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Everything posted by noserious

  1. Look no further than the Japanese government's own website. https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/toko/tokei/hojin/index.html (Click on PDF or Excel link once on the page.) Or refer to the attachment below. Thailand (red box) has dropped in ranking according to the data of the government of Japan. As of 2023 Thailand has the 5th largest population of Japanese residents outside of Japan after being overtaken by Canada, eh! 78,000+ Japanese living in Thailand is consistent with the MoFA Japan website for 2022. Otherwise try qualifying your opinions with "I think" or "I believe" etc.
  2. I didn't pay more for expedited. Yes, things may have changed.
  3. As I mentioned in my first post the reason is an upcoming international flight. (You could use another reason.) I don't know if they check. I've done this twice in Thailand. Temporary passports are fine for immigration/working visas.
  4. When applying for temporary one-year passport the regular application and new photos are needed, just add the request for the emergency/temporary passport and reason why. Just before the 12 months are up, apply to convert/renew to normal 10-year passport. No new photos, application or payment is needed although you may need to sign something. A receipt is given to you after you submit the 1-year passport. Then the 10-year passport will be on the way.
  5. Pro Tip: Request an emergency one-year passport reason being an upcoming international flight. The price is same AND process is expedited. At the end of the 1-year period it's free to convert to the normal 10-year US passport. That way you can get 11 years for the price of 10.
  6. In US retail lingo the word shrinkage refers to product pilferage, shoplifting, loss, destruction etc. Factors contributing to shrinkage include employee theft, stealing, administrative errors, vendor fraud, product damage and more.
  7. 2 years ago I got a 6-month fixed deposit at 0.4% interest that paid at the end of the 6 months. It automatically rolled over into another 6-month fixed deposit. About a month after it rolled over I went to Kasikorn and the teller suggested an 11-month fixed deposit at 1.4% which pays interest monthly. (taxes are also taken out monthly) I decided to put the balance into the 11-month fixed deposit BUT I had to forgo the month or so interest after the 6-month one rolled over.
  8. Try https://worldwideweedthailand.com/ in Pattaya https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x3102954598b5b36d%3A0xe41b25ba088e1380!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPrV8RF_p7fAHHO516o9ZEdMwnGdS8SJfCJM-RK%3Dw124-h220-k-no!5sWorld Wide weed Pattaya - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPImjkOHWC26KzizdTb-bdB3OdkU1gfy69puqHM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA34Si4Jj6AhWrS2wGHUftC_UQoip6BAhEEAM&cshid=1663312076876421
  9. I like cardless withdrawal because I don't need to pay the yearly ATM card fee (200 baht?) at Kasikorn Bank. Has anyone tried cardless withdrawal using a Thai bank app outside of the kingdom?
  10. I have always discouraged my Thai friends from travel /study in the US. Way too much violence, crime and racism caused by the many degenerate, loser scumbags. America seems to create and attract the world's top 10% of grandiose, drug-using no-count bums. Go to any large city in the US and you will find groups of young men just sitting in parks and standing on street corners doing almost nothing except waiting for a crime of opportunity, selling or taking drugs. They are mostly men(some are women) of all colors who have no dreams and blame their woes on society, a broken education system, mental illness or some other "justification". These deadbeats will blame anyone or anything for one's shortcomings just don't blame oneself or take responsibility for their abhorrent behavior.
  11. The riskiest health problem that occurs from inhaling nitrous oxide is passing out while trying to hold in the gas. People who inhale it standing up sometimes fall over and hit their head or injure their body. It should be done from a sitting position with a "trip sitter" for harm reduction.
  12. I'm aware there are many websites selling kratom among other substances. However, how likely is it that a package containing kratom will be seized by Thai customs?
  13. Why order from Lazada or Shopee when you can get the product in a brick and mortar store? Better convenience and price are some reasons why. Frankly, how to get kratom? Where exactly in Bangkok is it being sold? I've heard about underground Kratom bars for years but never found one. Everyone I've talked to has no idea where to buy it.
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