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  1. In an alternate universe, I would love to fire an rpg at vehicles that blast similar noise, as well as the ones with super bright screens flashing the advertisement nonsense incessantly. That is Assuming noone was in the vehicle, or minded, and rockets were legal to fire at them (especially by foreigners), and noone was hurt or inconvenienced, and it wasnt on a busy city street. 😁
  2. Less than 2, squirts that is
  3. Spot on, especially #3. Let us list all the issues with Trump, get through the driftwood, and get to their platform. Oh wait you can't get through Trumps list of problems, because they are massive logs jamming up his chances that his cult has conveniently ignored. Then if you get to his core beliefs, you see he's just a brown mountain consisting of his horrible goals / beliefs and associated spew.
  4. Sorry. Don't believe. Get that family out of politics.
  5. Good luck in prison, scumbags.
  6. Should be able to partake in a ventilation controlled area inside a bar. A smokers room basically. Pay a fee for the license. Post it on the wall and done. Anyone that doesn't wanna breath it, stay out. Fixed.or if in an open enough area with wind, fan and mngmnt paying attention, not next door to many other places, mai bpen rai
  7. At least they move generally in the right direction. Move it more towards rational curbing measures generally... only incurring the equivalent of a traffic ticket if out in public, being annoying and such... draft health related directives to give to health related agencies. Make sure it's known that smoking is still bad. Vaping it is more than slightly less damaging to the body as rolling, so suggest healthier ways to take that medicine, like that or via sublingual drops or edibles or whatever. I'd say higher fines for unlicensed selling. Get biznesses in the system. Go harder after yaba and meth related things. Keep mafia out of the profit loop as much as possible. . Review alcohol and meth more, and worry about those problems. Less focus on weed strictness.. Anti weed folks have no answer but more strictness, which creates problems. That does not work. Balance justice better between alcohol and weed. What causes more damage? We know this. Don't even try to sat weed is more harmful.
  8. Super cliche and predictable fluff that means lots, of nothing, coming from orange clownsville.
  9. I'd like to see the competition add a rule.. no plastic allowed. Ban it. Then I might watch.
  10. How would I, personally, get a law passed or removed in Thailand? Lol. I wouldn't. I'm a farang. We know this. How would I Contribute to it getting passed/removed? I'd talk about it. Discussion. I'd interject my beliefs. Regarding your last sentence ... Would I be setting precedent if I broke a law? I guess that depends on the law and how backwards/wrong it is.
  11. Tell me something I don't know. Like I said before.. I'll put it in question format now. Would you silence your own strong belief because someone told you to, or said it doesn't matter, or because you were not in your home country? I think not. I wont stop talking.
  12. I'll happily choose to disagree with you. Sometimes the laws Can be wrong, sir. And I will disagree with them. That's called the first step to progress.
  13. I could care less how you feel about me. Thanks again for highlighting the bit about the fact that weed can be a nuisance like all other things, if done without consideration of others. I'll continue to make valid points while being respectful of other parties, thank you very much, Sir!
  14. I'll agree with you that regs should have been sorted prior to and during this time. When it comes to anyone controlling me regarding what I put in to my body... good luck because it won't happen. And thanks for letting me know weed exists in Thailand, haha. I, as a farang, can only express what I feel is right. I don't expect to have representation. I'll continue to express my beliefs on the wider stage as well as person to person regardless.
  15. We already know all smoke hurts lungs. You can't argue with that. Point taken and filed.
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