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Posts posted by SOEYCHANLOY

  1. Do take time to sign the petition.

    with pleasure, sing where?

    Could do the same for poor Dale from Ranong killed on order by his lovely wife, he needs justice as well.

    Can someone kick the Canadian authorities where I think?


    I agree with the father's comments about hurting the tourism. On many occasions the police and justice system simply seem to do nothing to help, even going as far as interfering with the judicial process, not protecting crime scenes and coming up with ridiculous investigation results and comments. Japanese girl murdered in Ayutthaya, Russian girls in Phuket, two Korean girls tied together with bashed heads a suicide, many more cases I won't mention , policemen ( the laughing stock of the country)running rackets all over the country. I guarantee you some are already thinking the Kanchanaburi killer cop has already spent enough time in jail, poor him, even though he has killed not one but two foreigners.

    Thailand needs to clean up it's act. Your embassies won't do sh!t about this problem because trade has more importance over tourism and tourists safety.

  2. Sek Loso is a wife beater and a yaabaa user.

    I lose respect for people when learning facts like these, especially for men that beat women in front of kids.

    The moment we base our judgements on the 'he said / she said',

    public pronouncements of a nasty divorce, we lose credibility also.

    I've seen the nicest and calmest of men attacked by enraged wives,

    in front of the kids, who then tripped, fell down, injured themselves and blamed him, longly and loudly, because they had a bruise to show and were mad as a wet hen. Thai women can fly off the handle as easily as western women.

    Even though witnesses said this is not how it happened, domestic disputes rarely

    ever show the truth to the outside world. So we rarely can base accurate judgments on them.

    I've met him a few times, and for a rock n rol icon he's pretty dam_n mellow.

    There's photos of him smoking methamphetamine all over the internet.

    He's an acknowledged wife beater and drug user.

    End of story.

    Have you never used any illegal drug in your whole life?

    Would it be ok if Sek admitted to being an alcoholic?

    Do you have no respect for alcoholics and drugg addicts?

    Did you know that they have a disease?

    BTW - I lose repect for people who glorify Nazi leaders in the username.

    I agree with you "Johnnieh' shame on Nazi followers.
  3. The story about 'S.Loso' and the disturbing picture we all speculate about it. But what keeps me thinking far is, that the ONCB gives him a week.

    A week for what? for enter rehab? for leave the Country, or for pay a big big big fine for making the promotion in public of using drugs ?

    Anyway I hope he'll end the way of Amy Winehouse.

    Always the best artists are hit by the same problems.

    Grammy sucks !

  4. Thailand is becoming more and more like China... Oh wait... who's in charge of the current government again? Oh that's right. THE CHINESE.

    I agree with you, but China, that you mentioned, don't pretend to be a democratic Country at all ! They are red flagged (communists:somehow) and proud of it...And also don't collaborate with the other major world economy: USA. Also they completely don't give a .... of Human rights watch, and a pletoria of other civilized organisations and basics of all around the world. In a few words, they show you the color directly. And there's no misunderstandings : if you are there, you know very well and clearly where you step.

    But here in this Country, what personally turns my blood warm is the "cynicism & hypocrisy" of the whole system. In fact the political life here is very similar as the very specific kind of tourism that uses to be the most welcomed and highly promoted in and outside the Country......:whistling:.

    But letting it be ILLEGAL, for some reason that will remain a mystery for a simple TOURIST. Expats we already know the song, isn't it guys ?

  5. 1 Thing is to fight the cyber criminality ( which is necessarely and it must be done) , even for try to keep a minimal of order and law on the net. But another completely different thing is to use that "cover" for : Use the means (billions and billions of THB ) theoratically allowed for fight cybercriminality, for abuse of the Censorship instrument, indiscriminately, at the own will of those managing the Country.

    Then, one can still ask himself : where ends the freedom of speaking and where begins theegitimatel law enforcement, in this Country.;)

  6. I am interested i am living not far from KK and i am tired to order the methadone from chiangmai by post EMS. Do they really treat foreigners there in KK ?

    Thank you..

    Oh yeah, I wanted to add that there is a government detox and treatment center for drugs and alcohol in Khon Kaen that will take foreigners for about 6000 baht per month. You can e-mail me for more info. For Thais there is a vast network of government drug and alcohol treatment centers throughout the country. You might google Narcotics Anonymous Thailand as well for people with lots of experience in this area.

  7. Thank you for your informations me i'm spanish citizen with a 'non-B multiple ' visa in my passport but it arrived to the last page. Tomorrow i go pick my new passport up at my consulate in bkk. Then if i understood well i need also the letter from my consulate + photocopies of old passport+ photos and just 1 question. Where i go to get my visa stamped in the new passport ? To Sathorn imm office or to Chaeng Wattana new immigration office in bkk ? Can someone help me ? Thanks gentlemen.

  8. I don't know if the ATM's work in Pattaya, i'm currently not in Pattaya, but in LOEI. But what i know is that all the ATM machines depend on their respectives banks branches and by the way, also on the main Bank in Bkk. Then I heard that in BKK all the banks closed. Then.....I guess that no ATM machines until the situation will come down, but maybe i'm wrong. Anyway, here in Loei province it's calm ant banks closed today.

  9. I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

    I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

    I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


    Publish and be damned!

    Let's hear it...

    And YOU will get a warning for pushing him into posting it.

    Well, I just saw a couple of comments on my question and it seems that here there is the right of talk without hurting anyone, so i will not say how they use to be called by some (most) locals but, it has to matter with 2 words 1 is the name of an animal & the other has to do with how they are officially called. Nothing really bad... Only funny. Then if you wanna know, turn around Pattaya and ask..

    I will just come back to the topic about the kebab seller on WS, well on my opinion everything is possible in this Country. Could be a matter of bribes, or as i saw posted upper also a matter of relationship by family with the guy who is the friend of the guy who can make possible that no one could disturb them selling kebabs or those kind of pizzas with 3 centimeters thick of bread and only tomato concentrate with pseudo-cheese, just a the door of a well known disco on WS.

    Anyway I think it's not fair for people like me for example, who spend lots of time setting all the papers in order to stay in accordance with the Thai law for updating visas, work permits etc.etc.etc. and finally, what i get ? PAY, PAY PAY everywhere i go and dont get the half of what i ask. Then, it is in the hands of the OFFICIAL AUTHORITIES to get the people respecting the law. Not thew job of any volunteer. HAve good day bye !

  10. I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

    I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

    I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


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