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Posts posted by Valdezugar

  1. Extinction is quite easy to explain. It all has to do with wealth. Poor people only want to survive and fill their bellies. They have little or no education and haven't learned the concept of preventing unwanted babies. The Catholic church keeps them in a position of having too many babies. Buddhist beliefs doesn't explain there are consequences for bad decisions. The wealthy in every nation make sure the poor remain poor. Poor people don't understand the concept of conservation. Go to any third world country and the examples are clearly evident in the lack of concern for conservation. Religious Idealism doesn't work... anywhere.

    It is only the upper middle class people in any nation that actually care about conservation. The wealthy are only interested in attaining more wealth, and will do so at the expense of anyone or any thing. The poor are too busy starving to care.

    Not picking a measuring contest with you Mr Forbes (I generally like your posts and agree with them) but I find that kind of logic a bit rich. Not surprising that it's in most of the 3rd world countries that we want to educate the 'uneducated" about the importance of preservation. Whilst the 1st world countries have already destroyed all their wild life . . . .

    Same for global warming. The UN and G20 countries run campaigns in my country for us to stop using coal powered electricity, because it damages the environment. That after they mined the hel_l out our countries first and now tell us we can't do it ourselves.

    Destroyed their own country's wildlife and now want to "educate" others about saving theirs; i.e. don't progress, stay in the bush ohmy.gif

    Though I do agree that we're doing irreversible damage . . . .

  2. living here on less than 35k per month, should leave.

    Huh….. another apartheid leftover have come out of the closet. Mr. stand der behind ,decent people don't scream about their wealth in one of the cheapest places to live on earth.


    BTW, I have nothing to spend here.

    Hmmm . . . . I thought Mr Andre Stander was dead? So he's now living in Thailand spending the security branch and Volkskas' paper? Keeping a spot for one De Kock?

  3. If my wife pulled a stunt like that, I'd insist on having a supermarket clone of each Amway product she bought. I'd refuse to use anything but the clone. Each time I brushed my teeth with Colgate, I'd comment about how clean my mouth felt and how white my teeth looked. And each time I used the supermarket products, I'd drop a 10 baht coin into a big glass jar (so it ka-chinks really loudly). I might even go so far as to comment about how my wife's teeth weren't looking so white......or how the kitchen doesn't seem as clean as it was before (she started using Amway). And of course, I'd ka-chink those coins until I had a healthy amount, then while my wife was watching soaps, I'd empty the jar on the coffee table and count out all the money I saved by using high quality, store-bought products. And when Lotus has fabric softener on sale for 13 baht a bag, I'd buy 15 bags and put them next to her one container of Signature Fabric Softener that she paid more than 200 baht for. I'd tell her to be sure not to use that high-priced stuff for my clothes as it made me itch. Then I'd ka-chink some more.

    I wouldn't bad mouth my wife's purchases, but I'd pour praise on the quality of the products that I buy, I'd show off the nice things I bought with my ka-ching money, and would feel confident that my wife would soon-enough see the light. And if she didn't.....we'll that's where the lawyer comes into play.

    A quite enjoyable thread hahahah; woke my wife laughing so loud!

    Amway, Herbalife, Kubus . . . all the same.

  4. Some good racing over the weekend. Seems Casey had his bike on rails as he didn't fall off again. How'd he manage to pull a more than 1 second lead on the first lap; and his bike was 6th through the speed trap? Dovi was fastest and he fell out first blink.gif

    Methinks Rossi is turning into a real barsteward now that he's out of the closet whistling.gif He's looking for extra excitement on the track.

    I missed the Moto 2 race; will watch the recording tonight.

    Can't wait to see the predictions for this weekend biggrin.gif

  5. Rolling Stoner haha! Remember the Rossi move on him at Laguna Seca? Something happened to Stoner there; he hasn't progressed since.

    I expect Lorenzo to get into some serious paint swapping racing with Rossi; he's the champ and has little to lose. Dovi should be back in the mix cause those Hondas are quick; Stoner will take it hough IMO.

  6. Sharp Kwasaki.

    That clears up some of the questions and throws up some more.

    Wonder if Casey will get away with telling HRC he wants to use the 2011 Ohlins forks instead of the ones they modded especially for him.

    Shoot, I wasn't aware that Interwetten had imploded. I hope the proposed cc change will attract more teams. And what's this I hear of Elias being back in MotoGP next year? Is Moriwaki racing in the top class next year. Why not wait for the capacity change?

    I guess if Casey can stay on the bike he'll be a contender next year. Look out for Ben Spies though . . . .

  7. Amen to that. The last two races have been thoroughly entertaining.

    Not sure but is Casey trying to play mind games with Vale? Crashing out all the time? Or is it his way of telling Ducati to stuff it?

    Congrats Lollipop boy; who can forget the jump into the puddle of filthy water? Not as eccentric as Vale but h'e got time to practice.

    Roll on 2011. Is HRC running 3 bikes next year; where is Dovi going?

  8. I'd say buy the best helmet you can afford. I don't think you can put a price on your head; no pun intended. You want to able to say "wow, the helmet saved me" after your crash; not have others saying "if only he wore a better quality helmet."

    As for cleaning them; most of the above will work. Just stay away from the harsh abrasive detergents and be sure to rinse properly.

  9. Yep:

    If your not happy go home. Anyone who has been to Paris loves the place hates the people. That includes the Non Parisian French. Says a lot about you.

    Good luck and don't bother writing.

    We are happy and we stay. It is our chocie just as yours is to leave.

    Personally I have no time for quitters.

    It always baffles me when people bring up certain western cities as being some sort of utopia, as if they'd be there if only they can afford it. Paris? Oslo? Madrid? Forget about it. Some guy brought up New York City as being the #1 city to live in. I've been to NYC. Many times. You couldn't pay me to live in NYC. Even if I had Bill Gates sort of money, I wouldn't live in NYC. So when people bring up these cities, as if to make the rest of us envious or second-guess ourselves, they're really pissing up a rope. I could live almost anywhere on this planet and I choose Thailand. YIN DEE, KRUP!

    Baffling ain't the word. In a recent thread some fool declared that everyone wants to live in the UK.

    I suspect that if he wasn't happy in France the first time around, and wasn't happy in Thailand; he's not going to happy anywhere. Maybe he should try the DRC. They speak French there and lots of excitement all the time. Plus they're sort of poor so he can throw his Euros/Francs around like he did in Thailand.

    But the joke's on us; he's only going for a visit; he'll be back!

  10. Good Luck to the OP ! :jap:

    But watch out in Paris, for the ice & snow, also the piles of dog-shit everywhere on the pavements, and that amusing guy on his poorer-sucker motorbike, as he careers from poo to poo.

    Nowhere is perfect. B)

    When I said Paris was my favorite city I had forgotten about the the dog shit! That really is weird! :blink:

    Parisians too lazy to walk the dog to the park? Maybe the Parisians are like the Americans: they leave the crappy jobs for the "out of country permanent visitors" (I've heard this from Americans - is it true?)

    I found that in Budapest too; dog crap all over the place in the city . . .

  11. A lot of the OP's complaints are applicable in plenty of other countries I've visited. H_ell, in my own country I regularly break the speed limit; a few years ago the plastic bag was the national flower; plenty of cars drive around without lights; the newspapers are full of alleged corruption etc etc.

    On the other hand Paris is a nice city for a short visit; I can't handle it longer than a week. They drive crap there too as others have mentioned. The wine from my own country is better IMO whistling.gif

    Hope it works out for you OP.

  12. It depends on whether I become a burden to others or not. I've got some cyanide squirrled away should I ever need it. My father died at 87 in a hospital bed because he no longer wanted to live after mother moved him out of his home and both of them into one of the old folks residences. He no longer wanted to live and just stopped eating. Eventually, he just dried up and his body functions stopped working. My mother died about 2 years later... pretty much the same way. I wish I could go quicker, but we are not allowed to commit suicide in Canada... even if we want to. Our Canadian government spends more on keeping old people barely alive than they do on any other expense.

    As one guy said... I want to die just like grampa... quietly in his sleep. Not screaming in terror like the 5 people in the car that grampa was driving.:D

    Ian . . . . your Canadian government must find it hard keeping tabs on oder folk suspected of wanting to check themselves out dry.gif

    My old man is 81 and he looks like he's going to live forever. I'm not sure that's such a good thing . . . .

  13. You have chosen cheap love/sex over the welfare of your own children, how could you?

    Making merit to your own house won't help you, the Gods hate people like you.

    "Ye reep what ye shall sow" I hope you end up in the gutter where you belong :bah:

    There's a lot of venom on here. The guy is asking for ideas and is clearly not interested in snotty, self-righteous <deleted>. Who are you, or any of you, to judge. Just offer some advice or shut the f up!

    While teaching is the obvious route, op, for immediate cash, I also like the idea of doing freelance design or writing work with the likes of elance. I take it you already max'd out your credit cards?

    Isn't Livinginexile the guy who knowingly bought a house from a Thai lady who scammed her foreign boyfriend? If he is then his fire and brimstone curse is way rich . . . .

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  14. I did ten straight months in the u.k back in 2008, after living in Thailand for the best part of ten years. I can say without doubt, it was the worse ten months of my life, if living in Thailand is 10/10 and being in a uk prison is 0/10 i was at 1/10 for the whole time. I hated every single solitary second of that dark dank hellhole called Great Britain.

    Most people in the world would love to live in the UK. It is one of the best countries in the world for most people. Ok, so you don't like it, but if you gave it only 1/10 I would suggest that that is down to you personally. If you can't enjoy life in the UK with all it has to offer, then I feel really sorry for you. It is one thing missing another place and taking time to re-integrate, but I just can't fathom how anyone could have such a bad time. I love Thailand, I love the UK, I love many US cities and I love lots of other places. I would have a great time living in any of those places. Some may be 10/10 and some may be 7/10. But even in some bad places I think I'd have a good time in some respects. Life is what you make it.

    Most people in the world would love to live in the UK? Biggest <deleted> I've heard this month so far.

    <deleted> are you smoking over there? Where can I get some? crazy.gif

  15. Had no money when I met my wife, now years later with two kids and I' VE STILL GOT NO F!@#ING MONEY !!

    There must be something there or why would she stay with me?

    One day I asked what happens if I I lose my job or I cannot source work from my home country while living in LOS . . . . she simply said then you can go work my dad's farm. Dad concurred when I visited . . . .

    I'm worried . . . tongue.gif

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  16. a good way to justify paying for business class is to take the price difference and divide by the number of hours. I flew one way from san-fran to phuket via singapore air. and price difference was $700, or about $35/hr to avoid most of the annoyances:)

    Flying economy? Charm the check-in gril to give you the first seat behind business; it's got loads of leg room. I take the window seat because I'd rather disturb you then you disturb me.

    I had to laugh at the "crop dusting"; no attempt at a "couch creeper" even? biggrin.gif

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