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Posts posted by tingtongtourist

  1. 19 hours ago, William T said:

    " had a fractured eye socket, probably from a punch. " And probably could have been from a stomping.


    We will soon know the truth when American  does the re-enactment . If he shows himself stomping then that settles it but if he does not show any stomping then it was just accidental death from one punch. End of story.


    Anyone hazard  a guess as to what it will be?

    you think if he did stomp on the aussie that this guy is so honest hes gonna admit it by doing it in the reenactment?

    hmm i know guys like this have a low IQ but...

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, ttrd said:

    Of course not - he cannot make Reference to an Income which require him to be back in Australia and work....


    It is as well stated in the article that he is running out of Money which confirm that he didnt have 800k/thb in a bank acount.


    So, he did NOT qualify for neither of the 2 options (800h/thb in bank or 65k/thb Income).....

    You would think a good working class Aussie guys working for many years with family, (and wife probably working), would have savings and does not have to live from week to week?

    maybe we soon see him on go-fund me or one of these other lovely e-begging sites.


    dont think people will be quite so generous with this character as they was with Graham Briar tho


  3. 18 minutes ago, Donotdisturb said:

    I also always like the term "normal people".

    I see the point you make but these types join a biker gang, criminal history beating people up, tatoos all over 


    I think they themselves have made a statement they dont want to be in normal society.

    i hear many business in Australia still conservative and not hire people with many  tatts.

    so guys like this has really made himself unemployable from the start dont you think?


    that he work in a fertilizer factory, an nice way of saying he sorts through shit and

    behind closed doors.

    says it all really.

    but i find it hard to believe anyway that he does this job instead of getting money the easy way


  4. 11 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    People are getting way off topic, just banging on about this guy being covered in tatts.


    The bottom line is, his visa wasn't cancelled because he has tatts, it was cancelled because 

    of his affiliation with an outlaw motorcycle club. The Feds will more than likely  have a file on

    this guy.


    Also, he would've known this was on the cards before leaving the country.

    When considering cancelling a visa on character grounds, the visa holder

    is sent a letter by Immigration basically saying they're  considering

    cancelling your visa due to character concerns.


    They then ask for you to reply and give reasons why it should not be cancelled.

    Family ties etc etc.


    Once they have all of that information, they will then make a decision.

    Once Lawrence left the country, it was a no brainer to cancel the via whilst

    he was outside of Australia. Assuming they were going to cancel it.


    Lawrence would've been sent a letter advising of his cancellation. I'm guessing

    his wife would've opened it and phoned him up to let him know.


    TBH, he shouldn't have been surprised as he's not the Lone Ranger when it comes

    to bikies having their PR cancelled.


    Will now have to wait and see how his appeal goes.

    what you say is reasonable but i think you give the guy to much credit.

    Criminals are usually dumb because they failed at a making a normal life.


    even they proudly advertise the fact by the presence of tatts from head to toe.


    This guy is obviously dumb and arrogant and probably didnt even think of the possibility of this happening.


    but it is funny

    this big tough guy now becomes shirley temple and whining about being shafted.


    haha. suck it up tough guy


    working in a fertilizer factory hey?

    yes lol he does sound quite good at spinning BS

    good riddance from australia yes

    but the bad part is we have him now in Thailand.

    hopefully he will stay in Pattaya with Sharkey and his inkhead mates


  5. 7 minutes ago, Jingjock said:

    Met many here retired early living on next to nothing, he's had the best part of his life in the warm cheap country. I agree with the other post, go back home that is the long term requirement

    there is no way that guy is getting on a plane even if he could affort a ticket


    any case he would have to buy 2 seats or go 1st class as normal seat would not fit him


    like many, he should have seen the writing on the wall first and take action before a disaster happen.


    but no, he is the one who will  ignore warnings and did let himself go for to long, an you can say that in 2 ways

  6. 5 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    It sounds like he dug a hole and fell into it, so is now begging.

    But what has that to do with whether he drinks and smokes?


    This question was a typical response you hear back home.

    In my home country, if the doctors know you are a chronic alcoholic, or smoker and are other patients on a waiting list, they give you little or no help, since the thinking is

    "well you did this to yourself"


    sad to say about this guy, but what is the difference if what you choose to put in your mouth contribute to a faster death?


    If choose not to smoke or drink then society accept you ok.

    but come on, to get this huge this guy must be eating 2 bbq chickens for breakfast topped off with a tub of deepfried bannana.


    its just self control really i think the other words are greed and gluttony?


    sorry but my opinion, hugely obese people should be treated the same as they do alcoholics and smokers

    • Like 1
  7. the good girls do all of that..and more.

    only things is they actually cost you more in the long-run because they expect a higher quality of life. (wanting bikes, cars, expensive holidays and so on)


    also the good girls is way WAY smarter than your average farang

    they can convince him to buy a house all in her name which he will walk away from in a few years!

    • Like 1
  8. welcome to another 30 page thread of speculation and whining about how they dont want us here.


    <deleted>, must laugh about the guys who believe Isaan woman can put some spell on a farang.

    well maybe is true, they moan and groan so much about eveything Thai does to the farang

    but still never wanna leave!


    but in fact they will do anything, probably even kill..to stay in the kingdom

    go figure

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    It's called due diligence, YOU pick the other shareholders and as Managing Director you can add and remove them at will 

    Posters love to come here and pontificate on subjects that they have absolutely no knowledge of, other than what they read at Thai  Visa


    Then there would not be the system in place


    citation please 

    many threads here you will read about a lawyer who drafts fake paperwork.

    Also some lawyer start this scheme with other directors who dont even exist.


    In any case its a loaded dice.

    you are skirting the law and when there is trouble or you get scammed you will loose ALL your money/assets.

    up to you 


    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Because they have reporters on location in Pattaya; because they came interrogate people at the bar and at nearby bars; because they show videos of the Policemen interviews; because the clearly indicate the name of the Police officer when they quote him; etc...

    what? they have sitting journos just waiting around in Pattaya for news about sexpats and bar room brawls??


  11. 2 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Part of the misinformation campaign organised by the friends of the murderer ?

    9News in Australia mentioned they received strong pressure to change the (true) story they published.

    and what/who was the source of this "true"  report from 9news Australia? 


    Strange that some people, especially from Australia..will think news must be true because it come from their country.


    9news would also being rely on 2nd or 3rd person info from Thai at the bar or some tourist.

    no better or accurate than we already heard actually

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    That is why a company is never set up with only two owners, always a minimum of three , 49% for one, and 51% divided between the other two (who usually don't know each other), therefore the 49% owner will always have a majority, not really rocket science but good business practice

    and how do you know the three other peoples is not lawyers wife, sister and daughter?


    no thanks, at least with condo, you can own and get something back when you sell, although will never be a good market for a seller here i think.


    when in Thailand and think of 



    things that fly



    if you start to doubt it..give yourself a punch in the head.


    P.S. but if you consider to rent a jet ski also give yourself a uppercut!


  13. 12 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    My opinion is that some guys are just callous unfeeling   ----------- If a woman (Thai or otherwise) has been with you, taken care of you , comforted you and been your companion  for years when you die you figure your dead don't care what happens to her now. Unlike the US and other countries the girl or wife would not have a pension or social security to provide for her in old age. 

    Farang 78 in my village passed away , left his Thai wife (64) with no pension or insurance. She has only a home worth about 6 million baht that she has put up for sale as she has no income to live on. That is a damn shame. One should care how a supposed love one is going to survive after your gone. Think as she is older too that she can just find another guy to support her?   If my wife were to screw me over I could divorce and get hopefully half of sale of house and property we own if not I could walk away with my US pension and she would have property but no income. If things stay fine when I die she gets the properties and 70 percent of my pension.

    actually that lady should be set up for life.


    she most probably sell that house and go live with family or build on family land, Thai style house for 500k.


    but yes, if i know a Thai lady, she give money to family, live a high life and burn all that before 6 months


    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, impulse said:


    That comment about not flipping off crazies was aimed at the guy I was replying to, and not in reference to the OP.   He was pleased that he got off a couple of one finger salutes. 


    I'd have just let it go.  It's not as if a belligerent drunk is going to recall being humbled by the finger the next day anyway.  But I remember every trip I've ever made to the hospital.  Fortunately, never for flipping off a bunch of drunks.


    ok understood sorry.


    I also agreed with your viewpoint. 

    If it been a group of Thai guys he did it to i dont think he would have been walking away so good.


    Guys who been here a while  you think about self preservation.

    i dont know what goes through these other guys heads tho?

    it must be a special kind of stupid.


    just a first thought of.....

    dealing with police, possible hospital term, long term injury, possible charges and jail sentance, big money payout, deported for 100 years..on and on 

    for what?


  15. 4 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Funny that one of the top guys in the world in BJJ says the only defense against an attack by a mob is to run like hell.  There is no martial art (except in the movies) that can defend against a mob.  And I'd characterize 5 drunks out looking for trouble as a mob- especially if they're so eager to get in someone's face.  You go ahead and risk it.  It's your life. 


    Me, I'll run like a little girl.  Or better yet, not antagonize a bunch of proven crazies in the first place.


    Very good point about the mob attack.


    to many wannabe movie watchers here who wanna be heroes.


    BTW from the story it dont sound like the guy 'antagonized' the crazies. 

    It says he was messing with a girl at the bar and the yank stepped in.


    ill bet he probably blindsided him and the Aussie had no chance to recover.



    i also find very weird why people want to debate about laws and charges these guy should get?

    debating western laws from a western viewpoint mean absolutely Jacksht here.


    if they got big money the judge will make a big thing about how ge turns himself in.


    then we wont hear a thing. 

    just like the Aussie that ran over the Thai guy abd chased him with the machette.

    what happened to him?

    some news guys here really should do follow up on these stories but never heard of again

  16. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    If there was drinking alcohol involved, then it's a drug-related crime (along with whatever else types of crime).


    The media is so quick to label crimes "Drug-Related" if there happens to be speed or heroin involved, but never calls it drug-related if the people are drunk.  Alcohol is a drug, plain and simple.  It's also the most harmful drug on the planet.

    I do agree but i think the only reason alcohol is the most dangerous because it is legal and cheap (here in LOS anyway)

    as such, these geezers can pretty much have as much as they want without regulation and no barman here will say "you had enough"

    if you got monkey they serve you all night

    not like other countries


    Yes, you would think long term acohol abuse must cause mental illness.

    but if other drugs were legal and people could get them anywhere and cheap many would be a lot worse.


  17. 16 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Coming to Thailand, and beating the shit out of, or in this case appearently killing, another person. Yeah, that´s exactly why the policy "Good Guys in, and Bad Guys out" exists.
    However, theese persons are probably going to be welcome to stay in a free facility in Thailand without 90-day report for a very long time. Congratulations!


    Why in the world does Thailand attract so many individuals with non existing brain function?

    May be because a guy with no brain function are the rejects of society and usually not have success in life so cannot afford places like south France and Bahammas

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

    If she came from Issan she ate Garbage!




    rotten fermented fish

    rotten crab soaking in a barrel of some rancid liquid

    horrible salted frogs


    bugs like a cockroach


    and all manner of assorted green grassy shit that not even the field critters will touch


    i must agree. might not be garbage out of the bin but still gargbage!


    • Like 1
  19. 13 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

          The viet guy telling me this is a medical doctor.  What a person believes and how smart they are doesn't really correlate much.  

           However, your explanation is plausible also.   LOL.  ROFL.   

    i hear you.

    just got to look around these pages.lol


    theres an army of former CEOs, SAS guys, business men, educated folk,

    guys who owned and ran all manner of businesses.

    all duped into handing over life savings, buying free houses for..

    err....the woman with the mentality and education equal to someone who couldnt finish secondry school. lol


  20. 12 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

         OMG!   Just before I left for Thailand a viet friend of many years well educated in the west and lives in St. Paul MN called me on the phone and pleaded with me for over an hour about Thai witches.  How they cast spells on men and they are all old and ugly but they man can not see it.  And they use the spells and powers to do strange things and rob the man of his soul.  He was as dead serious as if he were reading from a medical textbook.  

          Freaked the shit out of me.  On the other hand now that I have been here awhile perhaps......  I have seen things that ...well look at this story and the photos.

    nothing mysterious.

    its called playing the long game.

    firstly, take it that most guys are ruled by the little head and they have not much brains to start with. 

    easy for the Thai to manipulate, as these Thais grow up quickly to become masters of manipulation.


    just the fact that a guy actually does believe in this BS..spells and witches and all the other hocus pocus

    what does that tell you?


    to me it hints that such a guy is mentally challenged to start with.

    easily duped.

    end of

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