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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. The minister also warned that any individual or organisation which states or even implies that he was involved in the bribery scam will be sued for defamation. Now why would he need to state this?
  2. If there's one way of restarting the pandemic worldwide it's to allow Chinese tourist to travel en masse. Governments worldwide, including Thailand, should not allow this to happen at this point in time. The WHO should step in if necessary. But I doubt it'll happen.
  3. That's hardly a surprise,
  4. Surely posing Prayut will diminish their chances of being elected next time round!
  5. I'm sure the Masterchef judges would love it!
  6. There have been a number of overstay stories here in the past few weeks. I'm sure not all of these overstay arrests make the press either. I guess they put a few in the press just to warn others that the smart cars are coming!
  7. The parties outside the current unstable coalition are going to have to get 376 of 500 seats to ensure that they have a prime-minister from within their faction. We shouldn't forget that the Thai populace voted for this, even though most wouldn't have had a clue what they were voting for!
  8. Never take any notice of the strikeout prices on these websites as they are invented by the booking companies. It remains, however, an oddity that you can often get a better price for a hotel through an agent such as Agoda, where the hotel pays commission, than by booking direct with the hotel. It's not as pronounced as it was and it's certainly not the case for all hotels.
  9. The Burmese used to fill a lot of the menial tasks but they're not in Phuket in the numbers they were before. I'd have thought a receptionist should be a reasonable job, though perhaps the required ability in the Russian language is putting potential employees off!????
  10. I've seen a lot of stories here that could be April 1st spoofs and this is up there among the best!
  11. I wonder if any of the EU leaders have asked about his stance on the Russian/Ukraine war in view of Thailand's position as an EU ally?
  12. I think something is lost in translation here as that ain't a cruise ship!
  13. Is it just me or do that pair look like Wallace and Gromit?
  14. Phuket has many streets where you park on one side of the road on even dates, the other side on odd dates. It would be bit unfair to clamp if these rules are in place wouldn't it?
  15. Tourism returns and the same old stories are cropping up!
  16. Hasn't the Tourism Minister noticed that tourism has picked up very well in certain areas. I can't see many hotels in Phuket, for example, offering the big discounts they did to enter this scheme before, at least not until after Songkran,
  17. I don't see why anyone want to be PM if the majority of sitting MPs don't provide any support but some are just power-crazed! Somehow anti-military parties will have to get 376 seats out of 500 if Thailand is to rid itself of the current shower and their first job would be to tear up the military-drafted constitution in the same way that Prayut/Prawit and co did with the last one.....until the next coup at which point there will be yet another.
  18. Increase drunk drivers by up to ten times? I don't think so. Someone who is drink driving at 4am is just as likely to be drink-driving at 10pm, midnight or 2am. Those who actually obey the law are not suddenly going to start drink-driving just because the bars are open later.
  19. Yep. He's an expert at asking the Government for more money!
  20. Have I missed something here? Didn't the Government put up 600 million baht for this? So the Thai taxpayers are paying for what now appears to be a True exclusive? Whether or not True paid the balance, this doesn't sound right. Fortunately I'm in England right now where ITV and BBC are providing excellent coverage on free to air TV.
  21. Don't know about Babs but I reckon Hattie would pass!
  22. Bangla is what it is. Clean it up and it wouldn't be Bangla. Though give me the Bangla of 20 years ago any day.
  23. It's the correct spelling in US English. I do wonder how many people will lost their licences as tallying up the points will involve quite a lot of paperwork for the BIB, time better spent collecting fines in cash.
  24. Your last paragraph demonstrates the Government hypocrisy where small potential scale brewers have been prevented from setting up as the Government is apparently concerned about lack of quality control.
  25. Is Thailand the only country in the world where marijuana is legal and vape is illegal?
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