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Posts posted by chops

  1. Trust is really important here. I always use the same businesses that have been good to me. Also, I avoid the tourist zones. Seems to work and I seldom encounter problems in the years I've stayed here.

  2. Either I have missed out something big time about expats in Thailand OR people on this forum is full of bs.

    More than 85% making over 50t/m.? And 70% making more than 80?

    Have I totally misunderstood something, here?

    It's BS. The average expat has 60k/month to get by on here. I presume most of the 40k & under people have not voted.

  3. There are worse places than Britain. USA

    comes to mind.

    I'm just very happy I don't have

    to live there any longer.

    The rest of us in the Us are very happy also that you are no longer there.

    Thank you.

    I know I know. Americans are too proud to admit the facts. But at least the Brits acknowledge reality er come to terms.

  4. I think it's because their women leave them.

    Well, hear this. Perhaps they should grow some thicker skins! When it comes time and your wife shows her true colors and leaves you(they all want money trust me!), you won't feel like it's the end of the world(because it isn't). There are 30million+ women in Thailand. We're not going to run out anytime soon! Geez!

  5. Has anybody mentioned the smart arse pri*****s who do their best to be obnoxious in the perverted hope you would be buying a suit from them. And if you walk past them a few times an hour they will still try the handshake move on you and address you as "Boss" .I guess we all like the same idiots to them .

    Who buys that stuff anyways?

  6. Another I can think of is being labled as a sexpat just because I live in Pattaya and this happens from friends back home, job applications I sent to International jobs even reply with "Oh I see you live in Pattaya. I guess you need the job just to support your viagra bills?"

    I don't put "Pattaya" on my CV anymore, just "Chonburi."

    If you live in Pattaya the whole world thinks you are here just for sex but I endure it cause I love it here.

    I don't have much contact with my 'home' countrymen any longer. Not that we have much in common to say the least. I once rang up a guy at my US bank and whilst discussing my account told him I lived here. The response was, 'oookay, never heard that one before'. I kid you not. rolleyes.gif

  7. Trial ban chang. It's entire farang population seems to work in the oil industry.

    sent from my Android phone

    That is a bar in Ban Chang called "Trial bar"?

    I never said I wanted to talk shop. lol. That's the last thing I want to do also. I have 30 years experience in the Oil/Gas & Petrol-chemical industry so Im not looking for lessons etc.

    We are blue-collar workers and I find the conversation over a few frosties is a lot better then if I was to visit a Business man's bar.

    I'm no novice at being social and would not walk into a bar with my CV strapped to my forhead asking "Anyone have a job for me?" however like you say it's who you know not what you know and the more people in your kind of work force then the more people you know and I have NEVER met a fellow oil worker who was not willing to help out if they can.

    I have worked all over the world so also have drank in the "local" near where the jobs were and I can guarrantee you that no matter what, after 1/2 dozen wobbly pops or more, the shop talk DOES come out.

    Anyways my OP was not to find a job but to find the same class of people that I am. Always have a good time in that type of atmosphere.

    Sounds like a great job. I'm assuming a small under-the-table bribe would be required to get that sort of gig?

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