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Posts posted by TheOldWolf

  1. I don't see much logic in your argument, blaming the reds that the bullet hit one soldier.

    Actually if you would listen to the reds you would know that if you shoot at human beings it kills them. That is not just a red propaganda lie but the truth.

    It is also one of their main complains and demands: Stop the killing.

    If the government gives the order to shoot at people they are indeed responsible if someone dies and not the victim. Killing people is a crime, it is called murder.

    No, never blame the peaceful reds for anything! They just walked in peace to take back a roadblock. Of course it wass wrong of the army to take that roadblock away. How can they do so to this peaceful movement. Yes, you are so right, nothing that happend has anything to do with the red shirts. I get so sick and tired about this nonsens defend of EVERYTHING the reds do.

    You would get more respect from me if you defend them for what they do and defend their aim to do so.

  2. " a new generation of honest men and women of genuine conviction and integrety." You are getting 99 points! Abhisit is the new generation! A man who is not interested in money.

    Is that why he as the party chairman and his Democrats are currently on trial for corruption charges? Because he's a honest man? A new generation? Not interested in money? (Except for the 258 million Baht in donations they took illegally).

    He is not on TRIAL and you are not the court! So let´s wait and see what the court will say.

  3. A question for you.... If Abhisit is legally the PM why does the worlds media doubt it?In every article or interview with Abhisit it is raised as an issue. When he is asked about it he looks very uncomfortable. Are the world's media all wrong and you and the Nation right?

    Abhisit truthfully and ..smoothly answered that question of coalition today to the appalling Christiane Amanapour on CNN ( Childrens Network News).

    This red herring has been thrown to ..and swallowed by the duped proletariat and their 'Fallow' travellers here on ThaiVisa as crude misdirection which is repeatedly regurgitated ad nauseum.

    I can't expect better from the average ThaiVisa post'er whilst they still tout this laughable tired canard they are failing woefully to get their game up.

    Abhisit by a landslide !

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :)

    I'm wondering ...assuming that the Democrats will be dissolved by the constitution court, won't Puea Thai automatically have the majority in the house? Since the Democrats will be banned from politics and their MP seats taken away.

    the party will be banned and some of the leaders maybe. Rest will form New democrates, same like PPP transformed inte PTP

  4. I actually wonder how the macho ones in the reds wil ltake Khwanchai running away. Thai politics is very macho and absolutely nobody believes he didnt run away and leave his people exposed

    Glad to see Abhisit on the contrary was standing right there alongside his army troops and policemen, in the middle of the battlefield, when they did their job.

    Yep just like Thaksin when he ordered thousands to be klilled :)

    So we agree on the fact that leaders never stand by their troops and followers? Glad, then we don't need to flame one side for not being there.

    I think a little bit different, because Khwanchai was LEADING his troops to the barricades and he said if they try to stop us, WE will brake throw.

  5. I think that using force by Abhisit is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

    It may disperse the crowd but it will NOT kill off the movement, peopel will still bear grudges and hold grievances and the movement will go underground.

    Underground movements tend to resort to violent tactics....we see this already in the southern provinces here in Thailand...and we have seen it before in Northern Ireland, the Basque country, Palestine etc

    The only hope for a peaceful outcome is negotiation

    You are a born genius

    But did you realise the Reds will not negotiate unless it is 100% their way

    This is not negotiation

    As I said before, every negotiation starts out with a set of demands which soften as the process starts out...the reds started out with immediate dissolution as the 'demand'...it is abundantly clear that you have never participated in negotiations, or been involved with them on any professional level...a very, very common strategy at the outset is to "demand" a non-negotiable demand, and then negotiate it....

    Like I said before. The reds made the demand to come to the negotiationtable.

  6. We had an eye witness report from a poster about the fake monks hiding weapons here on TV. In any case, it is surely a FACT that some red shirts are carrying lethal weapons. Also, spears, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots can kill as well. Red shirt apologists, please desist from any further silliness of painting the reds as innocents in Bangkok. Sure, they are USING some innocents to shield themselves for cowardly protection and propaganda purposes. AL QUEDA does the same!

    There are reports from journalists visiting the "red fort" abour guards in black with lethal weapons

    Dont post BS unless you post the source too


  7. We had an eye witness report from a poster about the fake monks hiding weapons here on TV. In any case, it is surely a FACT that some red shirts are carrying lethal weapons. Also, spears, Molotov cocktails, and slingshots can kill as well. Red shirt apologists, please desist from any further silliness of painting the reds as innocents in Bangkok. Sure, they are USING some innocents to shield themselves for cowardly protection and propaganda purposes. AL QUEDA does the same!

    There are reports from journalists visiting the "red fort" abour guards in black with lethal weapons

  8. the soldier died because the red mob tried to brake throw military baricades. He died because of red violence.

    Allow me to correct you. He died because of police stupidity. You don't aim your weapon at the guy in front of you if it's a friendly.

    My question is not who shot him. If the red mob have been a friendly demonstration, they would not have tried to brake throw the baricades and there would not been any confrontation. Thats why the reds must be blamed for his dead.

  9. It's just sad that people refuse to inform themselves properly, then make statements that are hateful. :)

    the soldier died because the red mob tried to brake throw military baricades. He died because of red violence.

    That'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. :D People are protesting; government is failing miserably to either begin a solution OR deal with it competently.

    What you really are saying is that you support the violence from the red shirts?

  10. This was of course i new none provokated attack by the army. Freindly red shirts just come wakjing up the street and suddenly the army opened fire at them. Of course they didn´t try to brake threw the barracdes. The innocent red shirts!!!

    This was of course (i new none??????) provoked attack by the army. Friendly red shirts just came walking up the street and suddenly the army opened fire at them. Of course they didn't try to break through the barricades. The innocent red shirts!!

    Have I translated this correctly?

    It was what i think the reds on here will say, so it was some kind of ironi :)

  11. Disregard my previous statement, looks like another botched operation for the police. My bad for reading the nation.

    Apparently the red shirt leader whatsisname even managed to get away and back to Rajprasong. Why do the CRES guys just keep making premature / outright wrong statements so that they can then be prove wrong and made to look like morons?

    Where did your read an official statement about thr arrest of the rad leader? Please link if you can to CRES said it.

  12. My wife looks at UDDthailand. they say reds wait an attack from the army within one hour. People put white masks in there faces to prtect from teargas

    You mean like those paper surgical type masks? Was it only the leadership that were given gasmasks that were alluded to a couple of posts ^^^ up?

    Yes, and they put powder and toothcream in their faces

  13. All 7-elevens in Rajaprarop have now been restocked and re-enforced. They have fancy new metal shades covering all the glass windows, and half open ones over the doors.

    The staff is also about to close the shops. The manager said she had enough of this already and just wants to leave together with her staff.

    Me thinks something will happen very soon.

    On another note, the usual 12.45 am re-enforcements to the red cause arrived whole 2 hours early today.

    I posted video of them about 24 hours ago, today looked no different. A note to take back previous claim, that the buses looked different - they are not. Same buses and seems same people returning every night. From where, I've no clue.

    Thank you for your report :)

  14. Suu Kyi is a brave leader in a country where no demonstrattions are allowed. But does that make her an expert an thai politics and constitution?

    I think it does. Demonstrations are indeed allowed in Myanmar. There were pro-government rallies after the unrests and the government didn't do anything about them. On the contrary, they even publicized them to show how popular they are.

    Sounds like Thailand? The Thai government isn't cracking down on yellow/pink-shirt protests, even though it's forbidden to gather more than 5 people in one spot, and it's forbidden to protest publicly under the state of emergency. The PM is discussing about how he will soon crack down on the red shirts, but doesn't even mention the yellow/pink shirts. Is there a small print in the law that states that you're allowed to demonstrate during a state of emergency, as long as you support the government and wear a yellow/pink shirt?

    The Myanmar junta and the current Thai government aren't so much different.

    OK, if that is your opinion, I will not answer you anymore.

  15. The way the government/military have handled this is completely bloody clueless. They should have isolated the red encampment weeks ago when it was it a lot smaller by setting up blockades north, south, east and west of that major intersection and not allowed food, water or any access at all. I mean they didn't just build those bloody fortifications over night did they? The other thing is that a lot of the red supporters go home at night to sleep. The army could have rolled in the APC's, at 0300, and done a Julius Caesar on the reds encampment when the numbers were far less. They could of then set up a large screen somewhere and used a bit of psychological warfare by showing photo's of som tam, kao neow and gai yang 24 hrs a day and juxtaposed it with images of Taksin living in luxury. Too <deleted> easy.

    Interesting theory. So what do you think the government should have done when the yellows blockaded the international airport?

    If you think it was wrong to block the airport, how can you defend what is going on now?

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