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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. I've been casually looking at walking sticks (Canes) for quite awhile but just can't seem to find the right one. The other day while sitting down and eating dinner at a restaurant in walks this older man with his wife. He was using what appeared to be a Cane. As he walked passed my table and upon closer examination the Cane that he was using wasn't a Cane at all... He was using a Golf Club for his Cane.

    I've now stopped looking and I know exactly what type of multi purpose Cane I'll start using.

    A graphite shaft won't bend and is stronger against breakage. Steel shafts are thin walled and bend or break easily unless you fill them with concrete.

    Oh, heck. Just carry a hockey stick. One with a Bobby Hull type curve in the blade.

  2. You posted this yesterday, I see. I don't know how to tell you this, but yesterday and today were two of the coolest most pleasant days in months. This is the cool season. If this is too hot for you, I don't know how you will react to April and May. Personally, it's not the really hot afternoons that bother me, it's the humid mornings during rainy season. I retreat to the a/c just to dry out the air.

  3. Still a very incredible feat. I am amazed. It is not like trying to land on a smooth surface. I hope they can get it back up and running.

    It sure is, but I can't help sensing we are all being duped as to the extent of the success.

    When a scientist makes media comments like "It's like jumping from one bus to another at 35,000mph" you have start questioning everything else. It's all relative :if you are moving at the same speed in space, you might as well be standing still. I'm moving at 66,000mph through space on the earth - but I can step from one chair to another no problem.

    Plus they are making tweets in the first person as if the lander is sending them itself. They know that probably half the world will believe the lander is actually using twitter.

    It all seems a bit unprofessional and I think the real story is yet to be told. I think a large part of the media circus is to justify the funding and maybe attract some more for another go. This one cost 1.4 billion euros and both the nitrogen thrusters and the anchor harpoons failed !!!!.

    I think there is truth in what you say. This mission has shifted from science to PR since the lander first went dark. And I'm seeing too many people in Germany with forced grins and smiles on their faces. Unless there is tangible data from the drilling probe, which I hope is the case, this mission is a flub. Forget the so-called feats of maneuver to get to the asteroid, Nasa has been doing the same and better with deep system probes, while salvaging more out of them than was ever expected. Phlae is starting to underwhelm. A big pity. I was hoping for much, much more.

    • Like 1
  4. Not major, but still an increase of 350%. Right?

    I would think the budget to support these planes would be pretty big. Wonder how long it will last.

    Look at the effect on the other side. For NATO this is a relatively small force. But now the Russians are caught in the middle of all this force projection and demos of new weapons prototypes. THAT is going to cost them a lot. And it's going to do it while their currency is crashing and their oil and gas revenues dwindling. For the Russians, it's back to the 1980s. Breadlines may be next.

  5. It's interesting to see what the passage of time does to elevate a former President's reputation. Reagan is venerated as some sorrt of demigod now. There was talk of carving his face on Mt. Rushmore, and replacing Al Hamilton's face on the $10 note with his shiny pompadour. The man was in the early stages of Alzheimers, and everything he did was scripted by his handlers: Regan, Baker, Nancy and her astrologer.

    Jimmy Carter is now admired as an elder statesman, but when he was in office he was reviled for taking a hard stance on the nebulous concept of "human rights", dropping out of the Olympic Games, and getting the sheiks and mullahs so mad at us we had to line up for gas, and our embassy in Teheran got overrun.

    Bill Clinton is now rock star popular, but while in office he was a constant target of the GOP fringe. He took even more flack from them than Barry O gets now.

    The biggest joke of all is the sudden love that the supremely inept George W. Bush is getting. He hung out in Crawford, TX every chance he got while the vile DICK Cheney ran things. We haven't yet recovered from the damage those two caused.

    So, in a few short years the PR rehab of Obama will have us all (maybe not quite all) waxing nostalgic about his two terms.

    Funny, I remember Carter for double digit inflation, a 20 percent Fed fund rate, unemployment, fiascoes in Nicaragua, Iran, and Afghanistan. Oh, yes, and the Killer Rabbit.

  6. LOL.

    I hope their ships are more modern than their vintage planes.

    If they wanted to sit off the G20, they're about 2000km's south of where they need to be.

    They can take Melbourne, nobody likes Victorians anyway ! wink.png

    Nothing vintage about the Su35 and T50

    Also the Russian flotilla has enough firepower to destroy Australia's token navy and i doubt the remnants of it's beat up outdated f/a18 air force could do much, even Indonesia's airforce outclasses it

    Of course this would never happen, Australia is sucking China's cock and taking it in the backside from the USA, this is just theatre

    I'm not much of an aviation expert, but I do know that the SU 35 has superb low speed maneuverability, almost as good as a Fokker DR1. Unfortunately, for the Russians, air to air combat these days usually results in the design taking the fullest possible advantage of EM principles of dogfighting at high altitude max speed. For that the SU is dog meat. As for the T50, it looks like India already realizes it has bought into a pure dud: http://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/russia-can-t-deliver-on-fifth-generation-fighter-aircraft-iaf-114012100059_1.html

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    People need to learn to vote for whom they believe is best for the nation, not the colour of their skin.

    The American people think that Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II, but being black has very little to do with it.


    He's certainly the worst black president since World War ll

    He only had to be worse than Bill Clinton to receive that particular honor.

    • Like 1
  8. Bad.

    I am going through the process of getting my wife a visa. Why? Because I obey the law.

    She has to take vaccinations, get a medical, get police clearance/background check, be interviewed, and provide proof of our relationship. I must provide proof of my income/assets.

    It will be quite a few thousand dollars to follow the law.

    But these folks, many of them felons, can just walk across without any of that.

    Yes, your wife and mine must jump through hoops, we must pay gobs of money, and we could easily still be denied. Yet illegals are not only to be given legal rights to live in America but also receive work permits. And their basis for receiving this? The illegal gets these benefits because they are the father and mother of a child who is also illegal but under 18 years old. It is indeed true that illegal aliens are receiving rights and privileges over and beyond those given to US citizens. Obama really is setting the conditions for public unrest if not outright civil war.

    • Like 1
  9. What Obama is doing is akin to cutting his nose to spite his face, he knows very well that this shenanigans

    will not go quietly and that the GOP will everything in their power to stop this from happening and stop

    funding to carry out the order... now, let the show begin....

    We sure live in an interesting times...

    20-30 million illegals made immediately eligible for Obamacare subsidies will sink the system all by itself.

    They're actually talking about 11-15 millions illegals... but who's counting???

    The 12 million figure has been used since GW Bush first became president. Hard to believe that we have had virtually no increase to that number in 14 years.

  10. From BBC it sounds like they are considering moving it.

    If they can't get the machine into the sun, the batteries will run out in days.

    They have to choose. Get as much science in now, as it sits or use the batteries to run some devices that might bounce it into a better position.

    If it's on its side, hidden in shadow, on a cliff, they had better take whatever they can get and then try a last minute repositioning, because that sounds like a desperation shot from the backcourt to me. Who ever designed those "hooks" flubbed it, and a good portion of this mission seems ruined. Pity. Hope they can salvage it in some way.

    A bit harsh given at the time of the launch little was known of it's make up. Was this comet even the original target?

    It's not a matter of being harsh but of being disappointed.

  11. What Obama is doing is akin to cutting his nose to spite his face, he knows very well that this shenanigans

    will not go quietly and that the GOP will everything in their power to stop this from happening and stop

    funding to carry out the order... now, let the show begin....

    We sure live in an interesting times...

    20-30 million illegals made immediately eligible for Obamacare subsidies will sink the system all by itself.

    • Like 1
  12. From BBC it sounds like they are considering moving it.

    If they can't get the machine into the sun, the batteries will run out in days.

    They have to choose. Get as much science in now, as it sits or use the batteries to run some devices that might bounce it into a better position.

    If it's on its side, hidden in shadow, on a cliff, they had better take whatever they can get and then try a last minute repositioning, because that sounds like a desperation shot from the backcourt to me. Who ever designed those "hooks" flubbed it, and a good portion of this mission seems ruined. Pity. Hope they can salvage it in some way.

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