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Posts posted by lazurus

  1. Dissident Thai General is Shot; Army Moves to Face Protesters


    Published: May 13, 2010

    BANGKOK — A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

    Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have taken a single bullet to the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribun

  2. On the corner of Silom reds are facing off with yellow protesters, reds are heard shouting "it's normality", and the yellows are chanting "normalcy, normalcy, normalcy..." thesauruses have been thrown, Chula hospital is admitting patients for severe paper cuts.

    Do we really need the english lesson debate right now guys?

    this post can not be verified by any reliable sources.

  3. URGENT Yoga Sutra on Sathorn Rd said the 8:15pm class today is cancelled

    I guess Seh Daeng was to busy to teach the class today.

    Hey Nation staff, we all appreciate knowing that Pantip plaza is closed, but how about the army's APCs, have they moved into position, is the army blockade a reality or just another idle threat, any real news to report yet?

  4. It's now after 6pm, how much military equipment has been lost to the reds already.

    Might be after 6 somewhere but still 5:30 here in BKK ... unless I lost an hour somewhere.

    Seems it is me who has gained an hour :) . So lets ask the question again in another 40 minutes or so.

    Well now it is after 6 .. anybody got any news?

    It'll take hours for the traffic to subside, the army won't risk doing anything till after that, unless the reds have itchy trigger fingers.

  5. THE NATION: Seh Daeng: Veera is in England now. (Weng has earlier said Veera would return to stage today)

    Or he could be up at the 11th regiment blabbing his mouth off to Suthep and the boys in order gain complete amnesty for himself, a few quid and THEN a new life in England. :)

    Or could he be in a box ?

    First red leader to run for his life, won't be the last. Red protesters sure picked the wrong guy to follow.

  6. It is Thurday evening the Military is surrounding the protest zone, all non protesters have been advised to leave the area, could be a crucial next 24 hours. If you are arriving in Bangkok today or tomorrow do not attempt to get downtown especially near Siam square or Silom, keep informed and stay away from protest hot spots.

  7. History will show that the RED SHIRTS are HERO'S!

    Fighting for to keep their country ruled by Thai's NOT CHINESE!

    hold on . . . this is certainly a class conflict between poor and the wealthy, not much between different races.

    imagination sometime goes too far :-)

    Thailand is made up of about 40 distinct ethnic groups, could get messy deciding which are the real thais. If they hate the chinese why did they choose their signature color?

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