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Posts posted by tingtongtourist

  1. 14 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Hard to predict the future, high tech, and stone age seem equally likely to me, but the future has always been unpredictable.

    Let's face it not many Muslim countries are high tech, and that's the way the EU is heading at the moment.


    In 1900 London their big worry for the future was where to keep the horses, and what to do with all the horse pooh.

    30 years later, horses were history.

    In 1970s tomorrows world was predicting starvation, an ice age and personal helicopters, almost 100% wrong.


    Concerns about robots taking all the jobs .............. pointless.

    I think man can deal with most problems as they come along but automation? 

    You say "taking" all the jobs, but its already happen in a big way.

    Australia in the news the other day, shut down the very last car making plant cos (i guess) they dont wanna pay wages and connot compete with automated tech used in other countries.

    Some countries now level a tax on company who uses robot with the funds supposed to go for welfare of unemployed but where you think the money will really go?


    This world really just like one big monopoly game. One player have everything and the game must stop unless the winner cancels debt or gives the others money to continue


    They will realize this one day people will go back to bartering their own produce and services to avoid tax and cutting out the greedy middleman.


    Then they will be crying "no growth" in economies as the rich have no customer to buy the goods


  2. 12 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    No need to worry, the chances of a high tech future are looking increasingly unlikely.

    How do you come up with this theory?


    The multinationals are pushing through the high tech future, and who can stop them?


     The last 20 years has been purely about greed and they being obsessed with cutting out labour and making people work for less.

    (Except for management and directors-of course)

    They have long ago taken over the food production industry and they are branching out into everything they can and axing labour in every industry.


    And our governments stood by to long with the excuse "they are the biggest employer" but this being the big midtake as will soon only be the biggest employer of robots an automation.

  3. 4 minutes ago, GreytMan said:

    You are makin g it up as you go along, aren't you?


    My insurance covers up to 125cc. So your average scooter in Thailand is covered. I also know that someone claimed for a motorbike accident and the claim was paid.

    On the other hand, some cheap and nasty policies have ludicrous exclusions.

    Like Spain not being included in a European policy


    But then when people look for the cheapest of the cheap, they need to read the small print.

    Go with a reputable insurer and they don't quibble on legitimate claims.

    Ridiculous to state that you are throwing money away if you do not need to claim. Are you going to be another GoFundMe candidate if something goes wrong?

    Get yourself a decent policy.


    Actually i have the money to cover anything that happen but i have saved probably millions of baht not to pay insurance while in Thailand. Each to their own tho.

    Good if it work for you and if is a good company thats fine.


    My own country i dont trust. I heard to many bad reports and im not gonna be bothered to fight them if i am already in a bad way.


    One guy told me he pay premiums for nearly 2 years straight they took his money but then he did find out he was only ever being covered for only the first three months.


    They blamed  "human error" from the subcontractor agent but said because they dont deal with that agent anymore could not give his money back

  4. 4 minutes ago, hobz said:

    Yeah,, a good lawyer would be nice.... 

    Clearly a lot of people dont know how it works in Thailand 

    A lawyer is just another expense they will not get back.

    And if Thai court probably will award them 10k baht, case closed and forgotten.


    Cannot get blood from a stone and anyway as far as i know theres no department in the Thai legal system that forces the guilty party to pay.


    My Aussie mate have a good saying for this

    "They are pushing sh!t uphill" trying to get money from a Thai

  5. 19 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:



    I pay a little over 240€ in total for 3.5 months .

    All asian countrys covered.



    21 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:



    I pay a little over 240€ in total for 3.5 months .

    All asian countrys covered.


    I would not pay that anyway not much good if you live here.


    Also if you check fined print you might see nearly every possible cause of any incident in another country is not covered.


    Then next you have problem they will say they wont cover your hospital bill as your hospital is  "not on their list"


    I cant remember detail but someone report on here a while ago, some travel insurance have a big promotion that they cover motorbike, but in the fine print it exclude any bike over 80cc.

    To me it is throwing away money if you dont claim and if you do they will make you crawl through the hot coals of hell to get anything back

    Total scumbags if you ask me  

  6. 55 minutes ago, johncat1 said:

    The hotel is liable because of their neglect and poor ( if any ) maintenance If they have no money they will have to sell the hotel or use it to get a bank loan. If they cannot do that the hotel owner should be jailed.

    The onus should be on the hotel to raise the money not the deceased family

    That will never happen.

    The guy is farang so the attitude of officials is and will always be

    "if he wasnt in Thailand it not happen"


    Instead of any sympathy expect for the attitude of 

    "Look at this rich farang trying to scam money out of the poor Thai"


    You seem to mistake Thailand with western ways..many time here even a people are hurt or even killed through no fault and they get offered something like 5000 baht

  7. 52 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    read my last post on this subject, i said there was more to this story as i have live here 17 years and never came up against this sort of thing anywhere in Thailand maybe the odd Brit getting bashed.

    Im interested to know your theory to explain this in a different way than the article says? 


    Just because you havent seen this in 17 years dont mean much.

    Farangs is finding new ways everyday of being d*ckheads and getting in trouble in Thailand!


    What we know:

    He wasnt staying at the hotel

    Does not say a staff was showing him the room


    So what was he doing? 

    Trying to find a ladyboy who rip him off?


    Some jealous Thai girlfriend throw him off the balcony and its a coverup?

  8. 2 minutes ago, SABloke said:

    There was an interesting post suggesting that perhaps not all the facts were 100% watertight as it were (no name of hotel, somewhere in Thailand etc.) The post also pointed out that the family photos in The Sun were licensed to a publishing company (which is odd for family photos). Anyway, is having the "wrong opinion" or questioning the news against forum rules now as well? :unsure:

    Well many did question the story of the Brit guy who say he got mugged at gunpoint and they what a sham that turn out to be.


    As you say, this is showing many of the same signs

    no location or hotel details, story a week or so old and

    suprise suprisre..GO fund me please sir!


    Yeah right


    And from reading the article, the guy live here and was not a tourist.


    Also notice they always seem to be a small hint, it say he was "cleaning up"


    My guess he was going around a garden or pool area either fix something or cleaning or picking up plastic or something and come accross a live wire

    Also if there are live wires outside at times Thais style of safety is to tie a bunch of plastic bags over it.

    Best to stay away and dont be the hero IMO


  9. All these going on about insurance:


    Nearly impossible anywhere in west to get over 3 months insurance for staying in another country, especially Thai


    If you it will be ridiculous expensive

    If you make a claim they will do everything to not pay. Its one big scam


    Second-these donation website thing you cannot trust.

    at least twice now recently we seen people make up BS to cover over what really happen and mostly all Brit.


    A lot of people here getting in trouble cleaning pool filters or tooling around doing thing they shouldnt be doing as a farang or trying to fix stuff around power and water.

    Just leave it to the Thais


    Sorry for the death of this guy but sorry also i dont believe this live handrail thing for 1 minute

    Dont think we hear the whole story here.


  10. 5 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Please make it public, please. These people deserve some problems. 

    Capt Ekkachai also explained that police cannot pursue any further legal action for intentionally providing misinformation to officials as no written formal complaint had been filed with police.


    Read more at https://www.thephuketnews.com/violent-attack-in-brit-tourist-plea-for-fundraising-exposed-as-fake-64608.php#QmIRIfC1vt8GfDt3.99



    Its all sounded BS from the start.

    Maybe they get a few letters of complaint after this.

    And then name on immigrations list, wait till he enter again and throw his xxx in jail.

    Anothet Sh!t for brains scumbag

  11. 2 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Oh more of the usual b0llocks, do you failures never give up....or did you even marry a Thai lady?

    Christ is it so hard for some people to move on if a relationship doesn't work. I've news for the doubters, relationships all over the world are failing every day, and each day somebody gets over it and moves on....it's life

    Please go spend your time warning people to take care crossing the road......it is much more dangerous than a Thai woman.......unless you are incapable of making a Thai woman feel secure and loved of course :smile:


    I never married..thats why i still got the shirt stuck on my back!


    Maybe a better chance if you find one closer to your age, but many on here clearly expect to be 70+ and get a girl 20-30, and then think its true love and she different.555


    As many here will tell you, Thais dont find much value in this true love

    They like to say "cannot eat love" wich tells it all!


    But good luck with this flowerpot ideas of  romance and true love with Thai lady.


    Many guys think this and are in a dream and surely makes the fleecing processes a lot easier.555




  12. On 10/31/2017 at 7:53 AM, NickJ said:

    Hard to figure most women out. I do know that I have a hard time trusting any of them. Even my current one. I have been with her four years now and never a money issue. I'm back in the US for awhile banking big money. Here five or so months so far. Planning on being there soon for six weeks and she doesn't want me to bring her much at all. Maybe she sees the big picture. The long con. Maybe she is really a good choice. I just have twenty five years of living there full time under my belt and have become very pessimistic towards them.

    I think is sometimes easier to know the Thai lady..they often will display same thinking and many times will actually admit they have other intentions and idea.

    To be very pessimistic towards them, as you say, this is the perfect defense to keep in mind.


    I really laugh when these guys wants to fool themself with this "mine is different" BS.


    Ok if things are going good at the startup  but how many times do you see that guy who say "she different" and good girl and all that?? 

    Only later find out she is actually no good and a real xxxxx

    house gone, car lost, all kind of silly baht been thrown at them and given to family. 

    ALL wasted.


    Valuable Money..YOUR hard earn money that you could use for your retirement..wasted


    But still they cannot be told.

    This same guy will be fleeced by one and will be off and looking for another who will most probably have the exactly same idea.

  13. I never been able to understand this concept of regret really. 

    Doesnt it actually means that you dont like the way things turned out for you?

    Since if you had changed certain things everything now in your life could be very different.


    Many consider themself lucky to retire early in a place like Thailand.

    Dont have to struggle, mortgages, property settlement that crucify the man,

     not have to work like a dog and put up with D'heads and whiners and red tape rules in our own country.


    I done some stupid things (ok maybe many) but i did a few good things also


    One being a very lucky good investment

    And the one time i showed a little kindness to a Thai person in my country when not many would have. Which led to a whole new life.


    Just these 2 things been such a big life changer, and for the better ,

    so no way would i swap all the bad things if if meant to loosing these 2 happenings.


    No, regrets is nonsense and silly business.

    If you dont like something about your life, then go change it or do something different.


    • Thanks 2
  14. On 10/25/2017 at 6:04 AM, EvenSteven said:

    It's not expensive to eat healthy.  Fads - and foods are just one of them - are nothing more than a marketing scheme targeting the flavour of the month club.  This month it's "superfoods", last month it was "non-gluten food", and month before Justin Bieber, ad infinitum.


    Btw, to return to the OP, I don't know why others would want to live on the cheap in what is essentially a third world country.  If it's to get laid, what a price you have to pay.

    Or some other great choice??..

    can be to go back to old country and put up with garbage from morbid looking obese women, who even then will probably think they must reject most guys.


    No thanks i would soon struggle on 25k baht before that but up to you!


  15. 11 hours ago, exemplary21 said:


    Your ex was correct. Having your lights on will definitely use more fuel.


    The first law of thermodynamics says so...

    You and the poster Formaliens must be taking the Pxss or you are really Thai?


    Last bike i had the lights run off a power from a battery, unless they change this somehow.

    I not so good at English either but if people talk about fuel, it usually mean gasoline ?

  16. 3 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    Maybe she buys herself enough Chanel No. 5 so she doesn't notice -- but most everyone else on here likes to say that they have a wife/TGF who loves them for reasons other than money, why not him?


     they always love you for various other reasons, but you still have to HAVE money.


    If you dont believe then tell to them:  " from this day onward our budget is 130baht per day"

    And then see how long she will hang around!


    Me and gf combined, we will easily spend this wopping 130 baht not more than 1 hour after walking out the house and that is before buying essentials.


    So i really calling B.S on this guy if he say he can go one month sticking to a 130bht a day budget.


    A few days maybe a week ok but a month

    Comon, i think many would be jumping of balconies



  17. 27 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:

    many here seem to take issue with only washing clothes 3 times a month (every 10 days). I wash mine every weekend but can easily stretch that to every second weekend if needed.


    Sounds to me like the people that have issue with this "washes clothes 3 times a month" might not be able to afford the clothing to do this 


    Hey , if you have a Thai GF they will insist to handwashing every 3-4 days..

    use a river of water

    50 baht worth of powder mostly all wasted

    20 baht liquid "nam hom"


    But of course if you are like this Op

    you will not afford a Thai GF on expense allowance of 130baht/day


    So must get used to do EVERYTHING with hand, including washing clothes.5555





  18. On 10/26/2017 at 4:38 PM, boomerangutang said:

    People get fined for littering.  There should be fines for countries which pollute. 

    On a side note:  there's a Texas-sized glob of plastic particles & goo, floating in the N.Pacific which is about 2 meters thick.  Arguably 90% of that goop comes from China.  



    Maybe get Kim to drop a bomb on that glob.

    One way of getting rid of it

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