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Posts posted by moto77

  1. Jingthing's perspective on this topic is invaluable because gay men are just not into ladyboys.

    Some gay men are--CLEARLY--into gay transvestites or transexuals. Ladyboys are not females.

    Let's remember our science class:

    Female - a person bearing two X chromosomes. I'm fairly sure that definition has not changed.

    Homosexuality - romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same gender.

    Not wanting to admit that you are gay does not make you straight.


    Let's just skip 200 pages and go back to the start then..... have you learnt nothing at all?

    Have you learnt nothing at all?

  2. It's determined by which gender YOU are attracted to, regardless of THAT PERSON'S internal sexual identity. If a ladyboy things he is a female, fine. But if you are attracted to Arnold Schwarzenegger in a dress and heels, you're gay, it doesn't matter why Arnie is in the dress.

    If you find this attractive you are more likely into cross-dressing.

    No, if you find your wife dressed as a man sexually attractive you are into cross dressing.

    If you find Arnold sexually attractive--in whatever state of dress--you are gay (or bi...)

  3. Ladyboys are men pretending to be women.

    Anybody man who pays good money to have breasts implanted in his chest and applies makeup, wears stilettos , carries a handbag, pays excessive amounts for clothes , and makeup and accessories on a daily basis for years, has in my mind , exceeded the notion of pretence and and deserves a pat on the back for commitment .

    Many women do exactly this too!

    But they started out as women.

    • Like 1
  4. An effeminate gay man is not a ladyboy. Transgender people FEEL that inside they were born in the wrong sex. Gay males no matter if masculine of effeminate, think they were born in the right sex. There are also very effeminate straight men. I knew one once who was a big star in a transvestite cabaret. Straight as an arrow in the bed, wife and many kids.

    So? A man who dresses as a woman for work--or really any other reason--is not GAY if he is not attracted to MEN.

    Yes I agree. Maybe a bad example. My point was being effeminate doesn't mean you're gay and doesn't mean you're a ladyboy. That is determined by your INTERNAL sexual identity.

    It's determined by which gender YOU are attracted to, regardless of THAT PERSON'S internal sexual identity. If a ladyboy things he is a female, fine. But if you are attracted to Arnold Schwarzenegger in a dress and heels, you're gay, it doesn't matter why Arnie is in the dress.

  5. An effeminate gay man is not a ladyboy. Transgender people FEEL that inside they were born in the wrong sex. Gay males no matter if masculine of effeminate, think they were born in the right sex. There are also very effeminate straight men. I knew one once who was a big star in a transvestite cabaret. Straight as an arrow in the bed, wife and many kids.

    So? A man who dresses as a woman for work--or really any other reason--is not GAY if he is not attracted to MEN.

    Performed sexuality and gender are closely related, but it doesn't have to follow a standard pattern. This person for example could be asexual, a "lesbian" man i.e. into women, or what not.

    Sure, but my statement stands. He is not GAY if he is not attracted to MEN.

  6. An effeminate gay man is not a ladyboy. Transgender people FEEL that inside they were born in the wrong sex. Gay males no matter if masculine of effeminate, think they were born in the right sex. There are also very effeminate straight men. I knew one once who was a big star in a transvestite cabaret. Straight as an arrow in the bed, wife and many kids.

    So? A man who dresses as a woman for work--or really any other reason--is not GAY if he is not attracted to MEN.

  7. On the topic of attraction, this was quite a popular picture during the Olympics.


    According to many in this topic, if you find the top one attractive you're straight. If you find the bottom one attractive you're gay/homo/bi/deviant.

    I dont find either attractive. If I know its a man, I have no urges what so ever.

    And THAT is called heterosexual.

  8. On the topic of attraction, this was quite a popular picture during the Olympics.


    According to many in this topic, if you find the top one attractive you're straight. If you find the bottom one attractive you're gay/homo/bi/deviant.

    ****Assuming you are talking about SEXUAL attraction***

    No, you're gay in both cases.

  9. What gives me hope and brings a smile to my face, is seeing the open mindedness of some whenever this topic appears . Those willing to step beyond the constraints of fear and single mindedness and look for what is possible . What saddens me is ,......well, the rest.

    Not many people are being closed minded. We are saying accept yourself as you are, don't try to say you are not gay when you are gay. Being gay is OK!

    Just to clarify,...are you suggesting that anyone who has had an encounter with a Ladybro,....is gay ?,....and that , of course , is OK ! ?

    I suppose you would call them "bi-curious". Which is--of course--OK!

    Ongoing encounters with lady boys exclusively would be gay, yes. Ongoing encounters with ladyboys and females would be bi-sexual. Both also OK.

    (Unless they REALLY didn't know, and were somehow duped. I think that's a relatively small number, however.)

  10. What gives me hope and brings a smile to my face, is seeing the open mindedness of some whenever this topic appears . Those willing to step beyond the constraints of fear and single mindedness and look for what is possible . What saddens me is ,......well, the rest.

    Not many people are being closed minded. We are saying accept yourself as you are, don't try to say you are not gay when you are gay. Being gay is OK!

  11. Jingthing's perspective on this topic is invaluable because gay men are just not into ladyboys.

    Some gay men are--CLEARLY--into gay transvestites or transexuals. Ladyboys are not females.

    Let's remember our science class:

    Female - a person bearing two X chromosomes. I'm fairly sure that definition has not changed.

    Homosexuality - romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same gender.

    Not wanting to admit that you are gay does not make you straight.

    • Y chromosome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cached
      Block all en.wikipedia.org results 2.4.1 High mutation rate; 2.4.2 Inefficient selection; 2.4.3 Genetic drift ... Males haveone Y chromosome and one X chromosome, while females have ... Among humans, some men have two Xs and a Y ("XXY", see Klinefelter's syndrome), or one X .... When errors occur, it can use other parts of itself as a template to correct ...

    • Now was your science class comprehensive in its teaching or just the basics??????????

    We're not talking about attraction to people with genetic mutations (most of which result in some degree of mental retardation) or people with birth defects. This is a silly point. We are talking about XX and XY. Ladyboys are generally not XXYs in any event they are XY males.

  12. I think it comes down to whatever makes any individual happy with their preference, why stick a label on it.

    I totally agree with you for the purposes of one's happiness, who cares? But we do have the scientific labels and they are what they are:

    Homosexual means attraction to someone with the same chromosome pair as you have--hence the term "homo-".

    Heterosexual means attraction to someone with a different chromosome pair than you have--hence the term "hetero-".

    Bisexual means attraction to both, you guessed it--hence the term "bi-".

  13. Jingthing's perspective on this topic is invaluable because gay men are just not into ladyboys.

    Some gay men are--CLEARLY--into gay transvestites or transexuals. Ladyboys are not females.

    Let's remember our science class:

    Female - a person bearing two X chromosomes. I'm fairly sure that definition has not changed.

    Homosexuality - romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same gender.

    Not wanting to admit that you are gay does not make you straight.

    • Like 1
  14. Waivers of Ineligibility

    • Nonimmigrant Visas:
      The INA provides for waivers of ineligibility for visas and inadmissibility to the US for most nonimmigrant visa classifications. The statute confers upon consular officers and the Secretary of State the important discretionary function of recommending waivers of ineligibility to DHS which has sole authority for granting or denying waivers. If a waiver is not recommended to DHS, a waiver may not be granted and the nonimmigrant visa sought may not be issued.
      In deciding whether or not to recommend a waiver, consular officers are instructed to consider the following factors, amongst others;

      • The recency and seriousness of the activity or condition resulting in the alien’s inadmissibility;
      • The reasons for the proposed travel to the US; and
      • Any effect, positive or negative, of the planned travel on US public interests.

  15. This seems like a completely fair outcome. The Egyptian was being a jerk. He didn't deserve to be punched, but it does seem that he provoked the incident. I don't understand why so many people in this forum continue to stay in Thailand when they seem to hate everything about it.

    I do not hate Thailand, but i do hate Phuket Tuk Tuks so i do not live in Phuketthumbsup.gif

    And how do you arrive at conclusion that people hate Thailand when they do not agree with Tuk Tuk behavior in Phuket?

    I'm not defending what the driver did. I'm defending the sentence that was handed down. Some people here complain about every single thing the government (and nearly everyone else in this country) does.. that's why I come to that conclusion.

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