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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. Actualy the smaller the dia pipe the higher the pressure, your confusing "flow rates" with pressure, as astral says 1, 1 inch pipe can supply 4 half inch ones as the cross sectional area is the same ( ok you will lose a little bit due to friction ect :o )

    Anyway the best is probably run a one inch main, and drop down to half inch for the outlets. Obviously if you only have a one inch main into the house its not going to make that much difference unless you have a pressure pump.

  2. My wifes been supporting me for years, as all our income comes from the farm, which as a falang I cant own (although in theory the cows are mine :o ). Most of the land was her's anyway and the rest given to us by her mum along with the house when we got married.

    Oh I've about an other 20 years left before I get any pensions.


  3. For 300K you can buy a VERY reliable but VERY un-sexy pick-up truck, or something like an older model Mitsubishi Lancer, Toyota Corolla, etc. Go for mainstream models, don't go buying old Kia's, Daewoos, Opels, Hyundais and other fringe brands. This way you take less risk in further depreciation.

    I generaly agree with that, but some of the fringe brands can be seriously cheap second hand. My brother-in-law had a Daewoos he bought for 50,000 bhat, no real problems and the parts although had to be orderd were'nt that hard to get he eventually sold it on for 50,000 as well. There a few people around her with old Peugot 205's/305's all bought for the 50,000 mark that seem to be going fine. If your not doing great distances it may be an option.


  4. All depends on how much you can afford a month, and whether you have enough for the initial down payment on a new one (I think the lowest are about 150,000 down 20% usually).

    IMO cars and pick-ups hold their value pretty well here and you get much better interest rates when buying new, so I recon if you want to pay monthly buy new if you can, If you buy second hand try to buy outright as usually 2nd hand really hit you with the intrest payments.

    You seem to be just off the ammount needed for a new small car Jazz sort of thing).

  5. My folks are out for their annual month or so stay in Thailand and are thinking about going down to Pattaya for a few weeks. They would like to mabye rent an appartment for a short term. They are looking for something with a swimming pool, cooking facilities and accesable to the main parts of Pattaya. Probably paying up-to 25,000/month mabye a bit more if nice.

    Anyone know of any sutible places or can recomend anything.

    Oh looking for somewhere probably for the end of next week.

    Cheers RC

  6. In reality all this will do is cut down on the fines the lorry driver's have to pay as most owner/drivers run overloaded anyway usually just filling to capacity, and just pay the "fines" when they are stopped. Most with regular runs will slip and envalope into all the police boxes on their route once a month.

    We used to have a 6 wheeler and my Brother-in-law has a 10 wheeler I think the limit used to be 12 or 13 tons for the 6 wheel this includes the weight of the lorry .

    Oh just talked to the wife she recons that they are the old limits brought back as they droped them last year.


  7. JungleBiker. Thanks for that, some nice links in there. I think I'm going to try this for next year, Digitaria decumbens (Pangola grass) http://www.fao.org/ag/AGA/AGAP/FRG/AFRIS/Data/70.HTM

    thay grow a lot of it around here and we used to buy it in bailed, the cows love it and do very well with it, I'll probably strip graze. The thing with the FTA has been going on for ages now, powderd milk is the problem as its cheaper than localy produced fresh stuff. I'm not particualarly worried about it, although I feel there will be a change in the dairy industry here, with less small farms and more,medium to large ones.

    Heres some links for more "grass" type stuff:-

    FAO Grassland and Pasture Crops


    FAO Grassland index


    Animal Feed Resources


    Cheers RC


    Any idea where one can buy Mollasses Urea Lick blocks ?? In N.E. Thailand ???

    I don't even know where to buy them around here, let alone NE :D

    Here a link for making your own, basicaly Urea, Molasses and ...er um...concrete :o



  8. As a devout atheist I dont wear one as I feel it would be a bit hyipacritical, and my wife and family know better than to give me one as a gift. I would appreciate the gift but never wear it. Then again I dont even wear a watch or wedding ring.

    I have nothing agains those that chose to wear them for whatever reason each to their own and all that.


  9. Ok I'll make a stab at the law thing, if she is under 17(mabye 19) and the parents dont consent to her having sex, the man could be charged with statutory rape. http://www.ageofconsent.com/thailand.htm has some info on the age of consent but I'm not sure how accurate it is. It states that the age is 15, but I've read links before(that I can't find) that state children dont reach their full majority until 19. If you marry an 18 year old her parents have to sign to consent, under 17 it has to go before a judge.

    Anyway its a bit vauge and but I think the answer lies somewhere with the parentel consent issue.

    Dont take the above as fact as I could well be wrong and I can't actually find any referances to back it up and am just going by things I've heard and read before.


  10. You can get free standing gas ovens from about 4-5,000 bhat, for the cheapest. I paid about 8,000 for mine, 3 gas burners, 1 electricity, with top and bottom burners forthe oven, so you can use it for a grill as well, its an electrulux. Its fairly basic and if you have small children be carful as it does get hot on the outside, but it cooks well enough. Home pro in Future Park has a large range running from the cheapest up to 30,000+.


  11. Here a list with phone numbers/adress's. I think the Piman is the only one with its own website. I been in the NSC Sport hotel and it looks ok, swiming pool air ect, It's a couple of KM out of town though, you need to take the Kampengpet road out of Nakorn, then when you get to the car dealers ( a big one on the right) do a "U" turn and head back to Nakorn and look for a sign on your left (I think its in English). Oh the "country lake is an other with its own site, but its way out in the sticks I think.

    Here"s the link


    Oh my misses recons the Baan Suan Resort Hotel is nice as well, but I've never been there.


  12. Nice story rigger, I think that anyone who has lived any length of time in rural Thailand will of heard or witnest simular tales. If "caught in the act" the usual is marry, pay money to get out of it, go to jail or run away :o I've known of all four in the past.

    My BiL had some close calls in the past, got caught once and had a good beating, managed to get out of marring her as it turned out she'd been sleeping with someone before anyway :D


  13. JungleBiker. Thanks for that, some nice links in there. I think I'm going to try this for next year, Digitaria decumbens (Pangola grass) http://www.fao.org/ag/AGA/AGAP/FRG/AFRIS/Data/70.HTM

    thay grow a lot of it around here and we used to buy it in bailed, the cows love it and do very well with it, I'll probably strip graze. The thing with the FTA has been going on for ages now, powderd milk is the problem as its cheaper than localy produced fresh stuff. I'm not particualarly worried about it, although I feel there will be a change in the dairy industry here, with less small farms and more,medium to large ones.

    Heres some links for more "grass" type stuff:-

    FAO Grassland and Pasture Crops


    FAO Grassland index


    Animal Feed Resources


    Cheers RC

  14. Well, I've got a 4door, 4wd Isuzu and my brother-in-law has a 2wd Vigo which I regularly drive. I have to say that IMO the Vigo beats the Isuzu in nearly all respects (I have a bit of a lead foot as well).

    The performance, and ride of the Vigo is much better and I consistantly get better fuel consumption form it, so much so that we often borrow the vigo for long trips as its cheaper.

    Handling and road holding I find they are both on a par with each other remember one's a 4wd (although driven in 2wd) while ones not, most 2wd's I've found tend to have better ride and handling caractaristics than their 2wd counterparts. All the pick-up's IMO tend to be a bit light at the back when un-loaded and care should be taken expecially in the wet, when the back end goes it usually goes suddenly with little warning, the Isuzu tends more to drift at high cornering speeds but this may be due to the wider tyres on the 4WD

    Durability, well thats a hard one, I'd say that the Isuzu is probably better, but the Vigo I drive is still less than a year old, but has no problems , shakes, or rattles, saying that neither does my Isuzu (about 2.5 yr old) and the Isuzu has a much harder life then the vigo, and has clocked up about 160,000 km since I bought it.

    Resale I think they would both be about the same but second hand prices of the Isuzu may be hit when they bring out a new modle. Looks are very subjective, but I think the Isuzu is a better looking car.


  15. Anyway I would say that in a Thai/Thai relationship it the exception rather than the norm for the husband to send his wifes parents a monthly income, let alone support her whole family.

    Of course, because more often than not, you won't have a situation where the two Thais involved come from completely different economic spectrums. The issue of support would then be irrelevant.

    However there are situations where local suckers who do support the mia nois family a bit, but again, those relationships are built on the foundation knowing that each has their specific place in society so it likely won't end with the family bankrupting the sucker.


    Yes but relationships with "mia noi's" are often based on financial dependancy, where marriges between Thai's and Falangs are........... oh well never mind :o:D

  16. This from the Merck


    Oocysts can be identified in feces by salt or sugar flotation methods. Isospora amphiboluri oocysts Finding appreciable numbers of oocysts of pathogenic species in the feces is diagnostic, but because diarrhea may precede the heavy output of oocysts by 1-2 days and may continue after the oocyst discharge has returned to low levels, it is not always possible to find oocysts in a single fecal sample; multiple examinations may be required. The number of oocysts present in feces is influenced by the genetically determined reproductive potential of the species, the number of infective oocysts ingested, stage of the infection, age and immune status of the animal, prior exposure, consistency of the fecal sample, and method of examination. Therefore, the results of fecal examinations must be related to clinical signs and intestinal lesions (gross and microscopic). Furthermore, the species must be identified as those known to be pathogens in that host. The finding of numerous oocysts of a nonpathogenic species concurrent with diarrhea does not constitute a diagnosis of clinical coccidiosis.


    The life cycles of Eimeria and Isospora are considered self-limiting and end spontaneously within a few weeks unless reinfection occurs. Prompt medication may slow or inhibit development of stages resulting from reinfection and, thus, can shorten the length of illness, reduce discharge of oocysts, alleviate hemorrhage and diarrhea, and lessen the likelihood of secondary infections and death. Sick animals should be isolated and treated individually whenever possible to ensure delivery of therapeutic levels of the drug and to prevent exposure of other animals. Sulfonamides may be used. Sulfaquinoxaline has been reported to give excellent clinical results in beef and dairy calves, sheep, dogs, and cats. Because the soluble sulfonamides may be given PO or parenterally, they are more effective than intestinal sulfonamides. Amprolium has been reported to be effective during outbreaks in calves, sheep, and goats. In outbreaks in feedlots or on lush pastures, preventive treatment of healthy exposed animals as a safeguard against additional morbidity should be considered.


    Prevention is based on limiting the intake of sporulated oocysts by young animals so that an infection is established to induce immunity but not clinical signs. Good feeding practices and good management, including sanitation, contribute to this goal. Neonates should receive colostrum. Young susceptible animals should be kept in clean and dry quarters. Feeding and watering devices should be clean and protected from fecal contamination. Stresses (eg, weaning, sudden changes in feed, and shipping) should be minimized.

    Preventive administration of anticoccidials is recommended when animals under various management regimens can be predictably expected to develop coccidiosis. In virtually all cases, Eimeria spp are implicated. Decoquinate, amprolium, and ionophorous antibiotics are effective in cattle. Continuous low-level feeding of amprolium, decoquinate, lasalocid, or monensin during the first month of feedlot confinement has been reported to have preventive value. Both amprolium and ionophorous antibiotics have been reported to be effective in kids, and sulfas and amprolium have been reported to be effective in pigs.

    I can't find any brand name medicens on my usuall sites, but have to say it is a bit of a leap IMO to diagnose the goats as having that from the sympoms described as it could be one on many things. If it's a major problem, he should get a proper diagnosis, mabye the local "bat ra sat" (SP) its where all the gov vets hang out(mabye Bambina can give a better translation :o ) can help.


  17. There has been a lot writen on this thread about the Thai culture, of supporting family and marrying a whole family. Is this still strictly true? Personaly I dont think so, while most children who still live localy or in the same house will support their parents it's not nessesaraly in terms of cash, more someone to look after them, provide food and accomadation.

    I know of few examples of people sending money back home, unless it's for a specific purpose usually looking after the children while mom or pop goes off to work. How many Thai women married to Thai men send money every month to their parents? I would of thought unless they have an independant income its not that many as generaly the Thai husband would be more concerned with looking after his parents. In fact I would say regaurds "the man marrying the womans family" that usually its the other way around here and the woman marries the man's family. In emergancy situations its usually the whole family that will chip in if they can

    I'm not saying it does'nt happen but in my experiance it's usually when there are relitives at home looking after children, schooling costs ect . Anyway I would say that in a Thai/Thai relationship it the exception rather than the norm for the husband to send his wifes parents a monthly income, let alone support her whole family.


  18. frank im still looking for the sulphur name and doses but today was awful:

    windy cold and two large pet dogs got in to our patagonian cavias and killed a few so was involved with police etc... fortunately most of our pet dogs are afraid of goats (have horns)...

    feel better... hope u got my very long email.... will ask vet here in forum maybe she can research the thai brands ... or u can ask random chances ... u can pm him also... like i said he has a milk cow farm done remember where so try him (he's closer htan i am 5555)...

    random if u are reading this: frank seems to have (from his description /diagnaoses )  a coccidiousis outbreak in his does/and babies only... he needs sulphur drugs for best treatment and also vitamin b1 thiamine to inject during the treatment (sulpher depletes this vitamin in goats so must be supplemented especially ifi it is coccidiousis which causes nutrition imbalances and death).... any help???? 


    frank, for goat breeds, only what i recommended.... create your own strain using local and crossbreeding for results... maybe if/when i arrive u will have done all the 'dirty' work....

    Hi just read this, mabye you should ask one of the mod's to change the title to something with "goats" in as then people would actually know it's a "goat " topic not just a "hello" topic :D

    Sorry I dont have any experiance with "coccidiousis" so I cant help you but from these symtoms

    I had further 2 goats, they became like you discribed, slimm, slimmer, slimmest.
    It could be many things there is'nt a big problem in thailand with Johnsens, CAE, brucellosis, but we do have problems with tick born diseases (Babesiosis and anaplasmosis) allong with most other parasitic diseases. Shindam, do you inject with Ivormec?, you should do this regularly, you cant use the milk or meat for 45 days though we usually inject when we dry the cow off before it gives birth. For Babesiosis and anaplasmosis "Berenil" is very good although if they have recently had a blood check it SHOULD of picked that up

    Berenil from intervet http://products.intervet.com/products/prod...es/52_24829.asp I dont think they sell direct to the public though, we vaccinate against hoof and mouth (free from the goverment).

    The salt licks are better than loose powder IMO, we give both as the salt licks are more for minerals and the powder for vitamines, we inject ADE prior to them giving birth and a Selinium mixture just after birth, "Cartrosal" is good for a "pick me up" and "biovite" no withdrawal periods either.

    There should be local (ampour) and district(changwat) Department of livestock (I forget the thai name) with vet's , the standerds are not generally very high though also there are what I term "para vet's' they do mainly AI for cows (they go on a month or two course) but will have all the AI equipment. For medical supplies if they do dairy cows in your area, the dairy's usually stock most medicens or may be able to order for you. Failing that you can try here GISS Marketing http://www.giss.co.th/catalog.php some medicen but mainly vet equipment (including all the AI stuff)

    For food, "man" cassava is pretty good and you can use the leaves as well, if you want to plant forrage then ruizzi/centro is supposed to be pretty good, or "yaa jumbo" but thats better for "cut and carry" IMO for local advice on growing "stuff" try here Animal Nutrition Division, they have branches all over thailand


    I was just going to link to the "Ensiled Cassava Leafs" post but just relised the OP is the same person :o so a lot of what I've said is already there


  19. I do some of my own stuff depending on what it is. I dont do any regular servicing on my Isuzu as its fairly new , so it goes to the dealer. My other pick up (for the farm) I fix if it breaks down and do some of the stuff, oil changes I never bother, as the shop we buy it from will change it in the price.

    I nearly always do my tractor myself as it needs to be in use everyday and usually its quicker to do it myself than get someone else to do it. I also help my brother-in-law with his 10 wheeler Isuzu.

    As someone said the cost of labour here is cheap in comparisen to western countries and on top of that most people have'nt got the tools they spent years aquiring back home to do the job, so its usually easier to send it to a garage.


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