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Posts posted by hopdafru

  1. PS: I believe I understand how gold can help economies / countries to stabilize currency / economy, it has apparently worked for centuries until we started having robots printing money and bidding against each-other every nanosecond...

    What I'm trying to grasp is how to practically deal - as individuals - with the current situation and how it might evolve in the 'near' future.

    I welcome sound suggestions and ideas with an open mind!

  2. Buy a little gold every month wai.gif

    So where and how do you suggest we buy it ? I really am interested in this suggestion.

    was curious too from another thread what one would do with gold bars and such - one cannot eat gold can they? - and was wondering about 'cutting bars into pieces', the following concept of breakable gold bars was mentioned:


    anyways, although no expert (note to hardenedsoul: I'm just a curious layman re. economy etc.) I don't see how carrying a bunch of gold under the mattress will help me if currencies start failing; maybe I'm better off raising chicken, ducks & growing food which I could then exchange for gold ( or whatever new temporary new 'currency') for a fraction of the 'cost' it would be now, no?

    As for my relatively short life experience - i'm only about forty - I've noticed that these 'shit hitting the fan' scenarios tend to happen in slow motion (unfortunately so as our life spans are relatively short!)

    I don't buy this whole 'buy gold now or you will be doomed' kind of thing, I don't see how it would work in practical terms - how was gold used when USSR collapsed or during Asian and Argentinian currency crisis?

    Given a doomsday scenario I feel much more comfortable with stuff people would really need to survive such as food or gas. Just my opinion and open to sound information / advice about why I should buy gold now and how to go about it.

    The way I go about the economy these days is I try to inform myself as much as possible, I try not to get carried over by fear and carry 3 currencies in several banks / countries and use them to my advantage. Should anything go very wrong somewhere, some trend should surface and I'll take action from there.

    Sokh Dee

  3. Proxy ownership allowed, private foreign ownership 800 sq/m allowed in laos



    yes, new rule 2012... but needs a minimum investment of several 100's k$ - JClao might have an article about this. So far this rule benefits mostly chinese AFAIK. And to reconfirm, all land in communist Lao ultimately belongs to the state: new road, track, special economic zone etc. and you're out with a ridiculously small payment by the gov't.

    I used to live on the Mekong a few km outside Vientiane, my landlord got 6k$ for 400 sqm while equivalent land adjacent to the new road being built instead of the house was worth (and bought) over 100k$... A Lao neighbor killed himself as he was born in the house and had recently decided to live there, returning from Europe, for his remaining years.

    I had to move to the sticks as land and rental prices have quickly soared beyond my budget

    100's if not 1000's of families have lost their homes recently because of development / land grabbing etc. people complaining are bullied / jailed... not a popular subject around here.

  4. Let's say people suddenly start exchanging goods and services using gold... how do you deal with gold bars and such?you'd have to break'em into little pieces... if this ever happens I'll go and buy equipment and exchange my work for a percentage of the gold...

    it is happening !tongue.png


    Wow! Thanks for that link Midas, very interesting. How many of TV readers have been buying gold as a preventative measure? And is it european monetized gold or Thai gold which seem to be different?

    I also just watched this:


    which clearly mentions hyper inflation and currency collapse. How would a dollar collapse affect the Euro and in turn SEA currencies? Are small SEA countries like Laos / Cambodia protected as they aren't yet totally plugged in to the world economy?

    Any clue from the 97 crisis here or the argentinian collapse that would help understand how this would play out for us living in the area?

    scary stuff...

  5. Who gives a monkey's what the gold naysayers in and from highly-indebted countries think? They haven't got a pot to piss in unless they borrow it.

    The whole shebang is coming down - albeit in slow motion - and those holding gold and silver when the dust settles will be sitting mighty pretty.

    and if no-one else can afford to buy the gold? whistling.gif

    No problem. Exchange it for goods and services.

    Let's say the local currency collapses, who will buy your gold and to do what? You certainly can't eat it.

    Let's say people suddenly start exchanging goods and services using gold... how do you deal with gold bars and such?you'd have to break'em into little pieces... if this ever happens I'll go and buy equipment and exchange my work for a percentage of the gold...

    I'm no expert but if I take the Innovators / immitators / idiots rule, I'd say buying gold is already in the 3rd stage, perhaps silver is smarter as its lower value would make it easier to exchange, but in any event I'm making sure we keep our plot of land where we grow a bunch of vegetables, for sure that will have value both for survival and exchange whatever happens to the currency or the volatility of gold/silver.

    During the 97 crisis in Asia or the argentina currency collapse, did people suddenly start buying goods and services with gold/silver?

    I'm really curious how these pretty recent events developped on the ground, any future collapse would probably develop in a similar fashion, wouldn't it?

  6. Who told you that you have to stay in Laos for 3 months after getting married? Never heard of this 'law'.

    Is it a new regulation?

    I recently read an article in Vientiane Times (2-3 months ago) mentioning a change in marriage law to reduce human trafficking. It clearly explained that the foreigner needs to be in Laos for 3 months prior to getting married. Sorry, I can't find the source but the article had to do with human trafficking.

    below, article about marrying-or-divorcing-a-lao-citizen:


    The information in the above posts is generally correct, you can go with an agent or do it on your own; Personnally I have found from my friends that it's a painfull and expensive process, so I stuck with the Baci and so far so good. Experiences will vary greatly from person to person... prices as well, anywhere from 2-4 k$

    Also, one of my married friends was required to ask authorization to the ministry of foreign affairs each time he takes his wife out of the country (ie Europe, not thailand...), you might want to verify this with above ministry / lawyer.

    Then of course there is the eventuality of divorce...

    I don't have kids so I see no reason to get married, unless I am completely comfortable with it, which I am not although I've been with my 'wife' for almost 4 years.

    Oh, and as mentioned above, once you start the process be very cautious, there will be a bunch of people after you trying to 'catch' you and pay up...

    Good Luck and think this through...

  7. thanks for the info so far.... We might stay closer to home if what we want is not available in this area... high speed internet is a must and the more I research the more Im thinking to cross this off the list... Early days in our search, so thanks for the info and time given in replies... appreciated..

    You can get an external antennae which you plug onto the USB dongle (get one with antennae connector) and it will highly improve signal - up to several kilometers. available for both CAT telecom and GSM 3G - make sure antennae is designed for the appropriate frequency.

    Ask the internet provider for info, equipment cost is 2-3k thb range if I remember correctly.

    • Like 1
  8. I've bought contact lenses online on average every 2-3 months, for the last 3 years, only once had a problem where the order went AWOL, don't really sell online that often unless changing the scooter,, interesting, I didn't know there was an eBay Thailand

    I didn't know either....I remember searching for it a couple of years ago and not finding it......I'll need to go have a look now.

    I think the issue with Ebay is that they have to ensure that countries are compliant with Paypal rules before they can open a site there, and I was under the impression that Thailand was on the money laundering blacklist and that was what prevented Ebay from having a site in Thailand.

    Just Googled....still can't find an Ebay Thailand???.

    Here's the SEA Ebay Link.


    Thai link:


  9. FMP might actually benefit those who like a less developped island as most non party goers stay away and instead go to Kho Thao / Samui... Haven't been to KPG in a couple years but went a few times and just stayed away from Had Rin, had a great time!

    By the way has it developed much in the past 2 years? I heard about an airport project and some new hotels... How's life in Chakoklum these days? (sorry if name/spelling not right)

    Sokhdee :-)

  10. A friend has an online business selling T-shirts with jokes to European customers (the stupid jokes sell the most btw...).

    He moves every 1-2 years and at $25 a pop makes on average over $2000 every month,

    All he needs is a proper internet connection to manage his website + FB and proper postal system to ship his homemade (high quality) t-shirts.

    Works mornings only (manages sales, prints shirts and does packing with GF) and off he goes to post office, lunch and free afternoon time.

    Great life although obviously talented to generate constant sales all year long!

    • Like 1
  11. Why this obsession with alcohol? Does life really have to revolve around it because if it does I must be dead already. I'm not teetotal by any means but I haven't had an alcoholic drink in weeks and if I have the next one tomorrow or next year is of no importance.

    Because there isn't anything else to do here is there.



    First laugh of the day! will have a drink to that... so I can go on and *burp* too ;-)

  12. How Full is Your Glass?

    Happiness works in many different ways and has many different affects on people. There are some you could say, that have a good solid grasp on it and seem to last the entire ride. While there are others that wouldn't know happiness if it knocked them in the head. If they did know it most of the time they will tell you the bad they see in it.

    This brings in the glass, half empty or half full. Happy people tend to be more giving and always looking at the positive. One example, your team lost the game but for the first time in three games the offense has showed hustle and moved the ball well. Whereas the half empty person would add who cares we lost. These people miss so much when they take a negative position on life and thinking that good things never happen. On the other side of the glass, the half full side that is. These people are thankful for what they have and everything in their lives. They seem to be closer with their families and friends and also with god.

    No one can change you and the way you feel but you. Try to find that negative that is hidden within you. Many say if you find it and throw it out and accept the good. You then will have more good things and things to be thankful for than a person knows what to do with. This will affect your life your surroundings and also help put you at peace with yourself. I'm sure we can all agree that sometime or another we have all thought that we had the worst day ever. But really if you think about your life, wouldn't you agree that you are truly blessed compared to others around you and the troubles they are caring with them. No matter how bad it is, there is always someone worse off than you. Be happy you are able to see that and that you have the will and ability to change that. With that done you can then turn and lend a helping hand to someone on their cloudy day.

    it's a repost but fits in pretty well...


    • Like 2
  13. Of course you can do it , thats 50k baht monthly , you can live like a king on that here .

    no you cant!!!!!!!!!

    thais can foreigners cannot!!!!!

    cheechoo, there are plenty of expats who live on less than 50k a month...

    and plenty of thais who live on less than 10k...

    Somewhere in between and a bit of creativity could take you a long way ;-)

    tell us a bit more about you and how you spend your dough!

  14. my 2 cents...

    Joey could very well save about $10k a year living in LOS after he learns the ropes. Thus growing his nest egg much quicker than I assume he could in the US.

    Re. pension, given the global crisis and the sheer number of people retiring abroad, governments won't see this positively as the money isn't recirculated locally to support the economy. At some point they will probably do something about this... any articles about this possibility in EU or US? (and if new rules would be implemented retroactively?)

    I personally retired to Laos 5 years ago at age 38, without enough for 30-40 years but I don't regret it as I am really happy with the experience and I now live with my partner in the house I built last year about 15 miles outside the capital.

    As to retiring early, and this is just my experience, I really enjoyed my five years here and happy I left the US/Europe but find myself quite bored now that I reached my objectives here (wife/partner, house, language, understanding the culture, a few good buddies etc...) and I don't see myself content with internet, movies, TV and a couple of beers everyday for the next 30 years!

    So I'll be looking at other avenues / opportunities while knowing that my partner is totally cool with me being away for several months at a time as we live with her family and she enjoys taking care of her mom.

    I guess that sums it up, and as previously noted it takes a while to grasp the culture and find a lifestyle that works for you here (SEA), probably 2-3 years (I've noticed most people who leave not to return do so after quite a long time, 3-4 years on average - just my observation) so even though you mentioned a leave of absence was denied, maybe finding a way to live here a reasonable amount of time, say 1 year, would be very helpful in making an informed decision. (you could also travel around SEA and compare, the Visa issue in LOS can be a pain for some, although 4 years until reaching retirement visa age isn't so long as stated previously)

    In any case, if I were sick and tired of my job after 17 years, was in good health @46YO and longed for a specific place to go to, I'd take the risk, especially with monthly payments of $2,200 + $1,000 @62. I'm living with a quarter of that and not worried a bit, faced between being bored and finding a fun way to generate extra income I know I'll move my ass; that's just me and I plan to enjoy myself while I can while maintaining some long term security which you obviously have! (don't pensions get adjusted to inflation?)

    Good luck to you, keep us updated and you're welcome to come say hi if you do a Visa run to Laos.

  15. In Thailand selling power back to the Utility company is not a viable option yet. I know it is available at some places but as I understand it , only to a limited number customers, and that number is full.

    Most places we have trouble getting a straight read in our regular meter, never mind feeding back to the grid and getting credit for it.

    At this point in Thailand, the grid tie option is so that you can fave power from the grid when the PV is not suppliying adequate power, such as when at night or rainy days.

    Blog below as example of grid tied PV system (in Thailand) making the meter 'turn backwards':


  16. @naam Using A/C with 'inverter' technology, ie DC compressor turning at slow speed while not cooling (the compressor doesn't turn on/off all the time) is much more efficient and although more expensive to buy, they last longer and consume much less... 700w+ sounds about right for a 9000 BTU. There are also add-ons which enable the coolant to be super heated by the sun, making the cooling process even more efficient.

    -the OP mentioned two aircon units. he didn't say anything about 9,000btu/h nor inverter.

    -comment on super heated refrigerant which makes the cooling process more efficient... that would be a combination of compressor/absorption cooling which cannot be combined.

    splitting hairs based on assumptions is not very helpful.

    Despite the non-encouraging comments and for the sake of properly informing readers of this thread, below are a few examples of 'solar aircon'




    For those using google, there are many more.

  17. Yes if you produce more than you consume the meter would reverse including a standard 3 phase meter eliminating any need for batterys. I have seen my meter count down but most of the time I use in excess so I just have a reduced bill. Hopefully this will answere the joker NAAM comment, I never said 1.7kw was enough to run 2 air conditioners full time but it gets close on a sunny day using ultra efficient low power inverter air conditioners. I'm just trying to give helpfull info here & have no need for idiots like him. The Pana PS9MKT air cons that I use typicaly use less than 700w so if you are not capable of simple maths maybe it's bettyer if you stay out of this debate NAAM.

    idiots are those who submit shitty instead of clear information!

    I/Sunee are idiots for posting info on this thread; thank you, as well as everybody else I suppose. Naam: You win, you are the best, wisest etc. and we should really stop providing information about our systems... really, we should just hang'em high and dump our anger/shit on other members instead of asking questions which could be helpful to those interested in the original OP, much more productive...

    I shall now remove myself from this thread, I have better things to do.

    Sokh Dee

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