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Posts posted by jaiyen

  1. about time

    Thats a joke !! September seems to be the chosen month again. Remember last September ? Wasnt it almost exactly the same date ? I think it was the 29th. Nothing more than another embarrassing ego trip for Toxin. Presume it will be the same this time.

    I remember last year that an expert who had been involved with the setting up of new airports for over 30 years said that the FAA woould have to give their approval before any airport could operate commercially and that would take about 6 months to test and approve all systems, operations, air traffic control, passenger movement, security etc. I notice in the goverment announcement that neither the FAA or any other organisation was mentioned, only Thai Airways.

    Oh well, lets sit back and wait for the latest fiasco to proceed !

    I wonder if they have filled the huge cracks in the main hall with silicone sealant as promised ! Would have used a lot of tubes !! Oh ! And what about the runway ?? Maybe that was filled with tiling grout !!!

  2. When I first went to Thailand 4 years ago it was only 22 baht to A$1. Since then it has risen to over 30 baht to a dollar and stayed there for about a year before going down over the last 4 months, which is really bad for anybody buying expensive items, I just bought land in Phuket and it has already cost me 10% more than if I had bought it in January. So remember we have had a good run with the Aussie dollar lately so the baht is only heading back to were it was. Bloody shame though !!

  3. You might think I am old fashioned but I always use cash ! I have never been ripped off, in fact I get a good discount on purchases. I have been to Thailand 12 times now and always spend a lot of money but I refuse to even take a credit card with me. Once it is used too many people get your information. Now check out the frauds related too internet banking. Its big too.

  4. It is a statistic that approximately 97% of the men that go with prostitutes in Thailand are Thai ! So dont blame the sex trade on farangs. It was happening a long time before tourists went to Thailand. But as usual Thailand will never blame itself for its wrongdoings.

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