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Posts posted by drdoom6996

  1. BANGKOK, 17 December 2013 (NNT) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives predicts that Thailand will export 7 million tons of rice next year, while rice production in the country will be as high as 38 million tons.

    This from the other humorous thread. Export 7 million tons out of god only knows how many million tons already in storage

    PLUS "rice production in the country will be as high as 38 million tons.

    Thailand, drowning in an ocean of rice and millions in the world starving to death. "Well, let 'em die"!


    Taksin said "Thailand is for Thai's". To heck with the rest of the world unless they want to come and spend their money and then go home when it is gone.

    Now that everybody is rich from the "Rice Scam" they should all be able to afford a small loss on the current stockpiles. PS: Satire

  2. My wife told me today that if Yingluck ran for PM again she would vote for her. I asked her why and she said that they are all the same and it really doesn't matter, nothing will change. We live in a small village, 21 houses and there was a recent election for "Area chief", three villages. She voted for the one that gave her the most money, 300 baht I think. She truly believes that that's just the way Thai politics works and there will be no change.

    Well go back and inform your wife that she is very wrong.

    This country is definitely going to make sure the likes of her can not put people into power any more for the sake of a few baht. Tell her from me that her and all her kind who are screwing this country up because of personal greed will be stamped out and that I hope to see her and her lot rotting in prison one day for vote selling.

    her and her lot rotting in prison? How do you process that? Vote buying is full scale everywhere.

    The better short term solution would be: she takes the money from everyone, not making enemies and vote for whoever seems the most honest, no matter if received money.

    Amazing, so you condone corruption, takes the money from everyone ??? no short term solution. Your government ( because you never see wrong there) are responsible for corruption, they don't stop it because it is in their personal interest. it flows through local government to this wife of a poster, they feel it's normal, and no word from you it's out of order, feel sorry for your attitude.

    This is why corruption is alive and well here. It starts at the very top and continues its healthy to the very bottom. Everybody does it so its OK. It's like parking in the street, or ripping off tourists. The way of the land.

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  3. Christmas, is a Christian celebration of Christ and shouldn't be hijacked and used as a political tool by nut job supporters of Suthep. A lot of Christians take this time of the year very seriously. If they tried to use Ramadan in their political protests then would have it arse kicked of the planet. If other people used significant Thai Budhist celebrations for their own means then a lot of Thais would be extremely upset.

    Show a little respect to others and their cultures and keep religion out of it.

    Great point. Without any understanding of the true meaning of Christmas, it is a disgrace to hang these political ribbons on a Christmas tree. As you point out, Thais wouldn't take kindly to hanging political symbols from another country on a Buddha. The newspaper should clarify that it understands the true meaning of Christmas, and not just randomly publish what an idiot restaurant does to try and promote their business.

    Actually Dec 25 has no religious symbols, firstly JC was not born on that day and secondly Christmas is only a symbol of exchanging gifts in memory of St Nicolas and finally it is only an excuse for single Christians to get drunk.

    If you really want to know why, as it is not just presents and drinking. The actual reason for Dec 25 is;

    Christmas (Old English: Crīstesmæsse, meaning "Christ's Mass") is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by millions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it closes the Advent season and initiates the twelve days of Christmastide, which ends after the twelfth night.[9] Christmas is a civil holiday in many of the world's nations, is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians, and is an integral part of the Christmas and holiday season.

    While the birth year of Jesus is estimated among modern historians to have been between 7 and 2 BC, the exact month and day of his birth are unknown. His birth is mentioned in two of the four canonical gospels. By the early-to-mid 4th century, the Western Christian Church had placed Christmas on December 25,[17] a date later adopted in the East. The date of Christmas may have initially been chosen to correspond with the day exactly nine months after early Christians believed Jesus to have been conceived, or with one or more ancient polytheistic festivals that occurred near southern solstice (i.e., the Roman winter solstice); a further solar connection has been suggested because of a biblical verse[a] identifying Jesus as the "Sun of righteousness".

    Just google, you don't even have to read a book. Or continue to show how smart you really aren't.

  4. Christmas, is a Christian celebration of Christ and shouldn't be hijacked and used as a political tool by nut job supporters of Suthep. A lot of Christians take this time of the year very seriously. If they tried to use Ramadan in their political protests then would have it arse kicked of the planet. If other people used significant Thai Budhist celebrations for their own means then a lot of Thais would be extremely upset.

    Show a little respect to others and their cultures and keep religion out of it.

    For Thai's it is a reason to ask "where's my present".

    • Like 1
  5. Good luck ..... you need more than words for that ..a complete change in mentality of the Thais will be needed if you want to succeed ...

    Besides changing the mentality of drivers, law enforcement will actually have to do something other that stop tourists for doing nothing wrong and charging them for it. A law that goes unenforced is just a suggestion. Being "Keen" ain't gonna make it happen.

  6. Then Yingluck and her Cabinet should be charged with actually doing unlawful things.

    Get brother a Thai Passport

    Send all the government contracts money to northern companies.

    Buy all the rice at inflated prices and sell it cheap while it rots in warehouses, to benefit the northern voters and pay for their votes again and again and again.

    Pushing through bills in the early hours of the morning so no one notices.

    Appointing cabinet ministers that have no idea of their job, but only where the paycheck comes. Brothers Cronies.

    Suthep out on bail. Attending/speaking at rallies. He should be back in jail.

    Lying to the people about anything that comes out of her mouth.

  7. Yeah, right, and Obama wants Health for the masses, not power. It's all about power, the Shin clan already has enough money to buy anything they want. If not power, why;

    did they get Taksin a new passport.

    does at least one cabinet member a month happens to be in the same country as Taksin, but he/she did not see Taksin,

    money for projects always goes north for a company there,

    Just sayin'!

  8. Notice how they neglected to mention that Thaksin is a convicted criminal turned fugitive to escape his prison sentence. Let's have ALL the facts please....

    The news always says that he is self imposed exile. They never say he is convicted of anything and is running from a jail term. The truth and the facts are rarely the same. As the spin keeps turning one or the other around.

  9. If Thaksin ever returns he'll need an army of bodyguards.

    The end of the Shin clan robbing Thailand is fast approaching.

    We all know where substantial chunks for the current borrowing plans will be heading.

    I sincerely hope you are right about the Shin Clan and the Trillions of borrowing. I hope you haven't spoken too soon. Some people I know thought Taksin was out and gone for good after the coup which has him currently in Dubai. Obviously down but not out then. I wonder now? Or is the Thai population going to end up with round 3?

  10. "Red-shirt co-leader Jatuporn Promphan told the press yesterday that this decision was made in order to bring red-shirt supporters to the capital from upcountry so as to protected Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's elected government."

    Q. Do they need to bring their own can of petrol or will it be supplied on site this time?

    "(2) What time is the march?"

    A. Thai time: Strictly anytime between 3.00pm yesterday and 4.00am Wednesday or when they say 'we go now!' so please be punctual.

    Question; Where will they pour the gas and light it this time around?

    Question; Who gets the RPG's and where should they shoot them?

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