

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  6. The US never fail to stick there noses in other countries affairs. They should have denied him entry in to the Kingdom.

    ... As well as telling the US where they can stick their trade and defence pact. Great idea.

    You do realise that whether anyone likes it or not, Thailand needs the US more than the US needs Thailand?

    coffee1.gif The USA should keep their military and foreign aid home. Let other countries eat cakeclap2.gifwai2.gif

  7. "He did not come to see me because they know where I come from," Prayut told reporters.

    This guy is so totally full of himself. Look up Vanity in the dictionary.

    noun, plural vanities.

    1. PRAYUT's excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit:
    Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity.

    coffee1.gif I looked up 'vanity' in my American-Thai dictionary and there was simply a photo of Prayut.clap2.gif

  8. blink.png translation pleasefacepalm.gif

    English girls and boys me feel love to try exotic races for pleasure and I see many of them like to get smashed before the session so the drugs may be in relation to the hunt for pleasure in the hotel room, if they could learn to enjoy without drugs and alcohol be safer for them but sometimes I feel they dont want it but they do want it and so they may be confused peoples

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  9. So without having any clue about what happened we have now deduced the bar staff/owner added to the bill which is why he refused to pay.

    The only reasonable post here so far is number 5, better wait with any judgement till we have the full story.

    Agreed. The irony is that he will now have a hefty hospital bill if he is to remain there for 7 days.

    Exactly he will now have a hefty hospital bill so what is the point in argueing about a few baht your on a loser in thailand doing that as you know which side the police are going to believe also who is to say the bill was overinflated this sub human species stark must have thought he was ironman ! sorry for the pun ! but he had been drinking where as the restraunt worker was not, so the odds are the sub human species got it wrong, who do you think the police are going to believe , the inebriated sub species or a restraunt worker who has nothing to gain from this exept losing his job for not asking the sub species to pay?

    drunk posting should not be allowed

  10. coffee1.gif Yes, I too share your profession. 30,000 responses, appx, and this is not likely to be as reported.sad.png

    I responded to thousands of medical aids as a firefighter/fire chief/paramedic supervisor, and I new saw anyone with more than minor head injuries from a fall in a dwelling. However, I did see a lot of major head trauma that those around the person wanted to blame on a fall!!!

  11. One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

    I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

    Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

    Thirty years US firefighter/medic. I say 'not likely'. RIP, and may your family find real closure.sad.png

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