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Posts posted by twschw

  1. If you have a thai spouse, one time or another your spouse probably tried to convince you to convert your religion to Buddhism.

    You as a foreigner, have you ever tried to convince your spouse to convert from Buddhism to belief in your religion.

    and how did that worked out.

    I have never been asked to "convert". Have been asked to go to the temple to make merit by feeding the fish in the river. I enjoyed that. :D

    I, as a foreigner, would never think to press my religious beliefs upon any Thai or anyone anywhere for that matter. :o

  2. Thank you, garro. If you had cited facts in the first place I would not have posted what I did.

    and why would you wait for(garro) to post (facts) for you???

    Why would not you seek out for the truth by yourself? why don't you Google it?

    Speaking now from a 100% westernized citizen conscious wise I wish to add this; you know you can not blame those people to be closed-minded cause mostly they live in a very oppressed tyrannic sheikdoms who have all kinds of (thought-POLICE) . But what are our excuses to accept or understand others??? why would some western ppl just jump on and hate everyone who does not look like them or think like them? <deleted> should they care if a woman wears a curtain or a tent?? why don't they dislike that dress code worn by nuns and Amish women??

    why don't they try to read and know what are the reasons or just simply follow the rule of:: what if I was in those ppl's shoes??? Do you like to be treated in that way?

    Where was the (freedom of speech) with Layla al-attar bombing??????????

    Why are you jumping on me? Where did I say anything about hating anyone? It was a comment on form not content.

  3. In regards to funfun's questions.

    1. What on earth has that got to do with it?????

    that would upset every community!!!!

    An issue shouldn't need to be taboo for every community for it to be handled carefully.

    2. in what way do you mean over reacted? protesting at embassy in bkk


    "Danish police said they had uncovered a plot to kill the cartoonist"

    I seem to remember that the Americans wanted to blow up some Arabic TV stations because they didn't like the coverage.

    Is this a serious rebuttal? :o

  4. I stand by my point. If you have a professional business, that maintains

    a large cash register on the premises (certainly with a bank branch a

    stone's throw away) there is no reason not to maintain ample change in

    the drawer for standard transactions. This isn't some grilled-chicken stand.

    If the girl wasn't surly and talking on her mobile the entire time I really

    would not have had a problem with it. I'm taking an old-fashioned approach

    to this. I reward enterprises with friendly, helpful staff with my repeat

    business. I try and be nice to everyone. Won't be going back to this place.

    Is it really any different than purchasing a $1 item and paying with a $10 bill?

    Like I said, I'm only going to frequent places which have courteous staff. :o

    Isn't it more like a $3 item and paying with a $50 bill?

  5. A quick and sincere thanks from a non smoker to all you smokin' folks who have abided by the new law so quickly and (so far as I have heard) without any big complaint.

    I am really amazed that you have taken this new restriction on board so quickly and peacefully. I want you to know that this particular life-long non-smoker appreciates it very much.

    And hopes it encourages you all to cut down - purely for your own sakes!

    I, as a smoker, actually appreciate the politeness of this post. It beats the pontificating posts on other threads. I personally would never smoke in an enclosed restaurant but if I were smoking in an open air bar and someone politely told me that my smoke was bothering them I would, of course try to minimize the effect of the smoke to them. However if approached in an aggresive manner I would simply ignore them and light another. To get respect you have to give respect.

    I do doubt that a restriction on smoking in bars will have any effect on how much I smoke since bars are not where I spend much of my time.

  6. ^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

  7. I am looking for a townhouse to move into and the prices I was given were in the 6000 to 8000 baht per month range. When I told my Thai friends they were up in arms. Too much, too much. So one of my friends went to the same places and the range was from 3500 to 5000 baht per month range. No dual pricing, indeed. Then there is the local night market do I need to tell you about pricing there? You are correct though that there are things such as utilities and large chain stores that do not have dual pricing but for you to say it doesn't affect my daily life is wrong.
    Point is though dual pricing hardly affects your life or that of most Foreigners...

    I'm interested to hear how many instances of discrimination you encounter that affect your daily existence.

    Well I don't expect you get much of an apartment for 4000 bath a month, but I never paid more than the advertised price which Thais also paid.

    I think I've made my point and I'm sure in most cases you would find it hard to disagree, just as I am able to agree that there is dual pricing.

    So I'll leave it at that although I would be interested in basjke response to my post,

    as he did ask wether I was serious in my claim that in most areas we do pay the same price as Thais.

    I answer your question and you put in a jab...oh well :o

  8. I am looking for a townhouse to move into and the prices I was given were in the 6000 to 8000 baht per month range. When I told my Thai friends they were up in arms. Too much, too much. So one of my friends went to the same places and the range was from 3500 to 5000 baht per month range. No dual pricing, indeed. Then there is the local night market do I need to tell you about pricing there? You are correct though that there are things such as utilities and large chain stores that do not have dual pricing but for you to say it doesn't affect my daily life is wrong.

  9. What is a traffic warden? I don't think I was ever one. I was just wondering how the snitching was going?

    A traffic warden enforces parking regulations, (I think they may be refereed to as Meter Maids in the States), here in the UK without them traffic would be gridlocked nearly all the time, as stated on this thread even though there may be laws, unless they are enforced you will find there is a narrow minded section of society who will choose to ignore them.


    The ban is not being ignored, it is not being enforced yet. When it does then you can start your rant. An unenforced law is no law at all.

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