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Posts posted by GiantFan

  1. In the course of the years, I bought a lot of mattresses at a store called Penang. They have 2 branches: one at the bypass driving towards the turnoff to the left to Tesco Lotus, at the right hand side, and one driving southwards towards Supercheap at the left hand side. They also do home delivery.

    I think I understand you? I purchased here as well. Opposite side of the road from the big Tesco on the bypass road next to the Esso station.

  2. I was just watching "An Idiot Abroad" and I must say, I get more laughs out of the Phuketien vs. Katabeachbum wars. Keep it up boys!!!

    I checked my receipt when I registered my lease 5 years ago. 30 years, 1 million. It was in Thai, so I can't tell you exactly the translation. 1% fee for lease registration and 0.1% for witholding. Total 1.1% (i.e. 11,015 baht)

    I live in the house full time and don't rent it out. I have thought about renting it out, but the tax payable on rental income is high. Don't quote me, but something like 12.5% of annual rental income. So if you rent it 1 day a year, you pay on 365 days. As if anyone gets 365 days rental. If you do, good on you. But obviously, not many people pay this tax in full.

    It's a TV show on Astro w/ Ricky Gervais. You need to lighten up mate.

    As I mentioned, I don't read Thai. The total was 1.1% to register the lease. After further checking, the 0.1% is stamp duty. Apologies if this caused you any undue anguish.

    No "war" here, not on my end anyway.

    No Giantfan my fake TV name is not "Phuketien"...maybe you saw that in your movie?

    NO 0.1% was not for "withholding"...who told you that?

    Again, you are somewhat right but completely confused as to your actual legal tax liablity on that house. Speaking of that, do YOU own it, yourself, in mean in your own personal name, legally?

    You might want to be careful about saying who is such "idiot abroad". And you, are welcome.

  3. I was just watching "An Idiot Abroad" and I must say, I get more laughs out of the Phuketien vs. Katabeachbum wars. Keep it up boys!!!

    I checked my receipt when I registered my lease 5 years ago. 30 years, 1 million. It was in Thai, so I can't tell you exactly the translation. 1% fee for lease registration and 0.1% for witholding. Total 1.1% (i.e. 11,015 baht)

    I live in the house full time and don't rent it out. I have thought about renting it out, but the tax payable on rental income is high. Don't quote me, but something like 12.5% of annual rental income. So if you rent it 1 day a year, you pay on 365 days. As if anyone gets 365 days rental. If you do, good on you. But obviously, not many people pay this tax in full.

  4. Still stuck in the house, so why not add another post. Thank God for pizza delivery and a well stocked wine cellar. I have been trying to search the web for a reason for this deluge over the last few days. Went on to windguru as well. Good sight. My buddy who is in the dive industry told me about this site years ago, but I forgot about it.

    I am no weatherman, but I can't remember a worse couple of days (Wednesday night so 4 if I count correctly). Back in Oct / 2004, it rained hard for a day or so and Rat u Thit road was flooded and I had to be rescued from the old 2 Black Sheep via boat. The intersection of Rat u thit and Sai nam yen was a raging river. Someone tied a rope across the road so that people could pass safely. Otherwise, swept away toward the beach.

    Later, they blamed it on blocked drains and they sent some prisoners on work release down the drain to clear with a rope around their waist. When they re-surfaced, covered in muck, I couldn't believe it. It was really a perfect storm: lots of rain, high tides, and full moon.

    I was also here in 2001 (I think) on a company outing and recall a bit of flooding on the beach road and bangla. Not too bad, just up to your calf. Didn't cause much disruption.

    So, anybody who is a meteorlogical dude, please advise the reason for this rainstorm. As I write this, it looks like the rain has stopped. This could change in an hour or so. I'm sure it will resume shortly.

  5. Filled out an application at Patong TOT 2 weeks ago. Nobody came over to install as promised. Finally reached them via telephone and first they said that the signal was too weak at my house (I can actually see the transmitter from my house, so this was a convenient excuse). Then I was told that they were having "problems" with the Air Max service. No further details. I am planning to go down tomorrow to inquire in person. Will let you know.

  6. Anyone see that interview with a long standing Patong Tuk Tuk driver in this weeks local paper (new one)? Most of the information given was known to most of us who have been here for a while. See below:

    * 20 years ago - 50 TT drivers / Patong natives. Now 1000 TT drivers / mostly from the Southern Provinces

    * "Many of these guys are young and hot headed. We used to have ground rules that we worked with, but now all that has disappeared and anything


    * 4 companies dominate the industry

    * Few, if any, owner operators

    * Drivers pay rent of THB 500 - 800 / day and pay for petrol

    * Commission of THB 100 - 200 for each group delivered to tourist attractions

    * High Season - Earnings of THB 4,000 - 5,000 on a good day, mostly from commissions

    * "Tuk Tuks get on well with police. But unlike before when drivers respected police and would say yes to all instructions, the young hot

    bloods these days can do what they like. They can block the road and attack police stations. Even police are afraid of them."

    Sad state of affairs.

  7. I went down to TOT in Patong yesterday and signed up for their Wi-Net plan. I believe it's Wimax based. No need for <deleted> copper lines for ADSL broadband. I'm up on a hill with direct point to point visability to the broadcast tower, so should be OK. Connecting on Monday. I believe they have another tower in the hills above Phuket town.

    Ends up that TOT is using something called AirMax, from www.ubint.com .

    It's 802.11 technology, but it's been modified extensively to improve reception. The speeds we're seeing on www.phuketinternetspeed.com are very impressive. Too early to tell about reliability.

    When you get hooked up, drop me a line and let's get your speeds out for everybody to see. TOT may have a winner here....


    Finally got through to the lady down at TOT Patong (2 weeks after the initial date of set up was promised). At first, she claimed that they were "having problems" with their Wi-Net and would call me back. She did call back about 1 hour later and the story changed.

    Now she claimed that the technician told her that the signal from my house was poor. BTW, I never saw anyone come up to check. I immediately countered that this was total BS and I could see the antenna from my balcony. She would re-check with the technician and he would come over to re-check. With the flooding in Patong today, he didn't come over, but I don't blame him. Maybe tomorrow.

    Finally, she was keen to convert me to the TOT ADSL broadband. I have a land line at my house, so this is an option, but I currently have BBB MaxNet, so not very interested. I explained that their copper is old and that Wi-Net was potentially a more appealing option. She replied that they installed new copper on my road 1 month ago (Soi 3, Phrabaramee) and that it was much faster.

    So it looks like they are having some teething problems. Will re-post when something happens.

  8. I have been living in my house in Patong for 6 years. While it was under construction, my builder confirmed that he rec'd the building permit in his company name. My lawyer has advised me to get a copy of the permit from my builder, but it has been lost over the years. Can I go down to the Land Department and get a copy of the building permit?

  9. Death by a thousand cuts. They are becoming too big to really be considered a budget airline. One thing that I will say is that the food is really good. Nasi Lamak - brilliant.

    Also, they send you a survey email after you travel. Has anyone actually sent a reply? I have. And I point out the problems. Who knows if anybody reads it?

  10. The last 4 days have been very hazy in Patong. Lots of burning of rubish. I live in the hills of N. Patong and I am also smelling plastic burning.

    Previous blogs on the Phuket Gazette about burning rubish had comments from the Police that basically said, "come make a report and we will talk to them".

    My comment is, if something that is illegal and is easily visable, why do you need to make a report?

    Any comments?

  11. I went down to TOT in Patong yesterday and signed up for their Wi-Net plan. I believe it's Wimax based. No need for <deleted> copper lines for ADSL broadband. I'm up on a hill with direct point to point visability to the broadcast tower, so should be OK. Connecting on Monday. I believe they have another tower in the hills above Phuket town.

  12. I sent a mail and asked my friend, he say its a 9 hole and he did it in 32, i have no idea what he means other that he said it again,,, crap

    so what it was he told me i dont know you figure out. :)

    32 which over 18 holes would make him a 4 too 6 handicap and that is a very very good golfer indeed!! okay lets make this clear compared to Blue Canyon, Loch Palm and all the other ultra expensive courses on Phuket, Phunaka could indeed be considered crap!!! I play where it is affordable for me.

    I played a few weeks ago and shot a 44. The course was better in the past before the reservoir construction started. One of the tee's was gobbled up and a par 3 lost (it was replaced, but no as good). The new par 4 is very tight and OB on the left. Overall, a good test of one's iron skill.

  13. A little bit off topic. Had an opportunity to buy a Rawai guesthouse last month. The owner was quite open about bookings history. Totally full in Dec/Jan/Feb. Between 20 - 50 percent the other 8 months. Couldn't see making any money, so passed. I see a very large Thai owned hotel is being built at the junction near the Sea Gypsy Village. Pie in the sky.

    Even though living here for 7 years, I am a Rawai novice. Besides retiree's and high end rental villa's, what are the tourist arrivals like in Rawai? Are more people choosing Rawai vs. West Coast beaches? I am guessing that it's a younger crowd on a budget.

    No wonder you could not see any money, you're missing out on a whole month!

    So true. Senior moment!

  14. Last paradise has no view at all and is a dump.

    Paradise beach bar, go along the Rawai Beach front til the Or Bor Tor office, turn left and then take the next left, go up the hill for 1km and it is signposted on the left.

    Go down the hill and sit there just before sunset.

    Stay for two hours until the lights come on over Rawai.

    Heaven, forget the girlie bars for a while.

    And Annie the host is lovely.

    Not a dump if you want one of the best burgers around :)

    Thats true the burgers are good there.

    lost paradise is not a dump.....

    interesting place at the base of a mossy hill with a stream running along the back of it good spot

    also in the past i could sit around and enjoy the pool from the guest house next door when in service but pool not open last few times i went there.....have fun

    Sherman is lymric for German....

    Box Head would be the derogitory term as i recall :jap:

    Where is it? Last Paradise website is parked, so no map. Would like to try a burger.

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