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Posts posted by RichinThailand

  1. Now the truth has come out...Trump told puppydog Pence to leave if anyone took a knee, knowing full well that the 49er's were going to do exactly that!  The press pool was told to stay in the van as there might be an early departure!  This entire "thing" was a political stunt perpetrated by TRUMP.


    He seems to think that the Presidency of the United States is another Reality Show.  The trouble is, it is REAL and Trump may well lead to the deaths of many South Koreans if allowed to continue!  It is time to IMPEACH!

  2. 2 hours ago, crystal sauce said:

    Why would lightning strikes humans?

    The lightning in all probability struck the pine tree which was probably the highest point nearby.  The extreme amount of electricity in a lightning strike causes electrical shock to those close to the lightning strike.  I have seen a case where over two dozen sheep were killed sleeping under a large oak tree that was struck by lightning.


    As to the cell phone...It is unlikely that they had any direct affect on the lightning strike.

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  3. If coming from USA, they will throw all of that in trash before you get on plane. Empty suitcase should be no problem with Thai customs.

    This is not at all true. I bring snacks, meat, chocolates, and tons of sugar free stuff every year (hard to get sugar free here) and have never had a problem from the US and/or Thailand. This includes carry on luggage that was hand checked in the US.

    With a carry on make sure you have NO liquids and nothing sharp or dangerous. Bring your snacks and enjoy...don't worry!!

  4. Do you posters that can only make smart remarks that add nothing to this board ever consider the plight of the PEOPLE that had their lives destroyed yesterday??? These people had next to nothing...and now they have nothing..no cookware, no clothes, Nothing!! As a fire chief in the US I was at several labor camp fires, and we always had Red Cross, Salvation Army, Good Will, etc. to come in and help the people immediately. I can just imagine what kind of help these people got from social services....Nothing!!

    Maybe this is your entertainment to make fun while others are suffering....ever think about adding something to this board????

  5. Why close both directions? Damn too cautious and an over-reaction least keep the furthest direction open...

    Never seen in LOS any lane closed due to an accident...

    I have rolled by road victims less than five feet from my vehicle...

    Practical is to meet somewhere in the middle between the two countries' strategy plans...


    The best reason to close both lanes is public safety. A major accident draws attention of drivers in the open lanes, and leads to rear end collisions quite often. Also, it improves the access for emergency equipment and safety of firefighters while battling the blaze.

    I wouldn't consider LOS conduct at accident scenes as an example that I would like to follow or have followed!!!

    In answer to NeverSure's question...the plane is on the freeway. but most of the shell of the plane is melted so you have the engine and support structure remaining. You might notice in the video the tail dropping...this is from the heat of the fuel fire melting the majority of the plane.

  6. Why do reports on such incidents so often say the plane "skidded" off the runway? What evidence is there for skidding? Indeed, how can a plane skid? Only in the way that a car can skid, i.e. after trying to brake the wheels or because of a slick/icy surface. But planes don't brake with the wheels, they brake by using reverse thrust or deploying the flaps.

    Failing any evidence of skidding, these reports ought to say something like "veered" off the runway.

    Planes do have wheel brakes also. They are differential braking...that is the left foot brakes the left wheels and the right foot brakes the right wheels, so you can steer the airplane with the wheels as well as the rudder if you have sufficient speed and the steerable nose wheel with a small steering wheel in the cockpit!!

    Also, you can skid sideways, especially landing in any kind of crosswinds.

    Applying too much brake pressure to one side, or having a wheel brake lock (after possible damage from contacting the approach lights??) could cause you to skid off the runway.

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