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Posts posted by twschw

  1. I think a step-sister would be the child of the second wife from a previous relationship. If she was the daughter of the father of the OP the she would be his half-sister. Not sure that that makes sense but I tried :o

    The OP asked if he committed incest. This is my definition of incest:


    One entry found for incest.

    Main Entry: in·cest

    Pronunciation: in-sest

    Function: noun

    : sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry; also : the statutory crime of engaging in such sexual intercourse

    source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

    So I would have to say No, he did not commit incest.

  2. PattayaParent, it was your reference to it being completed during the recovery that did not make sense to me since the building was finished in 1997.

    Lopburi3, I seem to remember that there was a plan to put a large spiraling antennae on the top. The reason it wasn't was probably monetary. The current antennae was put into place in '99.

  3. nah, they also have some without degree..

    it is illegal to get a work permit without a degree. this is irresponsible advice. working as a teacher without a legal work permit puts you in a bad position.

    I agreed with girlx, if you get caught you can be in trouble. Becareful about scam and rip off, you're still young and newbie in thailand.

    Here is a link you can look at http://www.thaivisa.com/391.0.html

    There are plenty of people here who are teaching, who have legal work permits and who do not have a degree.

  4. If you are talking about Baiyoke II, the tallest building in Thailand, you are woefully mistaken. This building was started in 1990 and finished in 1997 so how could have been a "concrete zombie"?

  5. Sorry again. This is from the University of Texas at Austin website:


    A transcript is a comprehensive record of your academic progress, including transfer courses, credit earned by exam, and earned degrees.

    Your name appears on your transcript as it appears on your University record. Official transcripts include the University seal and the signature of the registrar.

    Student academic records are classified as confidential and may be released only with the student's written authorization and signature, in accordance with the Public Information Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

  6. What do you think I was going to do after he was no longer a threat......walk away? I've been in 2 fights in my life and i'm not an agressor, the end goal was to help this woman not beat the crap outta this guy and leave.

    But you didn't meet your goal and there was no way you were going to. You are undoubtably a brave man but you are also extremely naive.

  7. What was done to that poor woman was a horible crime but you must remember that you are in a foreign country. You do not have the law to back you up. You assaulted a Thai and that is a very bad thing for a westerner to do here. It is a different world here than in America. You say it is fine if you go to jail. Have you seen a Thai prison? What did you accomplish besides putting yourself at risk? Did you liberate the victim from her tormentor? No. What you did was to make a Thai lose face in public and this can be very dangerous.

  8. You could have searched yourself but here you go.

    in·tern·ship /ˈɪntɜrnˌʃɪp/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-turn-ship] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


    1. the state or condition of being an intern.

    2. the period during which a person serves as an intern.

    3. any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession: an internship for management trainees.

    4. a position as a participant in such a program: She has accepted an internship in a law firm.

    5. any period of time during which a beginner acquires experience in an occupation, profession, or pursuit: She had a long internship before starting her own recording studio.


    [Origin: 1900–05; intern2 + -ship]

    Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

  9. Interesting. The first and in many cases, sole opinion of many posters is that this guy is a looser who had it coming. My natural instinct here would be to post just the opposite;

    That bitch is evil and I hope her house burns down.

    Different storkes, different folks. Some of us came to Thailand in our 50's, shunned the naughty nightlife scene and headed straight for the 'real Thailand' where we avoided scum like this and had time to wise up. Some of us came to Thailand in our 30's and headed straight for Soi 4 to get wasted and pick up a few girls. The guys in the later category are naturaly more likely to get stung by a bitch like this and the warning signs such as *tatoos, good pool player, dripping in gold* are only evident to those of us who know the score with this place and have been here a while.

    So this guy didnt know the score. That dosent make him a looser. An idiot. A gullible numpty who asked for it. It just makes him newbie who didnt know any better. With this, we can only guess.

    With her, she is a scum bag evil bitch who played him from the start and rinsed him for all he was worth, before threataning to have him murdered. Of this, we are sure.

    So lets be clear on something here. This guy seems like a nice enough fella. The girl is an evil bitch.

    One thing that always bothers me about many of my fellow ex-pats...... The satisfaction that many seasoned long timers have when hearing storys like this. There is a massive case of 'son nam naa' amongst many ferang that have been here a while, when learning of some poor guy who got rinsed by a whore. Its almost like "Ha, I have been here ages. I know better than you. You silly fool - your just a newbie ferang".

    I have never been stung, ripped off or rinsed by any Thai - male or female. It will never happen. But when i hear of it happening to some guy who just stepped off the plane, my gut reaction, as aposed to many of you, is 'poor bloke, what a shame. Evil whore, hope she rots'.

    Now that is quite a statement :o Could you share with the rest of us your secret. I am not joking. I really would like to know how you get out of paying "falang price".

  10. A couple of weeks ago I bought a subway sandwich from Tipp Plaza. The next day when I was going through my pocket I found that the receipt I had been given was for a 15 baht water rather than the 199 baht sandwich I ordered - an obvious staff fiddle.

    This evening I went back and ordere another sandwich. I noticed a sign saying check your receipt if incorrect free 6 inch sub of your choice.

    On receiving my sandwich initially the guy serving didn't hand over the receipt. I asked for it and in view of what happened the previous time I checked my receipt and surprise surprise it was for 15 baht water. I pointed this out to him and he immediately rang in another sale on the till for the correct 199 baht price.

    I ponted out that the initial receipt was wrong and asked for my free 6 inch sub. This he refused to give me.

    I went back to my motorcycle took out a pen and paper from the box and went back in the shop and wrote down the number to call if there are any problems.

    When I was getting back on the bike the guy serving came racing out the shop and actually tried to punch me. I ducked put my bike in gear and left.

    Is this typical of Subway?

    I realize that Subway are one of the sponsers for this board. If anyone in a management position at Subway would like to pm me I will happily meet with them to discuss this mattyer in more detail.

    I cannot believe this guy's behaviour.

    They pay their employees a tiny fraction of the minimum wage in most western countries.

    Are they so surprised that their employees, whom they barely pay enough to keep from starving, behave this way?

    Actually - Subway generally pay their staff quite a bit above the Thai minimum wage.

    No excuse whatsoever for ripping the boss off & hopefully the few scumbag employees that do this, get caught and severely dealt with.


    Wow, are you ever a relief. You actually contradicted me without insulting me, claiming I condone theft, or claiming that I would do nothing if I saw somebody on fire. I never condoned theft by the way, just saying that I don't sympathize with the company enough to risk my life to save it from a five dollar theft

    I don't even know what Thai minimum wage is. I didn't even think there was one.

    Care to enlighten me? If there is one, I bet it is way too low in comparison to cost of living in Thailand.

    This is how exploitation happens.

    People are given the choice:

    "Work here for next to nothing" OR "Have nothing"

    They simply don't have a choice.

    Pattaya is a really bad place for people being exploited.

    Can't even get into this too much without violating forum rules.

    I personally have no use for people who exploit the poor.

    The violent aspect of this incident didn't happen until the end of the encounter. How was the OP poster supposed to know the guy would come after him? There was a number on the wall to call if there was a problem. The customer percieved that there was a problem and copied down the number then he was attacked.

    No matter how you justify it, theft is a crime. I believe if you look around you will find much worse cases of exploitation which need to be addressed. You seem to have the passion to make a difference, use it wisely.

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