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Posts posted by inmysights

  1. Anyone involved in the abuse and maltreatment of children should be given the harshest of legal and societal discipline. One thing I didn't see too much of in this thread was people being pissed off at the relatives. Selling a child to a stranger for money knowing full well the life that lies ahead for them, has got to be in the top 10 list of most cruel things that one human being can do to another. The bar owners and patrons are just parasites festering in an open wound. The relatives should receive societal scorn and legal punishment.

    These women came from an area where women get married at 12. Maybe you should try changing their customs. But they might get upset because women always married at 12 years of age in that area. Go ahead you tell em it's wrong and their history and traditions are outdated.

    A 12 year old CHILD is neither a woman nor a man. Have you ever met any?

  2. Oops I meant to type SHOULD NOT challenge authority.

    You've absolutely no idea have you.

    OF COURSE they won't 'challenge' authority. This is Asia. Thailand to boot.

    You 'challenge' 'authority' - get in someone's face aka cause to ugh, 'lose face', you get dumped on and no one will help you out.

    Known fact: Environmentalists get shot here. And have you ever heard of a Thai 'whistle blower? who survived?

    Status quo: Keep you head down (discounting little reds and yellows) until ...

  3. Anyone involved in the abuse and maltreatment of children should be given the harshest of legal and societal discipline. One thing I didn't see too much of in this thread was people being pissed off at the relatives. Selling a child to a stranger for money knowing full well the life that lies ahead for them, has got to be in the top 10 list of most cruel things that one human being can do to another. The bar owners and patrons are just parasites festering in an open wound. The relatives should receive societal scorn and legal punishment.

    I agree Spee but as you can see, as usual, 'forum members' are far too wrapped up in their own petty vendettas/vested interests to give a rat's.

  4. french they must from one of the north african parts of the old colonial then , both look distinctly arabian to me not european???????

    And your definition of a Frenchman would be ... ? Blond haired/blue eyed/brunette/brown eyed/ginger?

    The stupidity of some on this forum never ceases to amaze me!

    There are many interracial characteristics from all parts of EUROPE. And the French have a preponderance of those from the latin/abrabic races, given their history/proximity.

    AND in any case, what the hell does being of any other race than 'european' have to do with it? I don't remember ONE boiler room guy being anything other than caucasian. (Perhaps some of you might need to look that word up ...)

  5. It was mentioned in the other thread that foreigners are not exposed to this type of lifestyle.

    Have you ever been to Vegas, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Frankfurt's Redlight district, or The Wall in Nuremberg? I'm sure there are a lot more.

    I doubt Thailand invented this industry.

    AND the first kneejerk Thai prostitution apologist 'ooooh, it happens everywhere'. Yes, but an ENTIRE country isn't famous/infamous for it. I'm sure no one titters when someone mentions they will be holidaying in any of the other countries you mention.

    Stop being so predictable. Yawn.

    By the way, WHY this bar? Didn't cough up the nam cha then?

  6. Those of any nationality who send money to people they have only spoken with by 'phone and whom they've never met, are greedy and stupid and deserve everything they get (or lose).

    No doubt you will say the same to any of your elderley family members should the same ever happen to them.

    Any surviving 'elderley' (sic) family members I have would not be so bloody stupid.

    Got you did they?

  7. Those of any nationality who send money to people they have only spoken with by 'phone and whom they've never met, are greedy and stupid and deserve everything they get (or lose).

    And the 'crackdown' will last as long as all the other 'crackdowns' here. A nanosecond.

    Rather a insensitive thing to say about old people with poor memories and slower working logic systems. Work all there lives for a golden retirement get it slowly lose there mental facilities and loose all there money to a feelingless crook.

    Speaking of feelingless you seem to fill that part of the equation.

    Insensitive'? Really? On another thread it was suggested that the poor who could only afford lao khao deserved to die, to which I took great exception.

    'Old people with poor memories and er, slower working logic systems'? Don't make me bloody laugh. I reckon if a poll were taken, it would be the young to middle aged element with no brains hoping to make a quick buck.

  8. We tried the Kebab House today,nothing special..tried the doner kebab,no fresh vegetables in it just sauce.Chicken tasteless.(in menu picture has tomato and onion,salad)

    The staff also used a Scale to measure the amount of chicken to use in the Kebab.:)

    will not be going back there.

    Went there yesterday:

    Surprised about the weight check with the plastic scale :blink: ...

    Finished after the first bite...chicken was still raw :realangry:

    Geez, raw? Thats discusting...

    It's a small bland undecorated shophouse (not a plant in sight. The 'food' looks like it's just come out of a microwave (mush) AND there's NO wine on the menu! I asked the guy 'why no wine? You drink wine with arab/med food, not bloody beer', he replied 'they were sorting it out'! I told him how was it that practically every resautrant here serves the ubiquitous Mont Clair, even the Thai ones. (I rarely eat at farang places here - overpriced shit I can make far better myself at home). Speaking of overpriced shit, anyone tried BIG FOOD in Chalong just up from police station? Even just the once?

  9. Went last night to DA SANDROS next to chalong gym same side as FATTYS, Good fresh food at reasonable prices..Italian and Foreign food...try it... well worth a try...O

    I walked passed it yesterday and there was a huge 'for sale' sign outside. Good business then ...

  10. To be prudish means 'to be, or try to be excessively proper'. If you think following local customs, and not upsetting local people is being excessively proper instead of just being normal, then I'm afraid that says a lot about you! :(

    Dunno if you understand Thai, or, not, but, I've never heard a single local complain about this issue.

    Seems the only complaints are from the the farang prudes on here.

    Unless of course, you have proof to the contrary?

    Clearly you have absolutely NO understanding of Thai culture, or language. Or, maybe I'm wrong and you've found yourself standing at a beach venue with some local saying ''Ave a look at THAT! No bloody respec'' LOL

    And the word 'prude' is not appropriate to this thread. 'Respect' is.

    C'mon ... LOL!

  11. I think the OP is a part time expat. So perhaps his time here feels more like a vacation than for residents. That isn't good or bad but it might change your point of view.

    He 'should change his point of view'.

    Try this one on. He's black living in a predominantly white country.

    How would he feel THEN about being over-charged because of the colour of his skin? And please save the racist 'white man earn more than black/brown man' crap.

    Being treated differently because of the colour of your skin is racist. Full stop.

  12. ^^

    Like I said before - plastics. US Congress was told of the dangers of marijouana by the guy who was developing the plastics business. His main competitor was locally grown hemp, a centuries-old business locally in the US.

    He made false medical statements about the effects of marijouana and backed it up with falsified evidence. From his presentation, US Congress decided that marijouana was a serious threat to society (see wavefloater's post above) and the rest (e.g. billions of name-your-currency in persecution and incarceration of pot smokers, billions in research to establish negative effects, and so on) is history.

    It is absolute madness that marijouana is a criminal offense, in the US or any other country.

    Way I heard it from a friend who'd been here over 30 years, it was quite common for people to light up, until the AMERICAN government at that time told Thailand 'to clean up it's act' re drugs (funny when you think they are now the biggest consumers of South American (Columbia/Bolivia et al) cocaine.

    If they didn't, they could wave bye bye to any more funding from the IMF.

    Rather like refusing aid if the Thai government of the time didn't send back all their Vietnamese/Hmong labour, breaking up families and leaving them to their fate at the hands of the Vietcong. After all, to the yanks, they were just 'gooks'. And we all know what happened there. HYPOCRITES.

  13. The PAD is a criminal organization hell bent on taking full control of the government. Where is Lenin when you need him?

    Bit OTT isn't it? 'The PAD' weren't a criminal organisation but certain personalities have evolved it into a quasi agent provocateur faction.

    The Taksin instigated red shirts most certainly were criminal in their actions, or at least their 'leaders' are/were.

    Lenin? Don't make me laugh/cry.

  14. I wish I had a 100 baht for every time a farang man here told me 'his wife took him for everything' back in their home countries. They're bitter and like the way they 'think' they can call the shots here with impoverished locals.

    I've never liked wealthy men in my home country, they're usually controlling <deleted> and I can take care of myself, thanks.

    So both here and there, tend to be drawn to the non-materialistic types.

  15. Has the person who wrote this ever lived in Thailand? The answer is simple. I've never had to pay bribe money to the army.

    I forgot that part of the comparison. Maybe there's something in that. The army could start raiding houses, and charge/bribe/fine people in order that they (the army) move on.. Hehehe. Ok, I jest, and I don't want to give them any ideas!

    This wouldn't work because Thai people's attitudes are different from western ones. I had a discussion with my Thai friends on this subject the conclusion was that even if they got more money they'd still not change. They'd just see it as extra money.

    and I do agree with that attitude, that's why they have to clean up first... I see the real problem with the corruption is that it is so ingrained. Look at all the bars that would be forced to close at the real closing times. The go go bars, nightclubs etc. And corruption isn't limited to just Phuket, Bangkok and Pattaya... An impossibility really. Not within a few years at least. So, the husband just keeps cheating, and the wife just puts up with it... Until the collective wives get together and say enough is enough!

    And who's going to do that then? The government? LOL.

    I remember Taksin saying if they didn't clean up their act he'd sack the lot of them. Ironic really.

    But one particular South American country did exactly that, well all those over the age of, I think. 35, the older ones being too deeply entrenched. There were new recruits paid more with bonuses etc.

    Never going to happen here. Corruption from TOP down forever.

  16. I'm not nuts to ask this question. But it really surprised me if a person who took a full-of-smiles photo with a tank on streets has ever thought that for once they could give police that same kind of admiration.

    Has the person who wrote this ever lived in Thailand? The answer is simple. I've never had to pay bribe money to the army.

    What needs to happen is clean the police up, strip out the corruption, then pay them more for doing the job they do.

    This wouldn't work because Thai people's attitudes are different from western ones. I had a discussion with my Thai friends on this subject the conclusion was that even if they got more money they'd still not change. They'd just see it as extra money.

    Yes I'm getting tired of seeing the same posts over and over again. 'Pay them more'. TOO BLOODY LATE. They Would just see it as more money. Natch.

  17. The colleague's story is exactly one of the reasons whymthere is no happy marriage between police and civilians. he was obviously waiting for the woman to offer a way out of the ticket, and once he saw she wasn't going to cough up, she was allowed to go.

    Police in any society are invaluable, including in Thailand. What needs to happen is clean the police up, strip out the corruption, then pay them more for doing the job they do. But as long as there is corruption, there will never be a happy relationship. It's like a married man who cheats, and his wife knows it.

    BTW, in a previous life I was a police officer in my home country. Naturally I have a huge amount of respect for them, and it's been the case every time I have been stopped here and I talk my way out of these bogus tickets (most recent in Udon just two-three weeks ago). My wife, on the other hand, isn't so lucky. She's got them for having a dirty bike <deleted> (before my time).

    If you don't pay them, they don't do anything.

  18. From the opening paragraph of George Orwell's 'Burmese Days' : 'The Asians do not age as the rest of us, they ripen ...' (sic)

    So you old fat slobs emulating the elderly Thai, you look disgusting. And you younger element should wake up to the fact you are NOT in Torremalinos or wherever and show some respect by donning a shirt when in a restaurant/shopping center or anywhere else you wouldn't think of doing it in your home country.

    Your pasty 'roid enhanced muscles aren't sexy, just sad. AND you smell.

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