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Posts posted by ronthai

  1. It is of course a good initiative, but it starts at home.

    Many parents still do not wear their helmets, or they do and the kid on the bike does not.

    I used to daily pick up the kid from Thai friends from school (5-6 years old).

    The first day I did it, after school I drove to a motorbike shop and bought him a helmet. Yes, the drive to the shop was with no helmet.

    Back at home, he proudly showed Mum his new quality helmet for 550 baht (with some cartoon figure).

    Mum asked me why I bought it. Well I am responsible for him when I pick him up and if something happens, I want him to be protected as much as possible.

    Mum, sister and brother never use his little helmet when they drive him, but they do wear their helmets.

    I gave up on teaching them, it is like talking to the empty brains, when it comes to logic and safety.

  2. Yesterday I went to open a Kasikorn bank account (green bank),

    Went to immigration for the residence paper (20 minutes in and out)

    After that to the Kasikorn bank, because close to home and immigration and beach.

    Ridiculous what they wanted:

    10.000 baht deposit

    800 baht for standard debit card (yearly)

    MUST get a insurance at 2500 baht.

    Guess what, I told them to shove it, where???

    Now got an easy Bangkok bank:

    500 baht deposit

    300 baht debit card B1st (internet payments ready)

    Even got great internet banking with BB

  3. All depends on the persons personal situation.

    Married, kids, no kids, kids which age, party guy (daily or sometimes), liking Thai food or must eat expensive farang food, ect., ect.

    For me average per month 12.000 to 21.000, depends on my monthly stupidity and alcoholic needs.

    Add to that my low rent and electric, total basically 25-26.000

    To answer your question as a single guy, 400 to 700 baht daily.

    There where times when money was short and I did 100-200 baht per day.

    Why does immigration need the proof of 800.000 baht for a retirement visa?

    So easy to have a good and happy life for a lot less in Thailand.

  4. As Barin said, most likely your power supply.

    If you did not have this before and just started at some time without you making any plug/location changes of your computer, you might also consider that it is time to replace the Power Supply. Depending on your computer power needs, these are available for between 600 to 2500 baht. Most likely for any standard computer a cheaper one will do.

    Easily replaced yourself, but if you are uncertain, any Thai computer shop will do it on the spot within 5-10 minutes.

  5. Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png

    Was the first thing that came to my mind, first step towards many others if this will be accepted.

    Remember the idea some Thai had that farangs should wear a wristband also, about 6 months ago (or more, time flies)

  6. I must be missing something here.

    Why would you want or need to put a balance on your (Thai) PayPal Account?

    You have your Thai bank card and bank account registered with (Thai) PayPal, yes?

    Whenever you would buy something online and use Paypal as the payment option, it would simply be withdrawn from your registered card and bank account.

    I have both Thai PayPal and Bangkok Bank. Yes, impossible to add funds on it, but again NO NEED to.

    The only reason I can think of would be to try and transfer funds OUT of Thailand and into your Aussie account, which is by Thai law not allowed.

    Maybe also by international law due to money laundering and such.

    Transferring money out of Thailand (without any purchase) is only allowed under special circumstances, which I am sure can be found online or an other TVF poster may post them here.

  7. I have ordered 15 items from Lazada and all in excellent new state.

    Delivery was always free, and between 2-6 business days. (Delivery times depends on which shop supplies the item).

    I time I used a 1200 baht discount coupon, with an order of 10 items total more then 6000 baht, so cost 1200 less.

    Other time for a new computer, with a discount coupon of 10%

    I have no complaints, but their email reply can be a bit odd sometimes.

    I write in English and get a reply back in Thaiwhistling.gif , sometimes

    Their delivery company Kerry Logistic, needs to learn a bit more LOGIC, but they always delivered all with great services and speedy.

    Descriptions on the website are given by the seller/shop that sells that item. Sometimes it is in English, many times only in Thai.

    When you want to buy something, always search Lazada with the same product, because more then 1 shop may sell the same item at different prices.

  8. It is very well possible that in the past (or current) you had a malware/trojan on your computer and they got your registration number, which is now public on the internet.

    I still would say contact IDM and explain and ask for a new registration.

    You probably still have the original registration email you got after you purchased it. Just reply to that one and I am sure they will assist you.

    • Like 1
  9. I agree with one poster saying that you usually download other unwanted stuff, when using free versions.

    Your computer is only as good as the programs you put on.

    So true, many computer users have no idea what they are doing. It is like Thais driving, no idea what they are doing.

    They download any software they hear of or "recommended" by an "expert" friend.

    Then after testing the newly installed software, they think just un-install the software is enough, it never is.

    Stuff stays in the registry, settings, AppData and other places on your computer.

    Overtime that will accumulate and slow your computer and cause conflicts, like freezing the computer.

    There are plentiful good cleanup programs out there, also for free.

    Use Google and do research.

    Stop blaming your computer issues on the OS, it is 99.99% of the time your lack of knowledge on how to service and maintenance it.

    You change the oil in your car/motorbike, check the air pressure in your tires.

    Well your computer also needs a little loving, instead of cursing and getting to a stage you just want to throw it out of the window, been there, have not done itfacepalm.gif

    MicroSoft had a few bad OS (2000, ME, Vista, W8.0, probably forgot some) and a few good ones (95, 98, XP, W7 and W8.1[with the changes I did in the first post]).

    Judgment on W10 will be done in a few years, way to early now.

    • Like 2
  10. So many people always complain about their computer, why?, because they do not take care of them.

    Like a car it needs service, maintenance, but most people are just simple users and blame all on in this case Windows 8(.1)

    I have helped many people with their computer, that had problems and always could be solved by doing, software/driver upgrades, getting rid of viruses (plenty of those) and worst case scenario a C-drive format and re-install windows.

    Rarely somebody needed new or additional hardware. I had one case of somebody trying to run W7 on a 1 GB Ram computer and expected heavy duty.

    But then the same guy bought USB 3.0 external hard drive and was surprised it wasn't faster, since he had no USB3 on his old computer.

    Plenty of more examples, but I won't bore you with them.

    For most people the answer to problems is, stop complaining and do service and maintenance for your computer on a regular base.

    If you don't know how, learn or find somebody to help you, free or paid. (NO, I am not for hire, so don't PM me)

    • Like 1
  11. I agree NanLaew and have done so for 3 computers bought in Thailand already, always had my own legal Windows version.

    Now with Of The Shelf computer I am talking about a Brand Name (HP in this case).

    The same computer can be bought in several (online) shops accross Thailand.

    I have no doubt all will be legal with this computer, just need it to be in English, not Thai


    for you, WooLooMooLoo

    I am software dependent and VERY knowledgeable about Mac also.

    My business/work depends on Windows (unfortunately), and NO emulation by Maccy.

    When replying, answer a/the question, not OOPS, I need to reply with useless information

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