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Posts posted by lazurus

  1. I don't know why people act surprised the government announced that soldiers would be armed. Gave the protesters lots of warning and time to leave. Why can't the soldiers defend themselves?

    Look's to me like the guy hit with a rubber bullet in the eye. The Chulalongkorn hospital did not confirm any dead, only this guy in serious condition.


    We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now.

  2. I don't know why people act surprised the government announced that soldiers would be armed. Gave the protesters lots of warning and time to leave. Why can't the soldiers defend themselves?

    Look's to me like the guy hit with a rubber bullet in the eye. The Chulalongkorn hospital did not confirm any dead, only this guy in serious condition.


    We have no evidence that the army has used live ammo on protesters tonight, there have been at most one death, Seh Daeng was targeted, possibly by the military, but he would have and has done the same thing when he targeted military commanders on April 10. His own tactics were used against him. Still there is nothing stopping the protesters from returning to their homes even now.

  3. Steely Dan,

    “Yes, there is a risk that many lives will be spared if this psychopath dies. The high ground really doesn't suit you red apologists. “

    Alas Dan, wherever the moral high ground is, it is no environement for fascist rats. I never guessed so many farangs were closet Brownshirts. Hitler’s path to power was littered with assasinated opponents. Some were simply murdered, others tortured or beaten into impotent silence.

    Who are these Anglo-Yankee-doodle democrats who find a key role for marksmen assassins? Are they the heirs of the American Revolution for democracy? If so, why do they befoul the memory of their grandfathers who fought for democracy, to eradicated nazism?

    Do you nazi stooges really claim that democracy comes from the barrel of a gun? And please do not complain that my labels of ‘fascist’ & ‘nazi’ offend you. Your kind killed some of my kind, so I have a certain privilege, & an educated nose for fascism. It tells me that many farang posters have no sympathy for democracy, & none for ordinary Thai people – the Brute Force & Ignorance Tendency. God rot it, them, & you. OGT

    Is he really serious? Doesn't he know that the whole red movement is based on the threat of violence. Seh Daeng was a terrorist and an assassin he sure was willing to use the barrel of a gun, although maybe it wasn't for democracy. Oh well if you through Nazi into your post you think others will automatically agree with you, what drivel.

  4. Not sure what will be the result of the shooting of Seh Daeng -- but in most western countries -- this action that was taken would be illegal (whether he deserved it or not). He was a citizen of the country, he was not holding hostages, there was no imminent danger, he was not pointing a weapon at police, and was taken out by a sniper. Simply, this was an extra-judicial assassination.

    Good luck finding the person who did this

    Are you saying he was killed Thaksin style? Hostages, you could argue there were some of those. Danger, you could argue he was an immense threat to the safety of Bangkok citizens, especially the ones killed by grenades lately. Does a general with a small army of soldiers holding weapons need to have one himself? A citizen? He was a traitor to his own military. He had been labeled a terrorist, western countries don't blink when terrorists are taken out.

  5. what would be the consequences while Seh Daeng been shot :

    1) reds will get more unorganised and will go home ?

    2) reds will get more aggressive and will turn mad ?

    anyone ?

    Maybe they become "legitimate" again, AND gain a martyr. Unless there's video evidence of another Red Shirt shooting him they'll create whichever story best suits their cause.

    The red camp gets marginally saner, Thaksin has one less puppet to play with, the other leaders are more likely to cut their losses and flee before they get Seh Daenged.

  6. a life lost even from your enemy is always a sad news.Sae Deng is a warrior, trained to kill, and as often for this kind of men "drugged by war" and as already said "living by the sword, dying by the sword". But a life is a life.

    However, the day is not finished, we may have some surprises. So I suggest to stay calm.

    Personally, I am not happy when I see somebody leaving this earth and I wish casualties to be a minimum but also, knowing Thai people, their stubborness, their revenge mind, I wish that we are not entering in Civil War. This night is going to be very long.

    I expect Good Will will prevails and that we will find the Peace.

    absolutely agree !

    lost of life is nothing to be cheer, either he is a good guy, a bad guy, or an innocent.

    hope everyone could learn from this explicit alert, and calm down !

    I think we all agree that human life is sacred and that is why the majority here are happy this lunatic terrorist has been taken out of the game.

    Some posts are so full of hatred that I am ashamed. Even a death penalty prisoner, even with the most odious crimes on his hands, is respected in the very moments before the death penalty is applied. Also, we know that people like Saeh Deng are the result of an excess of training in special operations. We do know now that we have to limit the utilisation of men in this kind of business to only few years and that there is a difficult reeducation: Saeh Deng is what he is because he has been manipulated and transformed by the Military system, special operations. And during years he was considered as useful: so, now, this guy is struggling for his life in apparently his last moments, we should let him quiet, the responsability to have build such a phenomenom is also the responsability of the Society and belongs to all of us.

    he deserves the same pity and compassion he showed his victims

  7. Amazing all the blood thirsty posters. Western socialists in their most 'caring & compassionate' mode.

    Lt Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol has not been found guilty of any crime. If anyone has any evidence of his wrongdoing they should report it to the authorities. Until he is tried & found guilty he is an innocent man potentially murdered by a sniper.

    Wow even got a promotion, you'll find he was a Major General. The authorities have enough evidence clearly to approve a sniper team shooting him. Quite possibly he was a terrorist, a murderer, a traitor and much more, those things are just as likely as him being an innocent man, more so. Enough evidence of his wrongdoing has been collected to begin the process of dismissing him from the military and possibly stripping his rank. I'm sure someone will be around to your home to personally present you with the evidence so you can be his judge, oh wait it's not up to you.

  8. i don't think a sniper picking off the opposition will go over too well in the international community.

    Don't we worry too much about the international community? What has the international community did for Thailand in recent times? Today let the international community better not get involved.

    What should the international community should do? They buy Thai products, isn't that enough?

    There is no reason for any international intervention. Thai people are smart enough to deal with their own problem (...do I sense irony here?).

    A traitor and a terrorist, who in the international community will weep for him?

  9. Any details on the circumstances Sae Daeng was shot?

    The very first report I heard on his being shot (before it was on TNN) was that the sniper was from inside the Red zone and not from outside. I don't think we will ever know for sure.

    I'm guessing there will be video at some point. No cell signal in the area at present would make it hard to get it out, but I'll bet we see something eventually.

    He was shot while giving an interview

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