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Posts posted by TheKingfisher

  1. I thought it was always this hot?

    I'm new so, what would I know...... I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!!!!

    I should have been born an arab.

    except for the sweating... that I dont like..... but then I could wear a Kurta and not look like a stupid white dude in local garb... hate that shit....

    EDIT: Yes I know Kurta's are indian, but thats all i know them as... OK!

  2. That’s true that not every site is geared towards traditional sales, however every site is basically selling a brand, some better than others.

    I LOVE guerrilla marketing, anything that is even the slightest bit different makes me happy.

    I also think, your problem is that you can’t get copyright lifted to print any book in Braille yes? and your contacting the decision makers directly when they ass around and giving them hel_l yes but getting nowhere?

    An Idea:

    Start a face book group '10,000,000 people for the lifting of copyright when adapting to Braille, get on the forums and post that your starting a petition to have copyright lifted for the reproduction of books in Braille.

    Make sure that you say exactly what you want in the facebook group and the problems and all you have had to deal with to trying to give the blind the literature of the world.

    Promote the hel_l out of it, you will be surprised just how much support you will get.

    Then when you have significant numbers, write a press release to as many reporters as you possibly can, state that the people in power do not want the handicapped of the world to have books, but this many people believe they should, how can they be so blind to the masses etc..... and let them do the work, you will again surprised how quickly you get support from the largest lobby groups with a little traditional press, and BAM you can get an amendment made to reproduce books in Braille.

    It sounds very simplistic, what I have described, but at the heart of it, it’s a worldwide petition, and they do work.

    Could be another way to go forward.

  3. Thats true that not every site is geared towards traditional sales, however every site is basically selling a brand, some better than others.

    I LOVE guerrilla marketing, anything that is even the slightest bit different makes me happy.

    I also think, your problem is that you cant get copyright lifted to print any book in braille yes? and your contacting the decision makers directly when they ass around and giving them hel_l yes but getting no where?

    An Idea:

    Start a face book group '10,000,000 people for the lifting of copyright when adapting to braille', get on the forums and post that your starting a petition to have copyright lifted for the reproduction of books in braille.

    Make sure that you say exacly what you want in the facebook group and the problems and all you have had to deal with to trying to give the blind the literature of the world.

    Promote the hel_l out of it, you will be surprised just how much support you will get.

    Then when you have significant numbers, write a press release to as many reporters as you possible can,state that the people in power do not want the handycapped of the world to have books, but this many people believe they should, haw can the be so blind to the masses etc..... and let them do the work, you will again surprised how quickly you get support from the larget lobby groups with a little traditional press, and BAM you can get an amendment made to reproduce books in braille.

    It sounds very simplistic, what I have described, but at the heart of it, its a world wide petition, and they do work.

    Could be another way to go forward.


    Knowing your audience:

    ---------"reaching opinion makers in the world of international copyright exceptions for the disabled"

    ---------"My target-audience includes disability rights groups, publishing industry reps, government officials, computer techies, IP / internet rights groups, lawyers, etc"

    You know who it is that you need as "advocates" of your product, that is a big hurdle for most, I have a great product, but who wants it. The problem is, how do you let them know what you have?.

    Where the hel_l are they:

    Think about where these people are going to be on the internet and what they are interested in. Where do they go to chat? for example, we come to TV to talk about things that are mostly related to Thailand and its issues, because that’s a focus for us, a person interested in Disability rights may be on a forum of their own.

    Example http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/dir/1600959842 (a yahoo groups list) lists out 741 pages of groups that are interested in discussing disability rights.

    Now I don’t suggest you go and start spamming those forums, take your time and browse them, to see

    1) The most active and highest user base and

    2) The most active contributors.

    *edit: to get them to go to your site, make sure you have your site details in your profile information, the more you contribute the chances that someone will check to see who you are is greatly increased and the more chance that they will follow links in your profile to your site.

    These groups and group members are the potential advocates of your product.

    Do some research to find the same sort of thing for all the groups on your list as well, I'm just using that as an example.

    How can I start a conversation:

    Engage with them, start discussing your thoughts and ideas with them, If you have a blog, or a twitter or even a facebook group, invite them to read and or participate in your group discussion. That is a way that you can show your skills and products without actually spamming.

    All the different groups of people will have places where they link up to discuss issues that they are interested in, that’s where you need to go, and participate in the conversation to drive awareness of your offerings.

    The next part is to develop content that those groups are interested in, to drive them to your site.

    The next step:

    I’m sure that there are no blogs that encompass the range of topics that would be relevant to all those groups, why not think about what you can do to bring them together to one place.

    A blog is great for this, constantly updated and useful information that is relevant to all those groups is what it would take, so you could start an news aggregation blog with an RSS feed (rss aggregator definition), collate all the info you can, press releases, government decrees (all the stuff you know and read from different places to keep updated) and become a portal for them.

    Through your reading and research you will develop a better understanding of the issues involved and therefore be able to contribute better and more thoughtfully to the community.

    This is by far, better than a portfolio as you will become an expert in the field. Dedication to this is TANTAMOUNT!, you must be consistent in your information delivery and then in a short time, you will have people asking you for information and referring to your comments.

    Chris Brogan set out how to do this will in the book Trust agents , I would recommend you get your hands on that, he also has a blog as well, where he talks about this in depth, just Google Chris Brogan.

    *Have a look at mashable.com for an example of this aggregation done VERY well, Pete Cashwell started an aggregator blog covering social media/internets/tech stuff... he now writes for CNN, is one of the highest followed twitter’r (next to Ashton Kutcher) in the world and is seen as a font of knowledge in his area. HOW, he started a blog that brought many fields of information to one place and built a community and it took him bugger all time to do it too!!!

    "The next WIPO (WTO) session on copyright "Limitations and Exceptions" is in Geneva, Switzerland starting June 21..."

    ^ This is the sort of information I am talking about, does everyone who matter know this, is there more information that is useful to the people you want to influence out there......

    By becoming an aggregator you can build a community for yourself and that’s how Social Media works it’s about

    Content (the info people want)

    Communication (the blog you write and how you talk to them and they to you)

    Community (how they talk to each other and the relationships are formed within that conversation)

    Measurement (I'll be getting in to that in a post a little later)

    and Refinement (are you doing it right and what do you need to change to get it right)

    I honestly think that this is a way to go to find the influencers and bring them together, you just benefit as you are the centre point.

    Anything else:

    Your brand needs to be across a few networks to make this happen effectively, The blog is one, you will also find in your research, topics that draw a lot of discussion so maybe start a facebook group on this topic and so on.....

    I hope that this has helped a little, and you have the time to follow through on this. There is a lot of information on good tips to help you along the way (Google is your friend)........


  5. In a white paper released from onesource.com:

    "After researching 60 international companies over the last 2 years those companies who were active across multiple social media platforms saw an average of 18% revenue growth and a 15% growth in gross margin. In comparison companies who didn't interact with social media saw a 6% drop in revenue and up to a 9% drop in gross margin."

    Why are you waiting?

  6. @ESB7

    Good point and yes, I didn't think about the crimes against humanity and mass murder that were undertaken in those cases and how they are relevent to this situation....

    Next time I comment however, I shall take that into account before saying anything.

  7. Just going to make it hard for the rest of us white fellas here, thats all he is going to do....

    When will people realise its not our F%@G fight and we should stay welllllllllll away from it.

    bloody hel_l.....

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