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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Well, I see there is a strenuous effort afoot to deflect the discussion to the "root cause" of the terrorist's "disorder." Make it all about insanity. And, as some posters, above, even do--hint at his acts being the fault of White Australia for not doing enough to adjust to his culture. THAT is what drove him insane. Yep. Just like after the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, when Nidal Hasan, the army psychologist, no less, was described even by some army generals as a "casualty" because of all he had to endure as a Muslim in the US Army. And THAT is what drove him to do his massacre. Want peace? Apparently, that means every place and every person must convert to Islam and do things that way.

    • Like 2
  2. Whilst emotive at the moment (before you head on in my sister and her family live in Sydney so I am attached too) please remember that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only 1 or 2 in that coffee shop.

    The difference being that relatively few of the 1.6 billion had access to that area of Sydney. What happens as more and more of the 1.6 billion, through immigration, get easy access to Sydney and other soft targets worldwide?

    • Like 1
  3. USA will never be a "better place.", USA is a country of immigrates, most came poor, alcoholic, criminals, bad genes... and see the result? . no offense OK? , but it s true. totally degenerated living race there. each time I go to USA, I see them broke, drunk, people shooting... horrible place. pouah! not a place where I would like to have children.

    So . . . you only travel to Philadelphia?

    • Like 2
  4. @ D Brasco. Paul Craig Roberts is a conspiracy nut--on just about every issue that has had a conspiracy short of aliens being responsible for 9/11. He's a crank, a crackpot. Nobody has run his columns for years, because he seems to have become stark raving mad. Now, he is reduced to putting up everything he writes on his own website and begging for donations. But at least now I know who your inspiration was for spelling America as "Amerika."

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  5. It would have been better had Brennan not held this press conference. His performance was terrible--stuttering, stammering, gasping, while hiding behind weasel words. Far better had he come out sounding like a leader rather than a first year law student. Not to mention the couple of times I saw him with the deer in the headlights look.

  6. ........During the communist uprisings in Burma the British interrogated and got valuable information from the insurgents. During the Vietnam war the Americans remembered this and asked for advice from the British for their interrogations of the Vietcong, their advice was ignored because it involved speaking with the insurgents in a civilized manner over tea and cakes and making sure that their dependents received food and health care as long as the insurgent was in prison, the Americans couldn't believe that you could get information this way despite having had the proof that this worked.

    Arguable if this is directly linked to the subject or not, but here is an interesting free read.

    Puncturing the Counter Insurgency Myth, by Andrew Mumford (Link)

    Synposis :

    This monograph holds that an aura of mythology has surrounded conventional academic and military perceptions of British performance in the realm of irregular warfare. It identifies 10 myths regarding British counterinsurgency performance and seeks to puncture them by critically assessing the efficacy of the British way of counterinsurgency from the much-vaunted, yet over-hyped, Malayan Emergency to the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq in 2009. It challenges perceptions of the British military as an effective learning institution when it comes to irregular warfare and critically assesses traditional British counterinsurgency strategic maxims regarding hearts and minds and minimum force"

    direct link to a .Pdf download of the article.

    And, in fact, the US did borrow directly from the British during Vietnam . . . and it was a disaster. The so-called "strategic hamlets" program was adopted precisely because of its use in the Malayan Emergency of the 1950s. It was the single most disastrous policy directed towards Vietnamese civilians during the war, and it made permanent enemies out of huge portions of the population.

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  7. the person being tortured would say anything to make them stop.

    Including telling the truth. Interrogators have questioning techniques that separate the truth from lies.

    How would you discern what was the truth and what was lies ? During the communist uprisings in Burma the British interrogated and got valuable information from the insurgents. During the Vietnam war the Americans remembered this and asked for advice from the British for their interrogations of the Vietcong, their advice was ignored because it involved speaking with the insurgents in a civilized manner over tea and cakes and making sure that their dependents received food and health care as long as the insurgent was in prison, the Americans couldn't believe that you could get information this way despite having had the proof that this worked.

    Sure, listen to the British. That's what has made the British Empire what it is today.

  8. Chinese made trash. Should go with the Japanese. I will not be getting on any tofu train. This is a mistake.

    The Chinese have already built a vast amount of railway track across China, and the trains there do actually work.

    Why be so anti-Chinese ? Why cheer on Japan ? Remember, Britain and America fought World War Two AGAINST Japan. And Britain and America were allied to China in that war. smile.png

    In war and peace, realise who the real friends are.

    World War II was almost 70 years ago! Why are you still fighting it? Right now. Today. The Chinese are making buildings that fall over, bridges that collapse, and trains that don't work. They are corrupt and inept. The Japanese are efficient and quality oriented.

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