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Posts posted by FalangBaa

  1. You can't afford to live in Bangkok. I advise that you stay in cheap Chiang Mai, because if you want a nice "serviced apartment" in BKK, it will set you back at least 40,000 a month. What are these "serviced apartments" for 25k in central BKK that people are talking about? I think that only gets you a fairly standard, 1-bedroom self-service apartment, or if it's in a brand-new building it will be the size of a rabbit hutch.

    Sorry, but I have found several serviced apartments in downtown BKK that are well below 20k. Yes they are single bedrooms the size of a hotel room, but I live alone so I don't have the problem of space.

    I pay 14k for a fully serviced apartment in central BKK. I've been living here for nearly a year and have no complaints whatsoever. Compared to the previous places I've stayed in this is seriously the best deal I have come across. Here's a link potential future flatmates: http://www.libplace.com/EN/index.html

    Not impressed at all by the photos! It looks extremely spartan and uncomfortable (virtually unfurnished), almost as I would imagine a prison cell to be like. Plus, the area is very bad and far from tourist areas. Enjoy your 14k a month stay in prison!

  2. You can't afford to live in Bangkok. I advise that you stay in cheap Chiang Mai, because if you want a nice "serviced apartment" in BKK, it will set you back at least 40,000 a month. What are these "serviced apartments" for 25k in central BKK that people are talking about? I think that only gets you a fairly standard, 1-bedroom self-service apartment, or if it's in a brand-new building it will be the size of a rabbit hutch.

  3. If you go to any expat bar in Bangkok, they are completely full of drones - by which I mean "worker drones", boring English teachers droning on about every subject under the sun as if they were an authority, whereas in reality they know absolutely nothing. They are the kind of people who would never be able to get a teaching job in their own country, but to be an English teacher in Thailand the main hiring criterion is being able to speak English. They make a 200 baht drink last a fairly long time, because each drink represents 1% of their monthly salary.

    • Like 1
  4. Jermyn Street in London, or Savile Row. Most farangs in Bangkok dress in a ghastly fashion these days. I have been looking for a shop that sells top hats and tails but I have drawn a complete blank all over Bangkok. It seems that the horrid fashion item known as the "tee-shirt" has become the clothing of choice among expatriates in Thailand these days. There are very few gentlemen of distinction left.

  5. Another murder, and the police either moved the evidence (look how neatly the things are arranged on the bed) or staged the entire scene, or the perpetrator (not police) staged it. This is NOT a suicide or a heart attack. Welcome to the land of FAKE smiles. The only time the smile is genuine is when you open your wallet to hand over your money or credit card. This bears all the classic hallmarks of a ladyboy attack. Their weapon of choice is the combination of strong sleeping pills (benzos) and alcohol.

  6. Seriously dude, do yourself a favor and GET A LIFE!! I'm paying 600 now for a hotel. You don't seem to know much about Thailand apparantly. As for your personal criticism the fact you're criticising random people you don't even know on Internet forums shows what a miserable existence you must have. I feel sorry for you.

    What makes you think I'm a teacher? Were you drunk when writing this and confusing me with someone else?

    I have a life. That's why I don't need to pay 600 baht for a hotel. I don't know much about Thailand. I've only been living here for 7 years, which is nothing compared to some guys who've been here for 30. I'm not criticizing at random. (DELETED) My existence is far from miserable, and I don't drink alcohol. I think I've answered all your points. Apologies if I missed anything.

    So you think all the thousands of people who stay each year at my 600 baht hotel don't have lives ? And guess what I just found another 600 baht hotel across the street which has brand new rooms. Aircon, huge window, private bath, wifi, 10 minute walk to BTS. You are clueless, dude, so next time just don't waste people's time with your arrogant and utterly stupid posts. Thank you.

    Well, congratulations to you. Enjoy your luxury lifestyle in your 600 baht hotel that has (gasp!) both a window and a bathroom that isn't shared with 10 other people. Admit it, you're an English teacher - one of those without any formal qualifications.

  7. RIP. But it seemes to me farangs die too often in Thailand

    They only die once! But too many die.

    That entirely depends on whether you believe in "only one life" or in infinite reincarnation as the Thai Buddhists do. Personally I think we will be born again, perhaps not as a human. There is only one infinite consciousness in the universe that cannot be destroyed, just as matter itself cannot be created or destroyed.

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  8. I recommend you adopt a healthy lifestyle and do what I do. Refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Exercise at least 2 hours every day. Become vegetarian or vegan, or at least cut down on meat. Buy your foods in health stores. Then if you do all these things, you won't need any health insurance.

  9. I'm afraid if you're from Wigan you need to apply for a visa before arriving in Thailand. It's one of those parts of the world with a bit of a reputation. ;-)

  10. This is a worrying fall for Bangkok! It's normally ranked no. 1 in the world for the past decade. Instant drop of 18 places on the list... What on earth happened? Did people realize it's a chaotic, stinking, dirty, dangerous, noisy place full of people who don't really like foreigners but are happy to try to scam them at every opportunity?

    Utter nonsense. if you are being scammed at every turn, I might suggest you are visiting the wrong places. Stay away from tourist traps because you will get scammed in every city in the world there. Stay away from establishments catering to Westerners because you are asking to be a sucker. Stay away from the sex trade because scamming is what they do. If you live in a nice residential area you will not get scammed everyday. Years in BKK and the worst that has happened to me is 1) paying too much for a Tuk Tuk ride but it was hot and I was lost. 2) having someone over weigh a Dragon fruit and charge me an extra 20 baht.

    More often than not, local Thais will always make the correct change and in several cases I have had them chase after me when I gave them an amount that I thought was correct and walked away but change was owed. You are really a cynical, old expat apparently who came to BKK to live as a Westerner. if you hate it here so much...why are you staying ?

    Fine, keep looking through your rose-tinted glasses at Bangkok if that's how you justify living there. I see it for what it is: A dirty, smelly, sweltering hot, poverty-riddled, completely unplanned, chaotic Third World city that increasingly charges First World prices. At least a couple of decades ago it was a Third World city that charged Third World prices. If I'm paying 1,000 baht for a buffet dinner, I prefer not to gaze the window of my 5-star hotel and see legless beggars crawling along the streets among rats the size of a small dog, surrounded by dozens of prostitutes selling their wares, and dozens of street stalls selling sex toys, fake sex drugs, knives, porn DVDs and ninja throwing stars. You see all these and much worse every single evening in Bangkok. Any civilized city (in Europe or Asia) would ban such things because it has to be concerned about its image and the rule of law. The hallmark of Third World cities is that such illegal activities are allowed to go unchecked on in full view. Bangkok, for all its shiny outer packaging in some areas, is still very much a Third World city.

  11. Your avatar picture and your username are both backwards. You probably don't even realize that. I'd say you shouldn't even get on a bicycle if you're stone-cold sober. Besides, riding a bicycle in Pattaya could be classified as suicidal tendencies at the best of times.

  12. So you already bought them illegally in Cambodia without a valid prescription, and you're asking where you can get hold of a fake prescription for your illegal drugs? You're just digging yourself into a deeper hole in the unlikely event that the UK Customs would search your bags and find your illegal prescription drugs being carried without a prescription. Do you think the UK Customs are stupid enough to not know that your "bit of paper" is not a real prescription? On the other hand, I've never heard of a British citizen's bags being searched on returning to their own country, unless you have some other object inside your suitcase that is going to attract attention. Pills are not going to show up on any scanner. Do you happen to look like a very dodgy character? I think you're fretting too much about nothing. The chances of being stopped for bringing in 30 pills of anything into the UK are virtually zero.

  13. It's almost impossible for a male to catch HIV while having unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female.

    But he can easily catch gonorrhea, hepatitis or chlamydia with unprotected sex,

    Or herpes with protected sex.

    "Almost impossible?" What are you talking about? It's very possible! It's like playing Russian roulette. The fastest growing type of HIV infection in the world is heterosexual sex, not gay sex. Why would anyone want to have sex with a prostitute without a condom? It's like getting down on your knees in the Bangkok street and drinking water from a smelly puddle. You're going to get infected with something and get sick eventually, even if you don't get sick the first time. You are so foolish to be spreading this misinformation here about HIV transmission. Would you like to share your scientific references that show it's "almost impossible" for a male to catch HIV from unprotected sex with an HIV+ female? Are you smoking some kind of drugs? The actual fact is the opposite of what you say. HIV infection from unprotected heterosexual sex is nowadays the MOST COMMON way that HIV spreads worldwide.


    "Since doctors first reported the outbreak of a mysterious new disease in 1981, an estimated 900,000 Americans have been diagnosed with AIDS. Nearly half of them were men who had sex with other men, 27 percent were IV-drug users, and another 7 percent were both. But the politically incorrect truth is rarely spoken out loud: The dreaded heterosexual epidemic never happened.

    Straight men and women make up 90 percent of the population, but they account for only 15 percent of non-childhood AIDS cases. Only 6 percent of men with AIDS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, contracted the virus from straight sex. And even that figure doesn't hold up to a closer look. Several studies now suggest that most men who claim they got the virus this way are lying. They got it from sex with other men or sharing needles with addicts. Those studies also show that many women listed in the straight-sex category are either IV-drug users themselves or have likely contracted AIDS from sex with an IV drug user.

    Health officials have known these things for years. A growing pile of federally funded reports on HIV transmission, published over the past decade and available to anyone who has the time to read them, shows that men almost never get HIV from women. In fact, according to a 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a disease-free man who has an unprotected one-nighter with a drug-free woman stands a one in 5 million chance of getting HIV. If he wears a condom, it’s one in 50 million. He’s more likely to be struck by lightning (one in 7000,000).

    Female to male transmission is very inefficient, says Dr. Nancy Padian a professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at the University of California, San Francisco and the author of a 1996 10 year study of HIV infected heterosexual couples, the nation's longest and largest. She points out that “its two to three times easier for men to infect women.” But even so, if there are no other risk factors involved, the rate at which an infected man will transmit the virus to a woman is one in 1,100 sex acts."

    I've been having regular unprotected sex with 'high risk' females for 6 years in Thailand, caught nothing so far.

    (Not so much these days, age 60 and losing interest in sex workers)

    One of my pals estimates having sex with more than 400 prostitutes over the last 4 years, he's caught nothing so far.

    (We are both regularly tested for almost everything)

    What rubbish.

  14. Thanks for the topic and helping people to gain morre knowledge

    I have a question, thx girls in soapy massage aka brothel are they safer than street hookers?

    1- Do they get tested like their brothel claim or its just bullshit

    2- And if customer didnt want to use a condom ,will they accept ?

    3- And if they were infected ,do they use their meds to reduce the viral load so she doesnt spread hiv and be healthier ?

    It's almost impossible for a male to catch HIV while having unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female.

    But he can easily catch gonorrhea, hepatitis or chlamydia with unprotected sex,

    Or herpes with protected sex.

    "Almost impossible?" What are you talking about? It's very possible! It's like playing Russian roulette. The fastest growing type of HIV infection in the world is heterosexual sex, not gay sex. Why would anyone want to have sex with a prostitute without a condom? It's like getting down on your knees in the Bangkok street and drinking water from a smelly puddle. You're going to get infected with something and get sick eventually, even if you don't get sick the first time. You are so foolish to be spreading this misinformation here about HIV transmission. Would you like to share your scientific references that show it's "almost impossible" for a male to catch HIV from unprotected sex with an HIV+ female? Are you smoking some kind of drugs? The actual fact is the opposite of what you say. HIV infection from unprotected heterosexual sex is nowadays the MOST COMMON way that HIV spreads worldwide.

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