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Posts posted by TheKingfisher

  1. 5 of the best Social Media marketing books around at the moment.

    If you need some reading material these books are probably the best that you will find.


    How to tap the power of social software and networks to build your business

    In Trust Agents, two social media veterans show you how to tap into the power of social networks to build your brand's influence, reputation, and, of course, profits. Today's online influencers are web natives who trade in trust, reputation, and relationships, using social media to accrue the influence that builds up or brings down businesses online.

    The book shows how people use online social tools to build networks of influence and how you can use those networks to positively impact your business. Because trust is key to building online reputations, those who traffic in it are "trust agents," the key people your business needs on its side.

    * Delivers actionable steps and case studies that show how social media can positively impact your business

    * Written by authors with over ten years of online media experience

    * Shows you how to build and wield influence online to benefit your brand

    * Combines high-level theory with practical step-by-step guidance

    If you want your business to succeed, don't sit on the sidelines. Instead, use the Web to build trust with your consumers using Trust Agents.


    Is it important to be connected? Well, consider this: If Facebook were a country, it would have the sixth largest population in the world.

    The truth is, we no longer live in a world of six degrees of separation. In fact, we're now down to only six pixels of separation, which changes everything we know about doing business.

    This is the first book to integrate digital marketing, social media, personal branding, and entrepreneurship in a clear, entertaining, and instructive manner that everyone can understand and apply.

    Through the use of timely case studies and fascinating stories, SIX PIXELS OF SEPARATION offers a complete set of the latest tactics, insights, and tools that will empower you to reach a global audience and consumer base-and, best yet, you can do this pretty much for free. Digital marketing expert Mitch Joel unravels this fascinating world of new media-but does so with a brand-new perspective that is driven by compelling results. The smarter entrepreneurs and top executives are leveraging these digital channels to get their voice "out there"-connecting with others, becoming better community citizens, and, ultimately, making strategic business moves that are increasing revenue, awareness, and overall success in the marketplace-without the support of traditional mass media.

    Everyone is connected. Isn't it time for you and your company to connect to everyone? SIX PIXELS OF SEPARATION will show you how.


    A fascinating, research-based look at the impact of social media on businesses and consumers around the world, and what's in store for the future

    Social Media. You've heard the term, even if you don't use the tools. But just how big has social media become? Social media has officially surpassed pornography as the top activity on the Internet. People would rather give up their e-mail than their social network. It is so powerful that it is causing a macro shift in the way we live and conduct business. Socialnomics charts this shift from the forefront.

    Brands can now be strengthened or destroyed by the use of social media. Online networking sites are being used as giant, free focus groups. Advertising is less effective at influencing consumers than the opinions of their peers. If you aren't using social media in your business strategy, you are already behind your competition.

    * Explores how the concept of "Socialnomics" is changing the way businesses produce, market, and sell, eliminating inefficient marketing and middlemen, and making products easier and cheaper for consumers to obtain

    * Learn how successful businesses are connecting with consumers like never before via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media sites

    * A must-read for anyone wanting to learn about, and harness the power of social media, rather than be squashed by it

    * Author Erik Qualman is a former online marketer for several Top 100 brands and the current Global Vice President of Online Marketing for the world's largest private education firm

    Socialnomics is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the implications of social media, and how businesses can tap the power of social media to increase their sales, cut their marketing costs, and reach consumers directly.


    Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With The New Community Rules, you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach people who frequent these sites.

    Written by an expert in social media and viral marketing, this book cuts through the hype and jargon to give you intelligent advice and strategies for positioning your business on the social web, with case studies that show how other companies have used this approach.

    The New Community Rules will help you:

    * Explore blogging and microblogging, and find out how to use applications such as Twitter to create brand awareness

    * Learn the art of conversation marketing, and how social media thrives on honesty and transparency

    * Manage and enhance your online reputation through the social web

    * Tap into the increasingly influential video and podcasting market

    * Discover which tactics work -- and which don't -- by learning about what other marketers have tried

    Many consumers today use the Web as a voice. The New Community Rules demonstrates how you can join the conversation, contribute to the community, and bring people to your product or service.


    Hunt, cofounder of community-marketing consulting firm Citizen Agency, presents the hows and whys of accruing "whuffie," her word for social capital in the Web 2.0 landscape. Introducing a wide range of post-blogosphere social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Flickr, Hunt clues in marketers to the possibilities with online success stories, influential voices and winning strategies.

    Numerous anecdotes (from the Obama campaign, online t-shirt boutique Threadless, Zappos.com CEO Tony Hsieh, etc.) illustrate the power of even the most tossed-off communiqués; micro-blogging site Twitter, for instance, may restrict posts to 140 characters, but is uniquely powerful in its ability to reach a swarm of "followers," establish new relationships and provide multi-various feedback.

    Hunt packs in many specific strategies and concepts, which include seeking out and incorporating feedback, educating and empowering your connections, and treating your company's message as a conversation (a good net marketer's goal should be contained in the statement, "I want to create a culture of..."). Detailed, practical profiles of networks and related tools make this a valuable, illuminating title for anyone looking to the ever-expanding realm of online social life for business success.

    You can get all these books on amazon.com or maybe try http://www.geckobooks.net/ (TV sponsor, keep it in the family I think). If you don’t have time to read a books you can get them from teh audio book store audable.com.

    I personally own all of these books and really for a SME trying to develop its online marketing these would be such an invaluable resource!


  2. I know that they wont be coming to Aus for some time as there are different regualtions for construction on helmets, this however, as I was informed in an email from the compnay, is being addressed and they are trying to re model them for the Australian market...

    I would really want one, add to that a heads up display and I'm in heaven!

  3. There is a old saying where I come from

    "When days were old

    and knights were bold

    and Dingers weren't invented

    They tied their socks

    around their C&$%S

    and F$%^#D away contented"

    It has a certian appeal in your case i think.......

    edit: I do not reccommend socks as condoms.

  4. I would let them search, just like I would if any large and possibly angry group of people wanted to stop and seach me.

    This is not my battle, just smile be polite to both side's and let it get sorted out.

    Didn't say that I would like it, but sometimes yo have to play by rules tha,t as westerners were not happy with, but the funny thing is.... were not in kansas anymore Toto.........

    Best soloution: dont go anywhere near them.

  5. Google ads, how do they work?

    So you want to make a Google ad but you are not sure of how it all works and what’s the deal with pay per click?

    It’s pretty straight forward really.

    Essentially you’re bidding on a keyword.

    Let’s take the words Thai Visa for example, two businesses have gone to the Google home page and set up a Google ads account, that part is pretty easy.

    They get the opportunity to enter what keywords that, when typed into to Google, they would most like to be associated with, again a no brainer.

    For example, the forum Thaivisa would put in Thailand, forum and maybe information, now a Visa company that specialises in Thailand visas, would put in, say.... Thailand, Visa and maybe.... information.

    This is where pay per click bidding comes into play. The Visa issuing company would state that they are willing to pay 30c if a potential client clicks on their ad (it’s all paid monthly, usually 30 days from the initial set up).

    Thaivisa on the other hand would state that they are prepared to pay 40c per click, this would now put their ad at the top of the list, (the ads that come up on the side bar of the Google search page) if of course the credit card company Visa haven’t out bid them, but for the sake of example let’s say that they haven’t.

    Now this doesn’t mean that Thaivisa will always pay 40c, it means that until someone else bids between 30 and 40c they will pay 31c per click, however, if someone was to bid 45c per click Thaivisa would then have to pay 46c, which is 11c more to get back to the top of the list!

    There is a little Google trick that they play though, they often make a recommendation on how much you should bid and in the case of ‘Personal injury lawyers Chicago this can be, as of 2006, $78.20 per click!. This can potentially be a lot more than you are willing to pay, I honestly am not sure if this is

    1) A way of increasing a bid for the word


    2) A suggestion of the maximum another bidder has on the word

    Something to be aware of, Google value some words a lot more highly than others, for instance ‘Personal injury lawyer’ keywords are a lot more expensive than ‘1963 cherry red mustang convertible’ keywords, generic costs.

    And that brings me to my final point, Keywords.

    You have to be very smart about what keywords you choose, it's important not to go "keyword crazy" try to resist the temptation to create long lists of irrelevant, generic words. For example, if you run an automotive dealership then, it wouldn't be in your best interests to target the keyword "truck." The cost per click (CPC) for such a generic keyword would be incredibly high when compared to a more descriptive and relevant keyword, such as "T-Z783 Extended Cab."

    Targeted keywords are the goal.

    Good luck with the word smithing and remember, a thesaurus come in handy sometimes

  6. Viral videos can get LOTS of eyes on your brand.... here are some examples.

    The Marc Ecko viral vid.

    I did read somewhere that he actually spent a ton of cash on this vid as he apparently hired a jumbo to do it, so this isn't really achiveable unless you have a budget like his, however, It has a lot of impact from a great idea.

    This clip got MAJOR press throughout the US.....

    (this posting on Youtube has had over 600,000 views, and its not the original post... I think that that got in total well in excess of 2 million views.)

    Edit: still free is the slogan for his footwear and clothing label.

    The Ray bans viral vid = almost 5 million views.

    Excellent Idea, how they hel_l do they do it????

    You will notice that written on the window in the last scene is 'Never hide' the Raybans campaign slogan.

    There are a few really good ones from this campaign, Ill also post the chameleon one (I personally love it)

    ^ 2 mill views also.....

    Check you their other videos on their Youtube channel 'neverhidefilms'

    I will make a post soon on how you can use viral videos effectively to really drive a branding campaign as well as a great way to promote you, your business or your site traffic.

    Be smart and different and you can really win.

  7. An absolutely fantastic campaign that uses the power of social media, bloody good idea and execution and not that a lot of smaller companies have it but, a huge budget and big, risk taking kahunas...........

    It shows that a good idea and good execution can really go along way..... I'll also post a video of Ray bans & Marc Ecko's viral video's that also made big waves, and that had a really low budget!

  8. I thought that I would start posting and invite others in the marketing and advertising field, to post usefull information, articles that they have written and links for others who want to know more about online marketing.

    NOTE: this is not a thread for self promotion or advertising your services, this is a learning thread.

    Ill start out with a article I wrote for a blog on web video.

    Also feel free to ask questions if you need something specific answered.

    How adding video to your website can keep eyes on you

    Think about this, if a picture can tell 1000 words than how much can a video say? I know that sounds like a cliché but its’ true, if you have the ability to keep eyes on your site for more than the standard 7 seconds, why wouldn’t you be doing it?

    Unless you have a site that has high volume traffic, because you’re constantly updating with insightful, useful and interesting content, the chances that you will keep the info gathering customer interest is, well.... as slim as a piece of paper under the wheels of a steam roller.

    So what are the steps to take to achieve a real engagement with your potential customer ? well, video is probably the easiest answer to that, and I’m not talking about a basic flash presentation your IT staff knocked up for your last pitch, I’m talking about targeted and exciting, content based video.

    With the total explosion of online video content like Youtube, Vimeo and the host of other user created content sites, consumers want more from their online interactions.

    A website must do one thing and that is engage the customer.

    So what should you show in a video?

    The hotel and service industry are slowly getting this down pat, and I must say that they probably have the easiest time with this one, long panning shots of their lobby, slow mo visions of an attractive girl getting a massage or pictures of a barman flairing while making drinks does well for illustrating how opulent their establishment is, but what if your a graphic designer or a cabinet maker, what on earth can you show to illustrate that your an expert in your field.....

    Well that’s when you get your creative juices flowing and think about how you can make what you do, really interesting.

    Grab your camera and get shooting!

  9. Not that you sound like your going to be shipping large enough quantities to warrent this but, be aware that as far as I knwo there is no direct sea freight from TH to AUS, it will have to go through Singapore and can take up to 2 months to land.

    something to think about...

    2 months? Did they go westwards around the globe?

    They might.......

    Well I am just remembering information that a mate in shipping told me, but there is a verry good chance i am totally wrong..

    What would the internets be if it wansn't full of incorect, misleading and bullshit statements of faux fact.

  10. Simple...

    a: dont register the marriage in the UK therefor its not recognised and if everything goes to poop, head back home and she can only claim your joint property in Thailand

    b: put everything in your mums name, and what ever you do dont tell her about it.

    c: get her to sign it infront of a whitness, with a stat dec stating that she is aware of what the document states, no recourse from that.

    d: Dont marry her legally, just put a ring on her finger and yours and pick some wishy whashy hippy ceremony and thats it.

    e: dont listen to this go ahead get married and (I hope for you) live long and happy lives together and have 3 sweet little ones and learn Thai and never look at another girl so long as you live!.

    good luck dude,

  11. Here is what you can do.

    Withdraw enough cash for the next 2 months and have it in a draw at home.

    With the rest of your cash but australian dollars ( Asutrlia has not only faired the best in the GFC but its dollar is rising, although slowly) you will get 2.5 AUD you your PND then if every thing goes to shit, you a: have $ in a strong currency and b:have invested in a way awesome country.

    if you then buy back THB then you get at the moment 28-29THB to 1 AUD it the THB dropps you will only get a better rate, adn you dont have to worry about the drop inthe PND with your election.

    I will take 15% thanks.

  12. I love the idea of green tourism, I think that there is a huge international market for it, and if you can find a receptive local government you could probably get some support from them (but this is Thailand and I hear that things work a little differently here).

    Good luck with it though!

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