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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. They do it around here.

    Here a good like for Teak growing.


    They recon that you can sell after about 10 years, the wood going to make teak veneere, but obviouslythe longer you grow for the better profit.

    You have to make sure that you register the trees with the Royal Forest Department WHEN you plant them. They can then be sold legally.

    I've been thinking of putting themall around the perimiter of my land, as I would take no real space. If you find out where you can get sapplings...drop me a PM. I did here that thery are sometimes avalible free.


  2. Cars :- better handling and ride, better fuel economy, easier to drive around town

    Pick-ups :- can carry "stuff"/people, versitile,slower, thirsyier, hold their value well.

    Another point is whether back seat comfort is important to you. I have been in the back seat of a DMax a few times and it is very uncomfortable - there is a bar of some sort under the rather thin cushion. I don't know if Toyota's are better in this regard, but I would recommend a test drive IN THE BACK if it is important to you. (I mean inside the cab, not the cargo area).

    Back seat comfert is'nt that imoortant to me and I've got a 4 door pick-up...the back is great in them...the "cab" ones are a bit cramped.

  3. Small Chevy or toyota saloon is fine

    I'm thinking of a new car - any idea how much the cheapest toyota is?

    I was just lookin at the Honda thai web site

    Jazz/city 513,000 to abouy 660,000

    Civic 700,000 - 900,000

    Accord 1,200,000- 1,600,000


    So a "standerd" sort of car is around the same price as a pick-up.


    Cars :- better handling and ride, better fuel economy, easier to drive around town

    Pick-ups :- can carry "stuff"/people, versitile,slower, thirsyier, hold their value well.

    Each to their own really, I'd probably go for a car if I was in town. I'm actually thinking about changing the Isuzu for one,as I have an other pick-up and my BiL has a new vigo. I used to have a toyota salona, much better on fuel than the pick-up even tough petrol is more expensive. As to which is safer....I dont know really, probably depends on the type of accident

  4. Same here mate....it pours out of me. I have to have a tshirt wraped around my head, otherwise the sweat pour into my eyes and after a short while I look like someone has thrown a bucket of water over me.

    I cant get on with the rubber boots for the reasons you state..after while my feet are just slipping around in them...socks help, but will of course be soaking wet after a while. As long as you are getting enough water into you I dont think its much of a problem

  5. I'm just powering up the printer mate :o see you in a few weeks.

    I recon my wife chose me, once she decided I had little choice :D

    Big age difference, not really that compatible, the only things in comman are we are both stubborn and willful......a very turbulent first few years, but we are happy ...... ...funny old world aint it :D

    Looks like the beers are on me then :D

    .........turn that printer off ! :D

    Your allright...looks like a mouse has been at the cables :D .....the beers are still on you though :D
  6. What is the name of the variety of red peanut that you planted? Do you happen to know where your peanuts end up (e.g. in the local market or perhaps the factory that makes “Koh-Kae” coated peanuts or…?).
    No idea mate and I would suspect that even the guy I bought them off would not know. We just sell them localy to an agent...where they go after that...who knows :o
    Do/did you apply a Rhizobium inoculant to your seeds?
    The first time no, this time probably yes....well we treated them for something anyway, a fungacide I thought.
    What is the name (brand name and/or chemical name) of the seed treatment (fungicide) applied to the seed?
    You have to relise that all the products are thai with thai labeling, unfortunatly I can't yet read thai. All the people I deal with speak only thai so I'm a bit vague on what I'm actually putting on, just know what it 's for. Most retailer's I've found pretty good, just tell them what you are growing and they will recomend what to put on and when, we have someone helping with ours who has been growing about 50 rai for years
    You mentioned that most farmers spray about 6 times (herbicide, insecticide, fungicide) – do have any specific details of the different chemicals used, time of application, costs, etc?
    The ammount of times you spray is'nt set, it depends on the amount of insects and the look of the plants. Apparently average is about 4 times (2 fertiliser, 2 insect/fungicide). We had about 7 or 8 different things and to be hinest I have'nt a clue what most were, one was a hormone, at least 2 looked like some sort of mineral (just in clear plastic bags) the rest propriety insectiside/fungiside. The first spraying is at about 20 days, it cost around 14,000 bhat for 30 rai plus 50 bhat/rai spraying
    Any details of fertilizers used (NPK content, quantities)?
    I've got the NPK writen down but can't find it :D . But basicaly just tell your supplier what you are growing, and how many days they have been in for and he should be able to tell you what to put on. The same time scale for the fertiliser, 20 days. Spray first then you have to wait for rain then apply the fertiliser, ours was hand applied as a powder. 15,000 plus 400 bhat for people to apply. You need a second application I think about 20 days before planting.
    How about your soil - do you know its pH and do you or other farmers in your area apply any lime?

    o Do you/other farmers apply gypsum?

    I have no idea the ph value of our soil. We dont apply any lime or gypsum and I'm not aware of any farmers in the area that do either, usually the land has been in the family for generations and they just know what will and wont grow in different typess of soil. Chicken manure is widely used.
    You gave nice details of volume measurements (because you sell the nuts by volume), but do you happen to know what the approximate weight of say one “gean” of fresh peanuts?
    They recon a "tang" is about 15 kg and a "gean" about a ton and a half. Actally when they sell corn they use the same measurments but as weight 1 gean of corn=1.5 tons

    Sorry a bit vauge I know but I hope it helps


  7. To be extremely honest I had no 'criteria' what so ever, I just remember falling in love with my wife one day while sat down together talking and then soon after I had to leave her for 2 months. That hurt so much I decided never to leave her again.


    PS 'Non of this gets back to the wife right' !?!?!?!?!?  :o

    I'm just powering up the printer mate :D see you in a few weeks.

    I recon my wife chose me, once she decided I had little choice :D

    Big age difference, not really that compatible, the only things in comman are we are both stubborn and willful......a very turbulent first few years, but we are happy ...... ...funny old world aint it :D

  8. Needs more icons on how to find it.

    or maybe i am just not seeing them.

    Agree on promo stuff,pick a controversial event or news item and schedule a chat sesh!!

    pref when everyones sober!!!

    I have an idea to get more people in there. Perhaps posting a time when a subject matter expert can be there chatting about a particular topic. Like Monday night at 7pm would be Visa night, Tuesday night at 7pm  would be Thai Business night, and Wednesday night at 7pm would be Thai teaching night etc....

    Perhaps people would make time to log on and contribute to the discussion.

    Richard, please feel free to coordinate some "scheduled events" with jayenram. We could certainly test it out and promote it! Sounds very intersting.

    I'm on nearly every morning....if anyone wants to know about cow's n stuff :o

  9. PS: I have only heard the use of "you are crazy" in "Farang bar-girl Thai"... I've not heard it outside of those situations in Thailand - like, for examplle, with my ex-girlfriend from Chula whom I dated for 5 years.
    You need to get out of the bars more often :o
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