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Everything posted by KCPhuket

  1. This is the Anti-tourism ministry...<deleted> is next?
  2. So humans should now wear masks until the end of time?
  3. These doctors should not be leading anything ... masks didn't solve covid. Can we just get these geniuses in Bangkok to shut up!
  4. So the top men in charge won't let go of covid power and fame. Get busy living or get busy dying. Choice up to individual. Time to move on.
  5. The Indian tourists were not wearing in 7-11 in Phuket weeks ago...so I removed mine. Time to flush the masks!
  6. Oh for Christ's sake is there no end to this stupidity can't they just keep their stupid mouth shut? No...no they cannot!!
  7. We need a new PM and deputies. With brains this time. Masks are a social barrier but an ineffective medical one.
  8. Exactly! They always try a plaster to fix a gunshot wound. Idiotic!
  9. Just open the country old man PM, lett Thailand be Thailand! Recovery begins when preachy Prayuth ends.
  10. It is not the 300 bt. that will keep tourists away it is all the other things that are unavailable and constantly changing. Grow up please!
  11. Another stupid decision by the morons in Bangkok it's not the masks keeping people healthy it's the vaccine and they've got it when they're gonna let go of this manipulation monkey shi*
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