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Posts posted by twschw

  1. Sara: How was your visit to Thailand?

    Jane: Great! Look what I stole, a bar mat from the Aussie Pub in Phuket.

    S: That’s so cool? Are you allowed to take things that don’t belong to you?

    J: If you’re a foreigner, you can do anything!

    S: Really?

    J: Yah! If you get caught, you simply complain that you’re being persecuted because you’re a foreigner.

    S: That’s so cool.

    J: It is cool! Why should we follow laws in a foreign country?

    S: What about the people who say what you did was wrong?

    J: They’re just a bunch of moralistic haters. They don't know me - they shouldn't judge me!

    S: You go, girlfriend! Stinking’ A!

    J: STINKIN’ A! I am so cool. Besides, Australia was stolen by the English, and they put all of their criminals here. So, I’m just getting back to my cultural roots.

    S: That’s so true, and it is so cool!

    J: Stinkin’ A, it is cool.

    S: You are so cool to think that I'm cool.

    J: You're cool, just being you

    :):D :D :D :D :D

  2. Best to break up with your girlfriend now. Try to save her some heartache. She is not aware of your sexuality so you are not being honest. Better to break it off now than to continue letting her live a lie. Then if you are truely bisexual you need to find some one who is open with that and be 100% honest from the start with them.

    Back on topic. You were very lucky this time. Hope this never happens to you again. Try not to put yourself in a position for a second time, you may not be lucky twice.

  3. ^You are claiming that the headline is
    "This headline is inflammatory and dumb.
    . You seem to be objecting to receiving email notification about this news. I am suggesting you turn that option off & you won't have that problem.

    I can NOT see what is dumb about this headline, nor some of the information that has been provided about this topic. Is that explanation enough?

    He was quoting another poster. :D You see the quotation marks? :o Try to keep up. :D

  4. Well then, no I wouldn't have done what you did. What was the point? Do you honestly think if he has a predilection for touching strange women you have stopped him? What you did was to put your self in jeopardy and embarrass a woman. Whatever, you think you did a noble thing and you are happy with yourself. Good thing Howard Miller wasn't there to see you filming covertly.

  5. Problem solved! :D

    Taken from a 17th century voodoo book. :D

    If you are plagued by evil spells and bad luck. Then do this powerful ancient Voodoo egg spell to help you remove any negative conditions from your life.

    1. You must purchase a brown fresh egg before noon of that day. Make sure that you start this when the moon is waning. It is very important that this egg be fresh. Place this egg in a brown bag and tie the neck of the bag with a black cloth string. Place this bag under your bed.

    2. Each night before retiring to bed, you must open this bag and take the egg out and rub it all over your body. :D When done, put the egg back into the bag, take a deep breath and blow three times into the bag.

    When you are blowing into the bag, you must imagine that all the bad luck is leaving your body, via your breath. When done, place the bag back under your bed. Do this for nine days. At the end of nine days, take the bag with the egg and dispose of it outside your home.

    3. Note: Each time that you blow into the bag, you must immediately tie it back up. If by the end of seven days you notice that your bag is moving on it's own. Stop, and dispose of the bag immediately.

    DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BAG. Make sure that the bag is secure. We are not responsible for any misuse, or actions that may results from the use of this powerful spell. Do not play with this. :o

    Good luck is right around the corner!! :D

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