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Posts posted by twschw

  1. "But by this point he's got you backed into a corner so when he says you've got blocked energy and he needs to put his finger in your mouth to clear it, the only answer you have is 'Yes.'"

    I don't know exactly what to warn my friends about. None of my female friends would ever allow a stranger on the street to put his finger in their mouths. Just how did he have you backed in a corner? I mean physically or metaphorically. Why could you only say yes? I will and do warn my friends about getting drunk and to drink responsibly, other than that they are grown women and I would be laghed at if I were to tell them "You see that dodgy perverted looking man over there? Don't let him put his skanky finger in you mouth".

  2. Have always had good service with Chan Tour bus service. It has one row of two seats and a single seat row, only three across. No video in the seatbacks but the do have Thai meals and a movie which is in Thai. about 350 baht one-way.

  3. Just a short while ago I noticed a few google keywords relating to "sexy girls" and "hot babes" on the drop down google bar of my bfs laptop when he asked me to help him with something and I used his google for a couple of tips on what to do. No idea when he entered those keywords, could have been many months ago, as we both have our own laptops. Didnt go hunting in his history tab, because i believe in privacy. However, it nagged in the back of my brain, so I entered the keywords into google on my own laptop to see what sites would come up and has made me feel a bit repulsed because i didnt expect them to be so graphic.

    At this moment I really dont want him near me, especially not in an intimate way, because I feel a bit sick about it and the vision of him ogling those images/possible videos is stuck in my head.

    What i wonder is how would you feel, or, how do you feel about your partner viewing graphic images/videos of women? Is it something you accept as normal for a man, or do you feel upset about it?

    It was the above hi-lited passage that got to me. That you would not want your BF, whom I assume you love (yes, I know about assumptions), to be near you is an extreme reaction to "a few google keywords".

    So, when your BF uses your computer for something and sees these "google keywords" in your drop box it is alright if he pulls away from you in disgust?

  4. No TEFL and no degree = working illegally. Dont do it, you may get caught, you have no rights as you are not paying tax or social insurance. You may get, fined/imprisoned/deported/blacklised or all.. :o

    Don't you mean no Work Permit = working illegally. It is not illegal to teach without a TEFL certification nor is it illegal to teach without a degree.

  5. girls

    and i always thought it was a gentle term of endearment !

    if the use of a word like "girl" can make you see yourself as the subjugated victim of some imaginary evil male plot , then perhaps you should get out more and consider the plight of some of the worlds true victims .... both male and female.

    While I see your point, taxexile, old boy, I have noticed that some young women now refer to their male friends/companions of various kinds as "boys". I do find it a little odd ... but suppose the intention is to suggest some light heartedness in the relationship.

    Would you refer to your wife or husband/long term partner as a girl or boy ?

    Makes me think of those couples with kids who call eachother "Mum" or "Dad" !

    Personally -- and for the following comments I will be flamed to a crisp -- I note that Western men who insist on referring to Asian women of various ages as "girls" tend to have a certain agenda that most of us will be more than familiar with.

    "Ladies" is also a popular term. Often oddly capitalized, as in "My Thai Lady"/Wife . Rarely see use of "woman/women".

    Just an observation.

    Season's Greetings to all :o .

    Is "Ladies in Thailand" an offensive title for a subforum? Is "Women in Thailand" or "Females in Thailand" more PC?

  6. ^ :o

    ^^You're free to start any poll you like, but I doubt it will show anything- after all, you have to show how the straight guys knew that the gay guys knew that they were straight. Unlike the OP, I don't seem to have the magic talisman that shows who is straight and who is gay.

    Gotta go now, work calls- play nice, I'll be back later.

    come on! unless you are here for few days,, it is very easy to tell certain thai gay man. i don't want to pin each points but i guess it is natural and they didn't adopt such movements or whatever. i respect the way they are and they are not obstacle for me not to go the asoke gym. I still go there because it is easy location for me.

    But they are quite unusual for me as i don't see them everyday back at home quite so often. so of course i'm uncomfortable when guys dreaming of my sweaty body or drooling their hungry eyes upon me. and how do i know who is flirting with me? yes everyone knows when they are been flirted and if you don't know then it is the problem of your age.

    but i'm very much available to socialize if they don't have any intention in their mind.

    It's not the gay guys fault. If you weren't so damned hot it wouldn't happen. Just a negative to being an adonis... :D

  7. From the Forum rules:

    "Considering the real-time nature of this bulletin board, it is not feasible for us to review messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Please remember that we can not actively monitor the contents of, and are not responsible for, any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of thaivisa.com or any entity associated with thaivisa.com. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by e-mail. We do have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process so please realize we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. Misspellings and grammar errors are considered bad netiquette, please proof read your post by clicking on preview before posting. When a message is placed in any forum on thaivisa, you are granting a soft license to Thaivisa.com to use it."

    Also not enforced. :o

  8. Hello guys,

    I am a thai girl that married with american gay which i fond out after 19 mounts. I have a 9 mounts babie old and pregnant a second at that time .

    I think he want to feel normal. He gave me many wrong idea of sexual. I tried to ignore and convince my self that normal for have a gay husband who like to put big thing inside him.I tried to understand him why he was the way he was. I finish with him almost 2 years now i have new relationship but i still worry too much about the past and this effect my relationship now. Its common for gay guy to treat a women like this? and do you have any advice to help me to get over thins.

    I feel like iam a freak i dont want to losingmy boy friend.

    Just to clarify, you do mean months don't you?

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