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Posts posted by TheBarbarian

  1. I love to try the drugs that Abhisit is on. It must be great stuff. The only thing Abhisit is capable of is reading prepared statements made by his boss Suthep. During the crisis we have not sen him one time on TV answering reporters questions. Too difficult, too dangerous. He and Suthep are Ernie and Bert of Sesame street.

  2. Because it is not in the interest of the government the truth will never come out, but many hours before the department store was burned down, groups of looting teenagers from the "rich" type, looted numerous of shops within the building. Other media than the yellow colored nation reported it. So I would not as of yet conclude that the fire has been started by reds. After all people tend to cover their tracks. A Briton, or a Thai is actually pretty unimportant it is all about the truth and not about Youtube movies that are easily taken out of context and used by a government that only allow one view through censured news broadcast. I would myself not believe the allegations for one second. It is a bit Noth Korea when I see thos people on stage. George Orwell is proud of this bunch of people.

    Moreover criminals love to blend in when anger boils over. Local criminals were involved in much of the smaller fires, too easy for me to blame solely the reds. But the courts will heve a field day. Not one yellow arrested till of now for shooting people from under the monarchs portrait, no yellows in jail for the airport siege, no yellows in jail for the mnths long disruptions and very swift action on people walking the street during a SOE.

    It looks to me the underlying problem does not go away, so we only have to wait for the next confrontation. ultimately the reds have the last laugh because they must be held elections, now or in a year whenever they are held they are won by the reds. hope they have made alist of authorities that must be replaced for mishandling the situation and using deadly force.

    Buildings can be rebuild people not.

  3. Because it is not in the interest of the government the truth will never come out, but many hours before the department store was burned down, groups of looting teenagers from the "rich" type, looted numerous of shops within the building. Other media than the yellow colored nation reported it. So I would not as of yet conclude that the fire has been started by reds. After all people tend to cover their tracks. A Briton, or a Thai is actually pretty unimportant it is all about the truth and not about Youtube movies that are easily taken out of context and used by a government that only allow one view through censured news broadcast. I would myself not believe the allegations for one second. It is a bit Noth Korea when I see thos people on stage. George Orwell is proud of this bunch of people.

    Moreover criminals love to blend in when anger boils over. Local criminals were involved in much of the smaller fires, too easy for me to blame solely the reds. But the courts will heve a field day. Not one yellow arrested till of now for shooting people from under the monarchs portrait, no yellows in jail for the airport siege, no yellows in jail for the mnths long disruptions and very swift action on people walking the street during a SOE.

    It looks to me the underlying problem does not go away, so we only have to wait for the next confrontation. ultimately the reds have the last laugh because they must be held elections, now or in a year whenever they are held they are won by the reds. hope they have made alist of authorities that must be replaced for mishandling the situation and using deadly force.

    Buildings can be rebuild people not.

  4. Well there are also terrorism charges out against Kasit and he became minister of foreign affairs. From Kasit can be proven that he was there and played a roll, from Thaksin you can only assume that he was involved. Fact is that this government does not get it. Was there buzz word Reconciliation? First we need a new PM, a man with big big balls who does not hide and leave the interviews to his buddy Korn but who assures the people of Thailand. For now I would say Thaksin is as much to blame as Suthep and Abhisit. It will become very cozy in prison soon.

  5. The targets have not been randomly chosen. We are talking all targets that are in someway related to the elite (stock exchange), the army (bangkok Bank and Central), CP (7 eleven) (sponsor of the yellow shirts) and so on. It does seem to done very organized. The people I saw out on the street today got lots of help from people with nice prison tattoos. This was expected and it is a shame that Abhisit does not seem to have the guts to appear on TV. Now when the Nation need a strong leader the little boy is hiding with Prem at the 11th infantry. A reason alone to dismiss him. Great leaders will stand up and appear on TV and take the lead. Thailand has to do it with junior ministers that read all from the same songbook. unbiased information and one big good news show.

    The finance minister even declared victory like George Bush once did on that ship. He even went as far as telling the people that it would soon look like the economic impact was just a blip. I have bad news for them people in trouble need a government with a face. This faceless government has no role in Thailand. Maybe Abhisit can phone his boss Suthep so if he is allowed to beat the curfew we can hear from the prime minister himself. Hopefully as a grown up not with a prepared speech but also willing to face questions from reporters.

  6. The authorities must be kidding themselves. Did they never went to university? Did they never demonstrate themselves? Protest became in my time most violent when leaders gave up. Certain things never change. I expect an orgy of violence in the next few days. After that they have to wait for the elections in 6 months or 15 months time to get the last laugh the,selves.

  7. It is actually quite amazing that the Thai army is so baldy trained. I know at least one department that could stand a 5)5 budget cut without being influenced on an operational level. Even yellow shirt mouthpiece nation concludes so in an editorial today.

    The choice is easy. You go in and kill, provoking a guerilla war. 50,000 soldiers could get a hard time when 500 insurgents start attacking them After all the army is big and slow insurgents are fast and know the area.

    There is just one road, the road of negotiations if not. Good luck with Thailand. On the other hand it might balance the fall of the Euro, Not a bad prospect.

  8. I assume that both parties can reach a compromise. I would suggest that the coup takers are rounded up and receive a mandatory 20 year prison term. That would calm down the people. The genius strategist that figured out that taking out Seh Daeng would be a good idea can always become a PM, after all Chvalit became also a PM after making immense strategic errors in a clash with laos.

    What amazes me is not the rage of the people, they have been taken for granted too long, it is the utmost stupidity within the Abhisit government notably Suthep. Suthep has shown that he is unsuitable for the position that he holds. Blunder after blunder he has made. This government like to refer every time to the English system. But they forget to mention that in England, the army does not meddle in the choice that elected representatives make and d not force them to go against the wishes of the people and join another party. Those politicians wanting to change alliances will resign and people can elet a new representative.

    The Amy is never used in controlling or dispersing a crown. No snipers either. The comment that Abhisit made in his explanation to the UN makes it even more shocking. He says that reds dressed as police and army has mingled with the army and is doing the killing. Wow.... Interesting to know that the Army and the police do not recognize outsiders. That might explain why the army cannot win and misbehave in the South.

  9. How shocking. 27 people without legal representation. Sentenced without proper investigation (within 24 hours). It shows in any case why the reds do have the moral right on their side to fight for a better system Before all judges are removed in this country people like Sondhi and Sonthi will keep on walking the streets while the disenfranchised will end up in jail.

    The next government should retroactively change the laws so coup makers like Sonthi who caused this chaos can be locked up and people like Anupong are no longer protected by the new army boss (prayuth). The entire system stinks. We have army bosses that are corrupted till the bone (Anupong with his bomb scanner, his Zepplin and the purchase of grenades and armored vehicles, who fail their people miserably while we have judges who are as independent as my dog is from the food I buy for him.

    it looks all so easy. Lock up people without giving them a proper trial and people get scared. No people get angry and eventually the next outbreak of violence will be make the recent slaughter of people by snipers look like a picnic.

  10. The situation is like that in Gaza. Protestors with stones and slingshots get killed by indiscriminate fire. The claims of the government that the reds have weapons (real ones) are ridiculous. Not one soldier in hospital, while to official figures of CRES say 16 killed 141 injured. Abhisit has turned in the Suchinda II cabinet.

    The journalists in the cross fire were all shot by the army. An other example why the elite do not care about human life. First of all the Police need to take care of protests not army. only in banana republics the army is in charge. Secondly the soldiers are looking 17, 18 years old frightened and badly trained. They have no idea how to handle crowds.

    Abhisit and his cronies should end up in the international court of justice.

  11. This has been such a God dam_n waste of time... now why in the world couldn't Abhisit have said "six months" six weeks ago??!!! What has changed that he can cut the deal now, but could not cut the deal before??????

    I am stunned by the IDIOCY of this entire episode.

    Abhisit does not say at all that there will be new elections. There will be elections only when HE feels that the opposition has met all his demands. This means that their TV cannot broadcast an opposing voice, they may not criticize anyone, they must agree on the appointments of people close to a 90 year old man to lead the country for another 4 years. No deal I would say If I were a protest leader. Maybe if he announced elections without the IF it would make a good starting point for negotiations. This is just a disguise. ifd the army starts gunning down people in full view of numerous embassies and headquarters of multinationals he can say: Well I have offered them elections. If you read the statement well he does not offer any dissolution now, he MIGHT BE offering it when the reds kiss his ass.

  12. Bizarre. Abhisit behaves like Than Shwe. The media must have a constructive role (hence only report what is positive for the government). I do not even like to mention his first point. Too many people are locked up because they were framed. His road map is something that must be only acceptable for himself. Nobody can take the aforementioned serious at all.

    let's see if this enemy of the free press will allow websites and tv to reopen so people get decent an unbiased information.

  13. It makes no sense to put the blame of a coup and the rubbish that left it behind in the shoes of Chavalit. Chavalit is an old fox, making him an enemy would badly backfire. Suthep things he is smart by cooking up an plot against the monarchy. But Chavalit will outsmart Abhisit. Abhisit looks a bit like my son, but than without the pampers.

  14. Maybe they can bill Sonthi who is the man behind the problems. He let himself off the hook by imposing a new constitution on the people, but a civil suit must be possible.

    I feel sorry that abhisit does not have the courage to step down, he feels obviously too big to say that he can't handle the situation. Numerous diplomats already expressed their amazement with the fact that Abhisit and his boss Suthep do not hand over the mess that they have created to another team. Calling demonstrators Terrorists would not help either to promote tourism.

  15. It is much easier to bring the handful or provinces under martial law where the yellows have the majority. That solves a problem. Not one single governor would be as suicidal as he central government is. Declaring state of emergency means empty hotels, means people out in the street and more support for the opposition who feels already robbed. By the way, what is the difference between occupying government house, sitting in the middle of the road near MBC for months and occupying airports and red shirts sitting in a shopping district?

    Can;t the rich do without purchasing a Ferrari in a shopping complex? Occupying airports were far more damaging. Calling people terrorists for singing songs are also more damaging to the country. What about sacking Abhisit and asking Anupong to install a care taker who is acceptable for yellow and red? Abhisit is not willing to move it is all about not losing his beauty face. One cannot expect from Anupong that he tell his men to shoot their own family. The only way out might be another coup or the immediate dissolution of the Democrat party. The Dp people could move into the PAD same people, same policies.

  16. Due to people who did only took their own interest in mind and made false, empty promises to the poor, Thailand has come to a point where something has to give. The Nation Newspaper should be the last one to point fingers. The Nation has been in the camp of coup takers and the city elite for a long long time. Instead of explaining the readers how a democracy works they encouraged the yellow shirts to take over the city. It was this mob which was called "creative" by foreign minister Kasit who encouraged the have nots to adapt to the same tactics. However, where women and children were not safe at all when the yellows were on the streets. (Never seen so many incapacitated armed guards who had completely lost it) the reds are just on the street. the very same soldiers that the Nation welcomed in order to overthrow legitimate governments are settling internal scores right now. That has nothing to do with yellow or red but with the way the army is organized and the way they pass over good people.

    The Nation should set a good example and explain why Abhisit is the best man for the job. (Young, inexperienced, never seen a rice paddy, rich, spoiled, never led a village, city, province or company). The Nation should also explain why there is so much disparity in income between the rich and the poor. They should explain why the rich are hardly paying any taxes, and they should explain that Thaksin is not the only one who was not paying taxes on the sale of his imperium. Nobody does in Thailand. They should explain why it is fine for a company that filed for bankruptcy and let numerous investors and banks out there with billions of dollars in bad debt to pay the Democrat party 256 million baht.

    Anarchy is the rule in Thailand for 40 years. Not one person high up feels that the laws are made for them. Politicians with murderous sons buy the judges, Politicians who occupy airports buy judges, corruption and graft is a fine art in Thailand, hardly ever committed by anyone with a red shirt, they have nothing so they get nothing and can pay or ask certainly for nothing.

    On top of that the Nation should explain why they support a movement (PAD) that opposes the one man, one vote principle. The Nation is only one reason why Thailand is in a sorry state.

  17. Never mind what this man says about the legitimacy of his government, he should realize that not all media can be controlled. Of course he will claim that he is legitimate. But what he forget to mention is that numerous elected representatives have shown the utmost disregard for their voters by switching alliances under pressure of the army. CNN works with a army controlled station, so it is neither independent nor willing to ask the right questions. Compared with the BBC he is let off the hook easily. The right questions should have been:

    1. Why is he not living up to his promise of reconciliation

    2. Why is he damaging the countries name by using the word terrorist, while his government holds a mammasan as minister of commerce and a Foreign minister who is himself under investigation for the airport occupation. The precise term that the prosecuting office was using is" Economic Terrorism".

    3. How come they assigned a such important post (PM) to a man, who has no experience whatsoever in leading a city, province or anything of any importance, let alone a country in trouble.

    He should also explain to the world why he has ordered to use of the army in 2009 and 2010, damaging the country's image. When he came out with the same pre-cooked answers in an earlier BBC interview the interviewer was quick to counter his arguments, Abhisit looked helpless and at a loss.

    According the economist today foreign diplomats ask the same question. What the hel_l is an unexperienced man doing here and especially at this moment. Learning at the job is fine, but not after Sonthi has raped democracy. Last but not least, there was a vote about the constitution. It was narrowly won, because people were tired. But if you take all the no show voters into account it was clearly defeated with over 75% of the people either not voting or voting no.

    The NLD even came out with a statement from aung Suu Kyi which mentioned the Thai constitution as a example why constitutions dictated by an army are worthless. Do not tell it to the opportunists in Thailand though. Banharn and family, newin and family and others had no problem changing their alliance and rubber stamping legislation which was retroactively imposed on people. I do not think you can even find in Africa countries where this is happening. It says a lot about this government. Just as it says a lot that they flout one baseless accusation after another. More news for Abhisit: If he thinks that he has the situation in the provinces under control he should change his local newspaper subscription for a foreign one and download Sopcast (although blocked in Thailand) in order to see more than one point of view.

    It will be a day of celebration when the clique around Abhisit will be banned too for the next 5 years.

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