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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. You are right, with your opinion.

    I'm not a friend of Putin, but not friend of US politics either or all this idiot politicians in Europe(NATO) who nodding only to US politics.

    We all have to open our eyes and not believe all the bulls$$t presented in the news, this is often just propaganda.

    This case in Ukraine is provocated by US politics they came to close to Russia and planned in top to install rockets in Ukraine, Putin fighting only back, unfortunatley the simple ppl suffering over there, as usual I feel sorry for them.

    George W. Bush would say just collateral damages.

    Or like Stalin said. The death of 1 man is a tragedy the death of thousends just statistics.

    This case remembers me onto the Cuba Crisis about 50 years ago the only difference the Ukraine case is provocated by US politics.

    With the same risk that it could leads to WW III.

    Again, a diversion on to conspiracy theories about the US. Your statement has what exactly to do with the topic, which is about declining Russian tourism in Thailand?

  2. Interesting, and logical oppinion, but unfortunately a little bit wrong :-) The author cannot see the real reason in the deep.

    Russia has no country flop, they only organize it for themselves. I'm not a Putin fun, but he is a genius if he can make it happen.

    In case anybody has a little overview on global economy can see, that he just push down the value of the foreign investments rate in his territory. These companies would be a massive problem for him in the future, for the EaU what they establish from today. But right now, after the funny hysterical reaction of the EU and their journalist and the not experienced but loud media, he got what he wanted, he purchase back huge volume of his economy, from the escaped non Russian (also non government) investors for a law value, and then own in his hand. Also he is laughing on the EU, as they were jumping into the trap of this artificial panic news marketing, so easy. And he made 20 billion USD profit on that action ;-)

    The Russian tourist stay home we see, but not because of the Russian economy flop, because of the local situation, against for them.


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  3. Big mistake for Thailand and its tourist industry to tie itself so closely to a country whose economy was a house of cards, waiting to collapse. When a business makes a bad choice, then it suffers. Thailand should have diversified. Instead, it went for the Russian and Chinese markets. Wait until China, with its opaque financial system, unravels as well.

    Diversifying is exactly what they have been doing. I believe you are still stuck in the last century. The US can manage quite well on it's own, despite the BRICS countries bypassing the US$. Europe and the Euro unfortunately will suffer the most.

    Well, I don't know why you brought the US into this. I didn't mention the US at all, simply Thailand's over reliance on the Russian and Chinese tourist markets. As is plainly evident, that was a mistake. As for the US, since you bring it up, you can forget about it. That ship has sailed. Few Americans come her or will come here in the future. And with Cuba opening up, the few that do come here will be even smaller in number.

  4. Big mistake for Thailand and its tourist industry to tie itself so closely to a country whose economy was a house of cards, waiting to collapse. When a business makes a bad choice, then it suffers. Thailand should have diversified. Instead, it went for the Russian and Chinese markets. Wait until China, with its opaque financial system, unravels as well.

    Well, the russian economy is based on an enormous amount of natural resources, mostly oil and gas.

    The fact that the US together with Saudi Arabia are manipulating the oil market is a simple effort to bring down

    the Russian economy and with it the russian government. No conspiracy theory ... just simple facts.

    [or how would anybody explain that Saudi Arabia is flooding the market with oil while prices are going down ?]

    It is mainly the russian currency that is brought down than the economy itself.

    In the mid term this will have a huge negative effect on the european economies ... especially GERMANY !!!

    And what this means should be clear to everybody: if Germany goes into recession it will take the whole world economy with it !!!

    [... and all signs right now point to it !!!]

    So, we get fewer Germans coming to Thailand, too?

    • Like 1
  5. It is NO surprise to read so much racist crap [yes ... RACIST !!!] in a threat like this.

    The question would be:

    What makes people happy to see a whole economy in Russia being deliberately destroyed by

    Western Interests making a huge amount of people suffer ?

    Why is it that people are happy about a currency falling apart [Russia] making people suffer ?

    Is it really that far that the "moral high ground people" in this forum are that brain dead ?

    I know lots of very friendly and nice Russians around here on Samui.

    The bad behavior of Russians is just as bad as bad behavior of Brits, Germans, Americans, Chinese, Koreans .... you name it !

    The REAL numbers of missing tourists in Thailand is much higher than anybody would admit.

    Go look around [if anybody posting here is actually in Thailand !!!] and see what is going on.

    Empty Restaurants, empty bars, empty shops.

    [i have to admit that I might co-incidently always come to these places 5 minutes after they were full

    or 5 minutes before they all fill up ... at any given time of the day]

    Fact is that a big number of businesses will not survive this and that's bad for ALL !

    So it might be a good idea to think about this whole issue for just 10 seconds BEFORE

    getting too happy about a major economy falling apart [in the media]

    Just for the sake of the information:

    Russia's Depth/GDP is about 20%

    USA Depth/GDP is about 87%

    Now tell me who is doing worse ...

    The world economy is on a HUGE downturn if you look at the REAL numbers...

    There is no sign of any recovery and as a fact a recovery is not even possible.

    Be careful what you wish for .... the european's are also running out of money

    and then the real "quality-tourists" everybody seems to be so eager for will

    also not come ! ... but that's never going to happen because it is not in the newspaper [yet].

    Big mistake for Thailand and its tourist industry to tie itself so closely to a country whose economy was a house of cards, waiting to collapse. When a business makes a bad choice, then it suffers. Thailand should have diversified. Instead, it went for the Russian and Chinese markets. Wait until China, with its opaque financial system, unravels as well.

  6. You keep saying "free people"...i think you missed a couples of years didn't you?

    - Freedom of speech? speak about this to the wisthleblowers

    -freedom to elect someone else than G.W. bush? yes but bush is still elected

    - A majority of American people rejected the last "war on terror" the government gave them a big finger and sent young troops to steal oil, not give freedom

    - People locked up un Guantanamo without trial and sometimes wrongly accused

    - Tortures by the CIA

    - Ask about the native ameicans (the indians) how they feel about their freedom?

    .. want more?

    USA is corrupted by spin doctors and corporations which only goal is to make money. They choose who you have to vote for and why you go to war...if this is freedom then you have a strange view of freedom...

    You may love guns and capital punishment but your freedom to wear a gun threaten the freedom of other people to not have a bullet by accident or drunken reaction or road rage....

    - Ask about the native ameicans (the indians) how they feel about their freedom?

    I'm native American, Cherokee and Choctaw. You can ask me.

    • Like 2
  7. So sick of the NRA and pro gun folks making excuses. United States has became a dangerous place to live precisely because of the Gun lobby funded by Gun manufacturers and supported by gun lovers who see owning a gun as an extension of their manhood.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    There are only certain parts of some of the bigger cities in America, that can be dangerous. It isn't some gun lobby or gun manufactures that are making our cities dangerous. Street gangs contribute to most of the crime. If you can figure out a way to eliminate the gangs, the rest should be easy.

    Saying guns make cities dangerous, is like saying spoons make people fat, pencils misspell words, and cars make people drive drunk. People with criminal minds make our cities dangerous.

    What's up with the remark, "gun lovers see owning a gun as an extension of their manhood." Where did you get that idea from? OMG!

    Good points, all. As for timtscott--where do you live, Tim? If it's in Thailand, I've got some really surprising news for you--there are probably more guns in my Thai village than in my old North Dallas suburb. A year ago, a ladyboy was caught breaking into houses around 4 am. How was he/she caught? My neighbor across the street heard a noise, whipped out his pistol, fired a couple shots (unintentionally missing), and brought the burglar to a stop where the police--whose station is 100 meters around the corner!--arrested him/her. Being without a gun myself here in Thailand, I was only armed with a butcher's knife when someone tried to break into my house around the same time. I came down the stairs and chased them off--but the danger to myself was much more than that to my neighbor who had a pistol. Bottom line: no more burglaries, robberies, or any other crime in the village since then. Even the lady with the yelping dogs brings them inside her property at night, now.

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  8. I'm Norwegian , civilians are not allowed to carry guns , I have nothing against you or anyone from the US , just the laws which we Scandinavians think belongs to the stone age or wild west if you like. Same with the death penalty . Even if a lot of people want terrorists like Breivik dead , we give them a life in prison instead. We don't kill people even if they deserve it. Call it being human if you like.

    We call it being sanctimonious hypocrites, and it gets tiresome. Why don't you take all of Norway's contributions to civilization since "the stone age" and list them for us. They ought to fit on a postage stamp.

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  9. I may probably upset a few people here for which I apologise but it seems to me there is a simple solution to this 'gun' problem. Not only in the US but everywhere where there is a 'sane' government. ( I use this word because without naming specifics there are some places in the world that do not fall into that category- in my opinion)

    So here's an idea. Ban them full stop.

    There are no need for guns in a civilised society.

    Make it a long prison sentence for owning and certainly carrying one. Then if the bad guys don't have them, the police don't need them and so they stop carrying them and innocent people don't get shot by mistake.

    Some years ago I was asked to work with a tennis player who at the time was based in Denver Col.

    Everybody had guns. They were everywhere, even in gun racks in cars!!!

    I was there 3 days and witnessed an altercation over a parking space in a car park and one of the guys pulled a gun!

    That's was that, just came home.

    If anyone can explain to me why anyone needs a gun to live a an ordinary life I would like to hear it.

    I guess the gun lobby in America is too powerful and there are votes at stake which means a president puts his self interest at a higher priority than the lives of the people he is sworn to protect.

    And in the UK why the need for a gun? In case you get mugged by a marauding gang of squirrels?

    I see no need, just ban them and withdraw police use when the streets are clean.

    No guns, no problems like this.

    RIP lady, and sympathies to the 2 year old who hasn't got a clue what he's done but at some point will become aware which may cause him irreparable damage.

    You did the right thing. You went home. Enjoy your life there, and don't worry about the United States. We can live without another tennis coach.

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  10. Putin's lame excuses for invasion are of same sort Herr Hitler used.

    Pretty shameful to invoke Hitler after Russians suffered so much at the hands of the Nazis. Contrary to Hollywood spellbinding (the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used to make 'magic wands') Russia saved the west in WWII. Show a little gratitude.

    If the still-growing 'Security State' is what is in store for us all, once the Empire rules the world, then you had better wish Russia and China succeed in neutralizing NATO.

    Russia saved the West? Was this before or after it was Hitler's ally in invading Poland?

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