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Posts posted by TheBarbarian

  1. At least this is a very transparent policy of the government. Motorcycle taxis are almost all Thaksin supporters. So the government spin doctor does a bit on fact finding and fins that they are marginalized. True. The transport Mafia which is ran by people like newin, Sanoh and Sanan do not like them much around either. The police therefore will extort them for tens of thousands of baht for their numbered shirts. Ask the upstanding boys from thonglor police station.The fact that these people are marginalized can be find in the very same root as why ALL rural people and people who do manual work are marginalized. The root case is corruption. Now it would obviously too bad if corruption had to disappear. After all the police chief is a suspect in the Saudi Jewelry case and mister Abhisit does not share the Saudi opinion that this affects a court case.My question is: Do the government really take motorcycle taxis for imbeciles just because they come from Izan originally? Or do they think that they have a brain of their own?

  2. Hypocrites are everywhere. Thai visa is full of them. Suddenly a story in which a lousy Pattaya journalist (although journalist is probably not the right word, lets call him or her a person with ulterior motives) makes a lot of noise after a Foreigner is freed on bail. He might or might not jump or have jumped bail, but that is the system. No such voices however when red shirt leaders and 300 plus other political prisoners are held while their counterparts walk the streets.<div><br></div><div>When thaksin complains about justice for sale, the Nation and Thai visa editors believe that Thai Justice is in existence.  No complaints either when a person tries to kill a number of protestors by driving his car in them. When the court simply sends him home, no mention of it at all. Suddenly a foreigner is in play and now injustice is done.</div><div><br></div><div>Just get a life,. Most people use the system to their advantage. If something has been fishy, provide proof no gossip.</div><div>Good luck to the farang. People are innocent until proven guilty how horrendous a crime may look at first glance.</div>

  3. It's to bad, most Farangs just sit back, do nothing, but watch and talk the talk, (Bitch) The Pollution Solution Group sees this daily on Jomtien Beach, now and again (seldom) a Farang will reach out and help in the removing dangers from the beach, (Bless them) most just sidestep the dangers, doing their exercise, thinking only about themselves, caring less about Earth, or sit back and look on, one would think that their upbringing would have taught them differently. When people were growing up, back in the 40's and 50's, we were taught to clean up where we lived and vacationed, clean up when arrived and when we were leaving, we called it "Leaving only footprints behind" Today most people are lazy, give nothing back to Mother Nature, to make it safe for the voiceless to follow, children, wildlife and waterways, most say, not my mess, a Thai did it, it was here when we got here, I'm to proud to pick up after others.

    We find more Thai people, reach out to help, or we ask and many join in.

    Most people today are uncaring and don't care what dangers are left behind, that a unknowing child could ingest become ill or die, killing wildlife, contaminating our water, most just think that someone else will take care, or they are to above it, to pick up the dangers left by others, being a human of late is nothing to be proud of.

    We all need to look around and see things that need to be done and do what we can, like a little Waster-Sizing, bending at the waist to pick up some waste, one random act of kindness at a time, get with the program Farangs.

    It is a very interested view. In my opinion Farangs are cleaning up their mess in great numbers. The Thai Hotel Federation though, should call for tough sanctions against their members who are too lazy and too inconsiderate to demand that their members clean their waste water and demand that the restaurants boats and other boats catering for tourists and Thai businesses alike do not throw waste overboard. Problem is that not the visitors to Thailand are sitting back and do nothing but the Thai people themselves. Ever visited a National park after a holiday or a Waterfall? Ever seen a Thai cleaning up after Songkran or New Year? Ever heard about a teacher demanding that their pupils throw paper in the baskets? No? Precisely nobody has heard, and if we hear it is the exception on the rule. One cannot expect more anyhow. GOvernments who plan dirty industries in Mataput which was a great place before and do not even enforce their own (military imposed) rules on pollution cannot ask from their citizens to clean up. newin's party gets all the help from the Democrat Party to destroy teak trees in Khao Yai the road must be build. Sanan is pushing for another dam that will destroy another ecosystem. The problem lays with the seldom tax paying rich who make the rules and who break the rules. Surely not by tourists paying a lot of money and who may expect that hotels and other busiensses will dispose their waste in an environmentally friendly matter.

  4. If a serious newspaper reported anything about Thaksin I would pay attention. If the yellow shirt mouth-piece and gossip Nation reports something it is not only terribly edited, it is mostly colored and untrue. It is like with the pictures with Mandela. They were doctored according the Nation, not so according the spokesman of the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg who confirmed the authenticity of the pictures which were taken today a week ago.Thai people are in general childish, the Thai elite is not just childish they have less social intelligence as my 3 year old daughter.

  5. I give a bit more credibility to the people of the Nelson Mandela Foundation than to the people of the Nation and the Thaksin haters (hence people who work for the government or on government projects) on this forum:

    The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg confirmed that the visit took place last Friday and that the pictures are authentic. "It was not a meeting, it was a courtesy call," spokesman Sello Hatang said. He said he did not know what they discussed.

  6. Let me see: It is a mess because the trains are not have a look to the liking of the writer. It is a mess because the trains do (not yet connect) to a BTS station, and it is a mess because it took 7 years to construct. Well if that are the criteria, each and every project in the USA or Australia would qualify as "a mess". The trains in England do not only look old, they are ancient. The US do not even have a railway network that answers to the needs of the last century.Give me a break. So many sour people here who should consider going back home.

  7. If one person is proof that the judicial system in thailand is crooked and double standards are the rule it is Banharn. His entire (huge) wealth is build around nepotism and corruption. Whereas Thaksin worked for his wealth at least partially Banharn does nothing than taking government paid projects against inflated prices. Shame on the NCC shame on the Thai judiciary.

  8. only huge fines help. They know for a decade that the rest of the world is using number portability, they are all property of foreign corporations from the government of Singapore to that of Norway so the fact that they have been refusing to put the system in place before the deadline should be punished with a fine of 10 or 20% of their yearly turnover. Good for the ministry of finance, good for the customers.

  9. Interesting story from which the newspaper owners were under investigation of the NCC and were saved by the coup bell. Abhisit has opted to kiss the behind of newin, that means a lot of overhead. Than if we look in his own party we can start by his deputy and see what he is doing to prevent common citizens to fish in his home province. A government that depends on scavengers like CP, Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn, has lost the battle before it started. By the way they are in great hurry to borrow as much as possible from the ADB and Japanese government. It is all because they need to put an economic stimulus package together. Strange if the economy was growing 7% as Abhisit claims. Why expanding the airport now at least making the decisions even though you are not an elected government. Is it about the 10%?

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  10. I am a danish.

    I use to go to Thailand and rent a motorbike

    I make an insurence every year, and one of the conditions in that is: dont run a motorbike in another country.

    everybody know that..so no pity from me.

    and by the way, Ekstrabladet is a colorfull tabloid paper who lov to make a big story out of nothing.

    You must be the jolly joker of Denmark. First of all I have hardly ever seen a EUROPEAN insurance which stipulates what can and what cannot be done abroad. The only exception might be when you do not have a drivers license or when you are drunk, but even than the insurance will take care and ultimately claim the money back. However National Health insurance companies are mostly always obliged to pick up the bill anyhow. It looks to me that have no clue about the EU rules. Moreover this man should be in a totally different league than you are. He lost his leg for your country, the most danger you were in is probably contracting an STD.

  11. Newspaper reporting is a job in Thailand that can be done by my niece of 6 years old. Reporters write down what they are told. Investigation? NO way, it could upset the rich and powerful. The chap had no choice of admitting to the charge. first of all, Thai courts are not independent at all and as such he could have been in a coma during the time it happened he will be found guilty anyhow. Secondly by not admitting the charges he would have received a far harsher sentence by admitting it he gets always half. That is why tens of thousands of poor people are sentenced to jail every year. no money to pay a lawyer, prosecutor, judge or policeman. Better to admit and serve half instead of double.Anyone wondered why a joker minister always demands that a culprit is found and arrested within 7 days or so? Simply because they pick someone up who does not have the means to fight the case. A foreigner is an easy target too.

  12. It might be possible that he is responsible. But it is proven that coup taker Sondhi was in charge when numerous teenagers were killed in a mosque raid. One will appear in a criminal court that is for sale, the other will ultimately end up in the International Criminal Court, that is quite something to think about. Any press article need to be taken with a view that i the government's spin doctors have created. There is no press freedom and even wikileaks is blocked probably because the government expect to figure "Balloon" Anupong in it and maybe a couple of documents about the army that is constantly involved in massacres.

  13. Stupidity rules at the offices of the Nation. Did PT not present evidence of ministers around Newin on the take. Even coalition partners voted against the people in question after which they were thrown out of the cabinet. If one party is co responsible for making the opposition toothless it is the Nation that is in bed with yellow shirts and who have directors wanted by an anti laundry watchdog that was disbanded by the coup makers. It is the performance of the staff and columnists of news papers like the nation that have raped democracy and brought a bunch of criminals on the take into power. Sondhi a man who led the massacre on a mosque in the South and later "Balloon" Anupong.

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