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Posts posted by canuckamuck

  1. 1.You don't want fry, you want single sex ponds so that the fish grow quickly. Buying new fry is cheap.

    2. Small ponds are difficult to make money with. We are working on expansion plans currently.

    3. Some females will make it through the hormone process and still be girls. But the less females the better.

    4. Sorry about your ponds, obviously water is the first part of fish farming

    5. It would my guess that baramundi would eventually eat all the tilapia.

  2. AT 17 I thought being a grill cook was difficult. Very busy restaurant and very hot kitchen. But I quit that and tried my hand at hauling beef in an slaughterhouse and that was harder. I have done quite a few of the things listed here. Did all the farm stuff, worked in the oilfield too. Finally I got wise and got an education.

    I still think some of my best experiences were doing some of the most difficult tasks. It depended a lot who I was working with.

  3. This article has no specific information, no details of what they considered infractions, yet all jump on board and bang a drum about it. I for one would love to see what it is they describe as forced labor. As far as children being employed, this is a Asia, they don't believe kids shouldn't work. That is a western notion and one that is questionable. I worked on my family farm every day, it made me a better person. Kids need special protection and rules when it comes to work, but they also benefit greatly from learning how to be responsible and get something done.

    If there were some facts to be discussed that would help me form an opinion of the apparently evil juice trade.

  4. Cannuckamuck,

    The distinction is very simple.

    Those who don't support the extremist kick them out of their mosques and publicly condemn those who commit atrocities such as this murder.

    How many more time does that need to be said?

    So it can be safely said that if their are extremists in a mosque then all of the other members of that mosque must approve of them. Because you said that the mosques that are against extremism simply throw them out and condemn them. thanks for clearing that up, I am sure it will be easier now to identify entire groups of extremists

    • Like 2
  5. Canuckamuck, not sure what your last post means; but if you are referring to the witnesses to the attacks, the vast majority of those interviewed in the media, and in the background of the videos, were white.

    Although there are white Muslims, it's a fair assumption that most of those people are not.

    I was saying you can't tell which Muslims groups are clearly for peace, and which ones are enabling Islamist radicals, any better than I can. Due to a failure of the peaceful ones to make clear distinctions.

    I never said anything about race. Islam is an ideology, not race.

    • Like 2
  6. Canuckamuck,

    It is you who seem incapable of making the distinction between peace lovers and terrorists!

    Mainstream Muslims can, which is why the condemn the activities of the extremists and terrorists.


    You probably don't realise this from 6000 miles away, but the vast majority of those in the UK, no matter their race, colour or creed, did not witness this appalling crime.

    Why didn't those who did witness it, most of whom were not Muslims, make citizens arrests? Why, instead, did some of them record the event and the murderers ranting; recordings which they then sold to the media!

    You can't tell em apart any better than I can, and that is their fault not mine.

  7. Haha, I remember this from years ago. Going down to the compost heap one morning carrying a plastic bag and cardboard box with IA's name on it only to find the whole lot had disappeared! One day there was hundreds crawling all over the compost, next day all I could find was 3!rolleyes.gif 'And IA still has no black soldier flies. I feel a mission coming on.biggrin.png


    Same here.

    I had loads of the larvae and promised some to IA.

    Then the local chickens moved in and ripped the whole pile apart.

    Nowadays I just see a few here and there. The only way I can get a decent ampount of BSFL would be if I took effective steps to keep the chickens out. It's almost like they can smell them and will rip through anything to get at them.

    I covered a compost pile with an old thick quilt and the chickens tore it to pieces in one day

    I protect my compost mound with wire mesh. The chickens can only penetrate a few inches.

    But alas I have no bsfl either.

  8. Next thing will be arresting people for thinking anti islamic thoughts.

    If you had your way people would be arrested and deported simply for being Muslim; even though they are British citizens born here.

    Hopefully, neither will ever happen in the UK.

    I think you're right to be concerned about extremist right wing reactions. But that doesn't mean there isn't a REAL problem, because there is.

    There are Muslim extremists, no one is denying that; but they do not represent majority Muslim opinions; as has been shown time and time again.

    The problem is the ignorant who simply say that this majority of Mulsims are lying!

    It is such ignorant prejudice which the ultra right such as the BNP and EDL feed and rely on.

    What percentage of extremists are required before we can say there is a problem?

  9. canuckamuck;

    Islam is a peace loving religion, as much as Christianity.

    I am not a statesman, I cannot offer a solution to extremism and terrorism, no matter what it's cause or who are it's perpetrators.

    This thread shows that ignorance and prejudice are rampant on both sides; despite the efforts of people of peace. While that ignorance and prejudice prevails, I see no solution.


    You've missed my point. But if you think the problems in Ireland are solved, let alone solved after a mere 30 years, you have no idea about Irish history!

    But that is not the topic of this thread; if you wish to discuss Irish history further with me I will be happy to do so via PM.

    Yes you have no solutions and nothing valuable to contribute. You seem to be of the opinion that we should just let things play out. Sadly, you will likely get your wish.

    So what would you do?

    I at least admit there is a crisis which you have failed to do.

    I would allow profiling and publication of the activities of known hate sponsors and have them treated the same as sexual predators. Banning them access to internet, international travel, and particularly mosques.

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