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Posts posted by TheKingfisher

  1. Most of those forums talk about Black hat techniques.... be careful with the advice that your being given there (my word of warning)

    Also, affiliate marketing can become quite profitable if you put in at least 6-8 hours a day working across 5 - 10 sites,

    It is not the build it and they will come job that some people think it may be.

    You are also working agains some very tough competition, there are people out there who have been doing it for a long time and are VERY good at it.

    HOWEVER, do not let this dissuade you from doing it though.

    How are your HTML CSS skills? do you know what your doing when it comes to making a site? I am asking because If you cant do all the work yourself (make the site and CMS management) then it will not be worth your time.

    Good luck mate, wish you the best!


  2. Dude,

    learn how to make a word press e-commerce site, get a beautiful template, tweak it a little bit = site finished in a month and you know how to change it re-design add content change logos, add remove products your self and you never pay for more than the training.

    Some of the templates you can get for your sites now are really fantastic, they all work like a charm, have full featured galleries, shopping cart and pay pal integration, you can install all sorts of funneling features and on site SEO widgets (Connicial urls - if your dealing with duplicate content issues from supplier product listings).

    As far as SEO and Marketing goes you DONT need to pay 10K for it, if you do your being totally ripped off. It seems that because its a relatively confusing subject a lot of people here and abroad will tell you that it costs the earth because its really complex etc... and because most people don't know any better what else are you going to believe?

    its not expensive BUT it is time consuming, you can of course budget 10K sterling into your PPC ad spend, but if your smart you don't have to spend that money on content creation and rank naturally.

    Also don't let a forum tell you if you should or shouldn't make a e-commerce site and give it a go mate, if you think its a good idea, go for it, why not.... worst that can happen you lose a little bit of cash but gain a heap of experience.

    Anyway, I hope that it works out for you mate.

    Good luck!

  3. Currently in Thailand there is a MASSIVE lack of web designers who can do quality work.

    and before you say no dude there are heaps, I can tell you for a fact that while there are quite a few 'agencies' in Thailand there are very few Quality designers and i can also tell you that as a web design school with a decent reputation here we get calls every 2nd day from companies (foreign and Thai) looking for designers.

    If you wanted a easy job, where you can do everything but meetings at home, then get into web design. there is millions of bhats of work that is left not done because there are not enough designers here.

    Look at web jobs bangkok . com and you will see some of the jobs there that have not been filled.



  4. Before you ask about it not working, make sure that you install the drivers after putting the card in the PC, then It should all go to plan.

    I would agree that you should get a PCI card, clean easy and out of the way, also you wont loose a USB port.

  5. Hello,

    I am currently living in Bangkok working as the Marketing Director for a locally owned digital advertising agency, specialising in luxury and boutique, hotels and resort marketing.

    I am however, looking to move from this company.

    As you will see from my resume I have many years experience in property and experiential marketing, and have a passion for the business.

    I currently maintain a Blog devoted to online marketing and advertising; also I am in the process of developing a certificated course in social media and marketing, for a local Web Design School.

    I bring professionalism, creativity, passion and a drive to succeed.

    If you or an associate has a position available, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Thank you for your time.


  6. Why do I care, yes I am in the tourist business...... like 15% of Thailands population.

    Everyone should care, If you live here you should be concerned about the economy and the people.....

    Think about it, if a huge % of the population loose its only form of income, then well, Thailand becomes not as nice a place to live. Think about it.

  7. The Thai government is having high level talks with private and public business to develop strategies to renue interest in Thailand and market it as a tourist destination.

    So far they have worked out that social media is cost effective.

    They have started a twitter account and a facebook page.



    if you have twitter, I have started a #tag #BTAT (best thing about thailand) post what you think the best thing is about.... Thailand...

    Maybe we can help out....

    I think that we should all do our part to help, what else could we do?

    This country needs tourism to function (yes I know all the arguements to this, but for now, lets just assume that untill the reliance on tourism changes, Thailand would suffer greatly with extended periods of low tourist numbers)

    Another thing to remember is that, even though Thailand bounced back after the Tsunami, the Airport closing and other issues, the fact that CNN is still reporting worldwide that there is still a risk of violent elements of the protest who are still armed and willing to go at it agian, that it may take more time and effort than before.....

  8. Are you serious....

    NO HOTELS owners are making much money at the moment, the entire kingdom is going into the slow season on 30-50% capacity, and that is going to halve again when the rains come.

    Not to mention the continuing press about the reds (black shirts) who are possibly going to make trouble.

    You want to wish that the hoteliers are making money soon, as the tourism industry and all its up and down stream industries make up about 15% of the countries employment.

    Without the hotels full and tourists flooding in at the rate of min 30,000 per day the country’s economy will go belly up, unless manufacturing increases exponentially to make up for the loss of jobs.

    It’s not a good time for this country, and it's a real hard time for anyone in this industry.


  9. Seven Ways to Market via Web 2.0

    1. Learn about social media. First and foremost, it is critical that library staff participate in and understand social media by learning about it firsthand. Efforts like the Learning 2.0 program (http://plcmcl2-about.blogspot.com) developed by Helene Blowers for the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County are great ways to start to explore social software. Fundamentally, marketing in a Web 2.0 world requires us to think in both new and old ways at the same time.

    YouTube, del.icio.us, Flickr, digg, MySpace, and Technorati are examples of new engines that you need to understand in order to effectively use them to reach your markets.

    2. Create a Web 2.0 marketing plan. Web 2.0 marketing efforts can pop up organically and some may already be happening at your library. It is useful to step back and think strategically about where and how you’re going to commit your marketing resources online. Tap into the creativity of your staff and users to create a social media marketing plan. Look at your marketing, customer service, and Web site for natural opportunities and synergies for social media marketing.

    Open your mind to radical new ideas that fit the nature of social media. For instance, let your audience create content on your site and pass it along. Try a photo captioner service where they (or you) can submit local photos, add captions, and then share links or send the new photo as a postcard to their friends. Or invite your passionate users to create promotional videos about your library, then use them on your local TV channels and post them online everywhere.

    3. Participate! Join the conversation. Social media applications are two-way streets (as opposed to the old one-way messages of standard promotion). There are lots of ways to join in. You can add social tools and services (such as Weblogs, wikis, tagging, video blogs, etc.) to your library Web sites. Enable comments on blogs and allow users to contribute to wikis.

    Instead of waiting for our audiences to come to our Web sites or blogs, we can join the conversation wherever it is—on users’ blogs, Web forums, MySpace, course Web sites, team rooms, wikis, etc. (Always respect the norms or conventions for communicating in a particular social medium.)

    Discover where your target audiences hang out online and join them. Create a MySpace or Facebook profile for your library like Topeka and Shawnee County (Kan.) Public Library has. (It boasts 1,135 friends!) Build a profile and offer content and services that attract links, contacts, and friends. If your users spend time on Wikipedia, add or improve your library’s entry.

    4. Be remarkable. Have something interesting to offer your viewers that they can use, bookmark, and share on- or offline. Social media is a form of viral marketing. Interesting ideas and content get passed along rapidly. Make sure that adding fresh content is a priority whether it’s a new booklist, podcast of an author reading, quirky facts about your community, or a background piece on an upcoming city or organization event.

    5. Help your library content travel. Encourage visitors to bookmark and tag your content with a click of a button by posting bookmark buttons on your site. (See samples below.) This can actually be a serious technical challenge for some library sites. It’s important to choose the right content management software so that your Web pages have permanent URLs. Some library search results pages cannot be bookmarked easily; some not at all.

    Allow users to repost booklists, book reviews, photos, podcasts, or videos on their own sites.

    Creating widgets and toolbars can help keep your library information wherever the users are. John Blyberg developed Go-Go-Google Gadget, which patrons can add to their personal Web pages. Below you can see some downloadable library toolbars.

    Post your content on sites like Flickr and YouTube where it’s easy for users to find and share it.

    Syndicate everything you can that your audience will find useful. Slice and dice your content for dozens of specialized audiences. Spread the word about what your library has. Make newsfeeds for new materials such as books, DVDs, talking books, and video feeds. Create newsfeeds for your blogs,

    blog comments, popular pages, and books just returned. Several libraries have created lists of new books by topic.

    6. Be part of the multimedia wave. With more than 100 million video downloads per day, YouTube is too big a marketing opportunity to overlook. Create short videos and post them to YouTube and other video-sharing sites.

    Look at creating podcasts. Programs that you’re already doing (story times, book discussions, guest speakers) often lend themselves to being recorded as podcasts. Be sure to set up newsfeeds for releases of audio and video content so your audience can opt in and be notified of new releases.

    7. Monitor engagement and learn as you go. Evaluating social media marketing is different than just counting Web site usage or circulation numbers. You want to measure how well your library is doing at engaging the public via social media. And you should measure both the amount and the intensity of the engagement.

    Here are some examples of what you need to monitor: How many blog readers do you have? How many comments are posted by how many different visitors? How many people mention your library on their blogs, and how often? Are search engine results predominantly positive or negative? Is your content bookmarked in social bookmarking sites? How many friends and contacts do you have on your profile in social networking sites? How many comments or scrapbook entries are you receiving? How many visitors contribute content to your site (videos, photos, documents, wiki entries)?

    REPOST FROM: http://www.infotoday.com/mls/mar07/Fichter.shtml

  10. Good to see that someone is taking advantage of the reach of online media!



    George Thaivisa


    Founder and Pujay Ban at thaivisa.com



    George Thaivisa


    Founder and Pujay Ban at thaivisa.com

    Nice work George!

    source: http://wefollow.com/twitter/thailand

    p.s. only 4,881,868 followers less that Ashton Kutcher...........

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