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Posts posted by AllanB

  1. Don't you have a local mechanic you can trust, he can start with a simple compression test and check the plug and oil, plus filters. It is more likely you can refurb the carb, a good clean and new set of jets.


    You don't want to complicate this or buy anything you may not need. Keep it simple.


    You don'y necessarily need a heart transplant, if it just wind.

  2. Stick welding this thickness would be quite difficult and no-one out there is going to have a mig. In an ideal world I would buy a Mig, cut-off saw and pipe-bender and do it myself, like the good old days in the UK. But a lot of expense for something I will use once, so this fairly thin walled stainless is less than ideal, though lightweight.


    If I do drop the bike it will deform, but then so will I, anyway l'll give it a try, see if I can get some triangulation into it somewhere and it shouldn't f-up the bike in a prang.


    LOS, but not exactly a country for engineering..though the guy does speak a bit of English and Khon Kaen is not exactly a western town either, so getting my excuses in early.

  3. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    Is it per chance the left leg? If so could this be your reluctance to change gear? What about changing the shifter for a Yamaha Spark one with a "rocker" configuration .(proper rubber black thing on the front, steel plate thingy at the rear) 



    While you are at the Yamaha dealer get the size and weight of the Filano weghts !

    It is my left leg and I did such a mod on the Lifan with a welder, about 3 minutes work. But that because it was reluctant to go into neutral when hot and my shoes were soft, hurt my little toes-iwoesies.


    Don't need it on the CRF and had my leather shoes repaired. "Gammy" is a bit of a strong word, I have arthritis in my knee, one reason I like dirt bikes, I can stand up (just like a-papa) and it strengthens my leg muscles.

  4. 24 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    The Thai cheater box  Link is a few posts up. You use it for ride-ability it is not magic torque in a box. There is no magic torque in a box.


    Technically the gearbox is torque in a box as it magnifies the engine torque. As I said put a piece of tape over the tach.:thumbsup:

    Not really mate......anything times nothing is still nothing.


    May give the cheater box a go, it's only 1200baht and reversible.

  5. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Yawn!!


    Yes I am an old man too and already feel sorry for kids, with their smartphones glued to their hands, boring corporate manufactured music (videos) and films, so with the arrival of "Torchy" battery bikes, what's left?


    Not sure the UK leaving the EU will make much difference in terms of Independence, we are already remote controlled sheep.


    Never has the lyric "I hope I die before I get old" been more appropriate.


    I will end my rant on a note of optimism...."obesity". As Asians are getting fatter, they will have to start making bigger bikes..... that will fit farangs....:post-4641-1156694572:


    PS. Don't worry I am not going to get into a protracted argument with you young "go-aheads", I will just leave you to get wet dreaming about this " new technology"......just don't come running to me when you can't get through to the Samaritans. :sad:


  6. 52 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    EJK I used to sell them but they didn't take at he time everyone was into Power Commander or...  But yes they work. Even come with recommended settings. The only EJK I have is for a PCX and as that is CVT it has no "acceleration" mode.


    The Thai cheater box is simpler and cheaper. Unless someone makes a Lambda Emulator for a Honda.

    Gulp!!! You lost me, just want some low rpm torque in a box?


    Who wouldn't want that? This is an engine designed for the CBR and isn't really suited to the CRF application, but what do I know?


    It reminds me of what happened when BMW took over Landrover, they immediately put a fantastic Beama engine in the Rangerover...and it was absolute crap. Indeed I once put a 2.8 litre 6 cylinder Nissan engine in my Rangerover, a complete disaster. The reason for the problems...no low rpm torque.


    ...and I understand the problem here, it is "marketing", everyone is so obsessed by peak bhp, nothing else matters. It is a shame, you cannot image how much fun it is riding off with such dexterity and confidence, with so few basic skills, a fat belly and a gammy leg, it makes me look good. This applies to everything off-tarmac, including stony tracks....and 2 up.


    It's not that you need to destroy the top end performance as a sacrifice for this.

  7. I had my Fiat Multipla remapped and my son his Seat Leon, they went like shit off a shovel and cost us mpg only when thrashed. This torque remapping may be good and swapping the whole ECU means I can swap back.


    Logic would dictate that I may use a little more fuel at low rpm, but keep out of the high rpm band, so may be more economical. May also account for the Lifan being more economical.


    Anyone know any more about these? Who uses them? Any downside?

  8. 14 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    ^ Your old Lifan has 14Nm at 6500 rpm. Your new Honda has 22Nm at 7000 rpm. Looks like they resisted to me?


    I think your problem is ride-ability.  On your old Lifan, at lower rpm when you open the throttle the carburettor dumps fuel in and you ride away. On the Honda when you open the throttle at the same RPM the fuel injection system won't dump fuel in as it wants to save the planet, so it runs a bit lean and it doesn't have the same feel until the rpm picks up a bit. 


    Spend 1200 baht and get one of these cheater boxes. Fools the ECU into adding a bit more fuel http://www.jrmotor.com/jrmotor-racing.html 

    The planet doesn't need saving, it is doing just fine, it has survived CO2 levels many times higher than now. Al Gore is a politician <deleted>.


    What you are saying makes prefect sense in terms of what it feels like........starved. It is trying to eat the cylinder walls gasping for fuel, poor bastard.


    The Lifan does 120mpg.......the Honda 80... I am told...??


    May look into that, thanks.

  9. 38 minutes ago, madhav said:

    Toshiba released a new report showing their latest battery tech. 6 mins for a full recharge allowing over 300km in range. See here. Probably requires some serious infrastructure in terms of recharge equipment and costs a fortune, however it's progress in the right direction. 


    At the end of the day for someone like me, it comes down to what is available for purchase right now. And there is a very limited range. The Juno would have worked 100% fine if I didn't live on the top of an unusually steep hill. I think for 99% of people who live in normally places houses or apartments, it will be fine.

    I did not know about the Lifan brand. I checked it out and the prices seem very reasonable. I now have my eye on a lightly used (2000km) aerox for 50k baht in bangkok. (prices in Samui are obscene, ie think 70k baht for base model) Will probably take this as the power to weight is slightly better than the 200cc Lifan models and I like the ease of an auto scooter.

    I am selling my Lifan Cross, just bought a CRF250L. I put new Jap wheel bearings, Honda chain and a new comfy seat when I bought it, set it up and ran it in, has new tyres now as the originals ones were old stock. Paid B49,000 two years ago, runs great, read my other thread. I want B37,000 for a bike better than a new one.


    Warning! This is real fun bike!! 


    5767km,  2 years old come December.

  10. I don't plan on crashing, more worried about the wifey and my leg. Duck tape/cable ties it back together to get me home, or tow behind the ambulance.


    If push comes to shove we won't have much stuff, ditch the frame and strap everything onto the rack


    The construction will be pretty simple, so making another will be easy.


    There are some pretty good tips on Youtube of how to keep weight/bulk down and still take everything. Eg. a cheap lighter with duck tape wrapped around, tiny plastic bottles of shampoo, creams, etc..........Cutting down on weight, especially riding 2 up makes life so much easier.

  11. 10 hours ago, taninthai said:

    i love riding mine:).....leave the front sprocket alone and go 45 on rear.

    I think you have it about right there.


    Rode home last night (alone) and gave it a little welly, got a kick in backside as the revs went up...just like when I rode the CBR250, which has the same motor. 


    It is a shame they didn't tune it for torque, which, I believe that is Triumph's new philosophy. They have resisted the macho horsepower cockfight and gone for low down torque at the sacrifice of bhp figures. That makes for a more relaxed ride and I would go along with that, especially on soft roads.


    Changing ratios will help the cause a little, but.........c'est la vie.

  12. 6 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    You cannot compare stock early Hinkley carbed 795-865cc twins with a well sorted Meriden 650-750 twin. Chalk and cheese.

    A lot of my mates ride Triumphs (Meriden and Hinkley) in England. Not one of them owns a Hinkley twin. It's either Hinkley triples (fast) or Meriden twins (classic).

    "Gutless". "Girl's bike". "Too heavy". "No soul, no character" are just a few comments that spring to mind. And in fact some of the girlfriends/wives who ride Triumphs do own a Hinkley twin....

    However, someone good with the spanners, or a wallet full of cash, can do remarkable things with the 865 bikes ie getting the weight way down and the bhp and torque way up, engines are pretty bullet proof.

    Come on Guz, you should know me by now......... girls are way too fast for me.


    ..and after following Steph Jeavons,  "girl biker* is not exactly an insult any more for us.


    I like words like "bullet proof", bhp and torque?........just bought a CRF250, surly 800cc could keep up.


    ....but I get your point.

  13. Got the tank bag securely mounted, there is not much steel exposed on the tank to rely on the magnets, so a couple of simple clips to help. 


    Can't seem to upload the picture??


    Been thinking about getting the rear frame fabricated in stainless tubing, by one of these companies that make gates. Stainless is stronger and more rigid than BMS, they have the bending, TIG welding gear and no need to paint.


    Sourced a couple of suitable bags (mini rucksacks) from a company who does some work for us and they can handle the minor mods, or let me use their sewing machine. Think I can do everything with Velcro.



  14. A slight digression, can anyone tell me how reliable old Bonnies are? I will be picking up a free  RE 500 bullet from a mate of mine in the UK and putting it back together and I need a second bike.


    The plan was to buy another RE, but worry about vibration and the Bonny is a much better bike, for not a lot more money.


    I rode one for about 10 days back in early 80's, with no licence and almost zero biking experience, such an easy and nice bike to ride.


    Models/years to avoid, if any.....




    Yes, I know it is a cat D but could live with that.

  15. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    According to my quick calculations 

    2nd/3rd/4th on both bikes is almost identical. 5th on the Lifan is a tad higher than 5th on the Honda.


    If you go to 13/44 you'll get 6 on honda equal to 5th Lifan and 5/4 and 3 usable with 1 and 2 used for pulling stumps.


    Leave it the way it is and forget you have 6th?  




    26.73 16.98 12.60 10.46 8.94 7.27



    24.97 16.97 12.63 10.19 8.66


    Don't really favour dropping 16% of the drive on the chain, causes a lot of extra wear, a bigger driven is much better. When I replaced the Lifan chain with Honda stuff (during my initial upgrade) they used two boxes, had a lot left over.


    Bike seems better when cold..that's encouraging for a "running in" improvement.

  16. On 26/10/2017 at 9:18 AM, VocalNeal said:

    Sorry your highness. 

    You are not using his proper title, it should be "your highness, your highness".


    Thought I might get away with a soft bag on the rear rack....bloody difficult to get my leg over, worried I might pull something, think side bags are better.


    Don't know how you guys get on with dem Givvy boxes, you must have gone to ballet school when you were younger.

  17. 2 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Wrong Allan. read up on the new theory about motorcycle break-in, although we maybe too late?  High torque low speed uphill runs for 20 mins let it cool etc..


    Honda has 50% more torque than the Lifan at only 500 rpm more. Also has a six speed box vs 5. Honda final drive is 14/40 don't know about Lifan. 


    What speed does you old Lifan do in 1st gear? Then try the same for the Honda. Same in second etc. Gear the Honda to the same as the Lifan? Say 14/42?


    Lifan tops out about 120 kph. I'm sure the Honda is faster?  So can be geared down. 


    Tape over the tach and ride by feel?

    I actually thought "running in" was a thing of the past, now that surface finishing has improved so much.


    Listen the Lifan is absolutely not a fast bike, as I have said it is comfortable at no more than 70kph and that suits me, maybe 80 would be nicer. The CRF hits 80kph easily and actually sounds okay up there.


    I spent most of the last 30 years off-roading in vehicles with the right number of wheels, one in each corner and the 3 secrets to success are momentum, moment, and momentum. This is most easily achieved with grunt, the Lifan has it even 2 up and I can happily plough through anything at 2mph in 1st, 2nd or 3rd. So an old guy with a knackered knee can "just do it", I may turn up as they are serving cheese and crackers, but I not any worse for wear than when I set out.


    So after getting pissed tonight, I will dust off my disappointment and find a way to live with this, re-gearing after 1,000km, is 42t enough? I only really use 6th on the highway and don't plan on doing that, I have a truck for that.


    Just read some last minute comments and 48 (20%) sounds a good place to start, I can always get a 45 later and change it without anything else, if I am quick.


    What are the gear ratios?

  18. 5 hours ago, taninthai said:

    my crf sounds terrible sort of sounds like its running really dry,but i think that is just the sound of a single cylinder low hp bike, it doesn't give me any problems engine wise.

    id bet the not pulling (bogging down)under 3,000rpm is more a combination of new bike ,wrong gear selection  and riding what is called  only 1/4 throttle, have it in a lower gear and don't be scared to rev it,,but at he end of the day it is only a 250 so can't expect supersonic acceleration especially if two up,,,change to 2 or 3 teeth more on the rear sprocket will also help.

    Ouch! Sounding "terrible" is not good news and that is how I would sum mine up, and yes "running dry". This thread was about a comparison and the engine on the 48k baht Lifan sounds great, just as I would expect and pulls in almost any gear from 1000rpm (est). The Lifan is only 200cc, with, on paper, 60% of the power of the CRF, so I thought I knew what to expect.


    I was just in the throws of returning it to the dealership this morning and was worried they would take it apart and make it worse, like the jeweller did with my new Seiko watch, when they fixed it with Superglue.


    I have to say I am gutted with disappointment and wished I heard these stories a few weeks ago. To me biking is about fun and right now this bike is anything but fun.


    I think people are extremely reticent to criticise Japanese stuff on these forums, in fear of ridicule and at the same time feel it necessary to slag off anything Chinese, to demonstrate their "expertise". I prefer to call a spade a spade. 


    Not sure I can live with this, it is truly a depressing bike to ride....................but hope this is a lesson to anyone else thinking of buying a CRF250.


    Maybe this a reason they fit these noisy exhausts, to mask the sound of the engine? 

  19. 7 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:

    What? The "side cam" technology.....:cheesy:

    Er....It has the camshaft at the "side" of the engine....rather than on the top of the engine. I think we have been here before.


    At this very moment I would love to go back to those days......200km in this Honda CRF engine is pure dogshit......

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