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Posts posted by inmysights

  1. What ever the motives may be, i know that many Thai men resent and feel they are losing face because Thai women find them repulsive in their ways, they have the opportunity to chose a so called better and easier life,with a farang, high ranking officials,probably feel thay are being seen as dickless and inadiquate to fulfill a womans desires, and are really pissed off,...just a thought...:whistling:

    So why these "repulsive" straight Thai men do not get things right. Shower, shave, stop drinking etc... They are repulsive indeed.

    What Thai men do you guys regularly come across? I'm a relatively hygienic person, but I've found that Thai people in general take it to another level. I haven't met hardly any Thai men who don't shave and bathe regularly (often two showers per day), not to mention keeping neat, pressed clothes. I usually look like a slob by comparison b/c I don't really care if I skip shaving for a couple days.

    What I've noticed is that a very solid percentage of Thai men just don't commit to a woman very well. Okay, yeah, they drink, maybe gamble too, but I drink also. Big deal. More than anything I've seen Thai women get fed up with the men due to infidelity, and then just get to throw on the drinking etc. onto the pile of complaints. I don't know maybe I'm surrounded by proper Thais. Perhaps I should try living in the country for a while.

    Exactly. The ONLY farang men I've met have not a bloody clue as to the 'Thai Man', apart from those patronising bastards who claim their pool cleaner/handyman/gardener/mechanic to be 'their 'mate'' Ha! I've also a not so sneaking suspicion, having observed them alone with Thai men, they (the farang men) are afraid of them, not knowing how to conduct themselves faced with the true (non bar GIRL) side of Thai culture. It's funny and pathetic at the same time.

    They don't bother to understand their Thai 'girlfriend/wives' culture, rarely eating Thai food or bothering with the most fundamental phrases 'apart from one more Chang kup', so why would they bother being truly knowledgeable about Thai men (who I too have found much more concerned with their personal hygiene than their farang counterparts).

    As to your second point regards infidelity/alcoholism, again, the majority of farang men meet these girls in bars. Those who have been deserted by these 'particular' Thai husbands and have assuaged their guilt at taking advantage of them, by paying them for sexual services. Stop deluding yourselves. Robin Bloody Hood you ain't.

    And by the way, a Thai woman, ANY Thai woman having to sell her arse in a bar, would much prefer a sturdily built, beautifully skinned, softly spoken Thai man over a flatulent fatmouthed farang, any day. That's why the younger ones always keep their Thai boyfriends/husbands in the background.

  2. What a crock of <deleted>. This will probably give the Thai politicians some new ideas. I married my 49 year old Thai wife when I was 56. So what's this "robbing the cradle" BS? Most of my over 50 friends are married to middle aged Thai women! Come on... And I don't know anyone in a "sham marriage"

    I totally agree with your point regarding farangs marrying Thais approximately same age, (my Thai husband just 3 years younger than me). and believe Cambodia taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut, as usual Asian Way.

    On the other hand, do come across a lot of young Thai women who aren't at all happy with their drunken farang 'husbands' whose sole function seems to bed and board them. Hence so many disillusioned Issan women applying to their local Amphurs to divorce.

    A lovely young woman who's been with a farang (not married - he doesn't want to) recently confided in me that she'd been offered a relatively high paying salary from a friend in the UK (no, not anything to do with sex trade) and I told her to 'go for it'. She's never seen anything outside Thailand and is very astute, proficient in English. She agreed better option than something like Pattaya or yet another old farang. Or staying as the present old farangs housemaid/sex on demand toy.

  3. that's why i said for the wrong reasons. no doubt there are happily married couples with big age differences, but i'm also sure that for every 1 happy couple, there are 9 only about sex and money. i've met many couples where the husband is 60 or so and has a wife covered in back tattoos who's around 20, sometimes pushing around a baby stroller. and when i look at those women, i can tell they're not happy. i know this is not what you meant, but yes, there is mutual respect, guy gets laid, girl gets money.

    That's just the definition of marriage, isn't it?

    From what I've seen here, yes.

  4. Older foreigners give Issan more financial assistance then any NGO or UN

    Here is what you should say:

    Dirty old Farangs contribute substantial financial aid to ISAN families Than any NGOs or the UN. Haha.... Dude... That's amused.....

    hilarious 'cause it contains a lotta truth! Man, and all the life insurance payouts and claims prolly add up to more than thaksin's payouts and assets as well.

    Imagine if Thai taxpayers had to financially support their own poor people, instead of leaving it to Karma or NGOs, or Farang ATMs.

    Yeah, so better leave the welfare of a particular province of this particular country to old farang men than old farang men getting off their <deleted> and doing something (same NGOs) instead of recruiting housekeepers/end of life carers. Which would NOT be to their advantage of course.

    These old guys have the advantage in the full and certain knowledge that they would in no way be able to procure a woman third their age in their 'home countries' and openly admit it. These third world countries' ruling class don't give a toss for the underprivileged. It'll change some day. In the meantime, you old guys keep throwing the dice and hope you'll make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

    As to the FEW early demises reported (percentages?) you place your bets, you make your choice.

  5. People that are in favor of removing anonymity from forums should consider that if we had same attitude for voting and we removed anonymity from ballots, democracy would be greatly compromised. Eventually the control freaks will destroy the internet, but we shouldn't help them.

    Huh? I am fairly sure that when I vote, my credentials/eligibility to vote is checked and verified. I have no problem with people wanting some basic verification of who I am before accessing THEIR service. I have no problem with people choosing not to do so either. (use the service that is)

    The world is getting smaller and people are having to be a bit more responsible for their words and actions. Unless you are a super-hacker, not much that you do on the internet can't be tracked back to you anyways :)

    Pity the ruling elite don't 'have to be a bit more responsible for their words and actions'.

    And I'm NOT talking about various World puppets, er, governments. Wake up.

  6. "Thalang police found three 11mm bullet casings and three unspent 11mm bullets at the scene"

    I wonder why there were 3 unspent shells at the scene also. A dirty semi-auto that kept jamming or a malfunctioning gun. It just seams odd to me that they would find them there.

    Good point 'rammis35'! Point of order; Jamming and malfunction, same thing, but a correct assumption I think, maybe old and worn out weapon, possibly a Chinese gat, could even be a new Chinese semi hand gun, they are not known for being reliable and three live rounds left at the scene would indicate at least 3 stoppages.

    Interesting; the guy was shot 4 times, 3 live rounds found, 3 empty cases……………where is the other empty case? I believe, (from what I've read) the weapon jammed a fourth time, not ejecting the spent case, leaving it in the chamber, that's why only 3 and not 4 empty cases were not found at the scene.

    Or one round that hit his wrist travelled on for a second hit. :huh:

    Good point, but I can only go on the information given…He was said to have been shot 4 times. But yes it’s always a possibility. Something else, 11mm, my guess a .44 or a .45 very common in Thailand, it’s a big hand gun, and takes some control to use accurately. Take in to account the stoppages the shooter had and the nerves, unless he was standing right next to the victim, he did bloody well to hit this guy 4 times out of 4 shots, either a good shoot or very lucky. I don’t believe he fired any more than 4 times, as he didn’t pick up the 3 empty cases found there why would he have picked any others up.

    Or very practiced and in certain knowledge the casings would not be used as evidence ... geddit? Duh.

  7. Has anonymity become more of a problem than a positive thing?

    no it hasn't.

    and... you suck.


    no, seriously, avoid signing in anywhere with facebook, twitter, google, yahoo or openID.

    if you need to use these services, create a "role" - not necessarily a fake identity, but a set of personal data including a specific email address you will use only in connection with this "role" (or legend).

    use disposable email adresses and strictly segregate their use to the "role" the address was created for.

    avoid cloud computing, and avoid gmail and other online email storage services (use POP3 or setup your own server)

    avoid flickr and picasa and similar services

    don't use gmail to store your contacts and messages, avoid using these functions of android phones

    gmail wants my phone number to activate, how frightening is that?

    I still don't have a gmail account.

    my profession?


    I have several email accounts - nothing nefarious, simply organises my many subscriptions to sites of my eclectic interests.

    However, not one of them has my correct name/address, let alone bloody telephone number! And you, as a 'webmaster' LOL! Should be aware that you can just pull some random number out of your head and pass Go without having to enter 'We now have even more info on you land'.

  8. Needs a high-up out of the kickback equation to simply say 'no more jet-skis in Pattaya! Apologies to the legit operators but your brethren have screwed it for you.' Yes, I know, all a bit Singapore-esque and neat.

    Abandon jet-skis everywhere. People wanting to fuc_k around on that noisy and polluting shit deserve to be scammed in the first place :)

    Wholeheartedly agree. Bunch of stupid (given international press coverage), selfish (well, I'm on 'oliday in' I) priks.

    And for the umpteenth time, are they legal, or not?

    As to BiB pulling cars/motorbikes over, you know they're going to extract their 'tea money' so don't bloody stop! Am constantly amazed at the number of (predominantly farang) who pull meekly into the curb. Charge at the fckrs, that gets them out of your way post haste.

  9. Hear you regards

    'She farmed her parents who had Alzheimers (sp?) to nursing homes. I used to visit those homes and nursing is far from what was going on there.'

    And the 'terminal bloody not-care wards' in general hospitals haunt me to this day.

    For all of you who believe the Thais to be a compassionate race.

  10. Jeez...just look at the Post's website today. Without clicking on anything I picked up 2 errors. And within those articles are a bunch more. Easy stuff, too. Unreal. As "The world's window to Thailand", they are showing a pretty poor side of this beautiful country. Proof readers can't be that expensive!!!! :annoyed:

    Bearing in mind this country's lip service to the learning of the international language that is English, I would have thought that a fluent/proficient proof reader 'over their budget'. Kee niaow.

  11. If the author wants to achieve something, then he should try to increase the level of understanding in the population of the risks and dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. Not remove an option of relief from the daily grind by pricing it so high that it becomes the privilege of the wealthy to consume alcohol on a regular basis.

    Does this 'increasing of understanding ...' include those who can afford better quality booze? Or are you merely condescending the poor?

    Didn't/doesn't work in the West (White Lightning et al) and certainly won't here.

    As already stated, the illegitimate production of lao khao will continue regardless, much like pocheen in Ireland, Moonshine in the US and ethanol based hooch in Russia.

    Apart from 'prohibition', the only thing that would work is to make healthier alternatives more accessible, financially.

    I am aware wine production not one of Asia's best suits, but a massive reduction in tax on that would be a start. In my experience, Thais much prefer wine but of course can't afford it.

    And people will always want to get pissed.

  12. I've just received some docs from my Thai lawyer in winzip, which I attempted to unzip (extract to ...) and upon opening found the docs to be in 'computer script/illegible).

    How do I 'unzip' them into English language please? Bit important ... Thanks :)

  13. 8.8!

    dam_n that's a huge earthquake.

    I've been hearing that there are minor earthquake swarms occurring around the world an they are supposed to peak next week. It also predicted that one of the first ones would be in Japan.

    I can't believe they were correct.

    Prepare for possibly one hell of a week.

    I've been trying to find the source for that, but didn't see anything in the news. Where did you get that info?



    Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12709598

    Make of it what you will.

  14. People on the UK watchlist are fully aware that when they book an air ticket or other form of transport out of the UK the once their passport number and destination come up the details are automatically flagged to the destination country which then means the destination can check their record and if they see fit they can then bar the the person involved

    Crap. I have English(male) friends who visit me on a regular basis here but have never hired prostitutes. Indeed, one of which took offence to being offered a box of condoms when recently presenting himself for the usual jabs for Thailand.

    AND, by the way, how is it, bearing in mind your optimum sentence, a predominantly large proportion of 'kiddie fiddlers' are English? When was the last time you heard of a preponderance of English nonces being nabbed?

  15. "his government had more than 30,000 paedophiles and child-sex offenders on its watchlist, and had enlisted some 50,000 volunteers to disseminate useful information and preventive advice, which has reached up to 7 million people so far"

    This is just the UK how about all the other countries too, numbers are staggering but are they real? -very complicated -definitions leave a lot to be desired and if a tourist is in a massage parlour and unknowingly has sex with an underage girl who is to blame? Beats me how a European can always judge correctly a 15 year old from a 17 years old and I have been around SE Asia for 30 years.

    Don't know about you, but would've thought sex with anyone in a massage parlour would raise suspicions as to the veracity of it being a 'massage' parlour? Come off it ...

  16. Many thanks for the advice, that is a great website and has a million choices

    One more question if you are able to assist me, what is your comment regarding the asking prices from these types of operators ? is it like most else in Thailand whereby the price is way negotiable or would you feel the price will be somewhere near the asking price ?

    regards austy>

    They have the most listings in Thailand and are based in Phuket so are familiar with the properties and locations first hand.

    And are a total ripoff. Get on a bike and travel around. Lots of properties for rent.

    NEVER expect good advice on an internet forum, partcularly this one, regarding property/prices and what would suit you personally.

    You'll just have to get off your arse and do the legwork yourself unless you don't mind swimming with the numerous sharks here. UpToYou.

  17. Yet another overpriced crap furnishing (ha!) store from Europe.

    I'm sure the cashed up Thais will flock to this particular branded (mdf board) store the same as they did on Phuket with Index, primarily known for it's cheap shitty 'furniture' in the UK. LOL! But would have thought 'expats' would know better.

    Ah well. No accounting for tastelessness.

  18. The 'Indians' are Nepalese (who have a 'special arrangement' with the Thai government re business activities) who are merely fronts who outsource to 'the lowly Thai' (the Nepalese speak English and have Indian mindset re business' - make as much as you can off crap goods).

    Go directly to a local Thai tailor (unless you happen to be in HK) and expect the same shoddy work but at a fraction of the Nepalese cost.

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