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Posts posted by Jobiwankenobi

  1. OP, you are a kind and generous step-dad and most kids whose biological father left the home would be more than grateful to have a man like you around to raise them and provide for them. I'm sure you already know this, but pay absolutely no mind to morons like "GirlDrinkDrunk" and the so-called "TheRealDeal" they're opinions are meaningless dogshit

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  2. Smelling used panties, no matter how hot the girls who wore them are, can easily cause fecal strep in the sniffer. Microscopic fecal matter is inhaled in the nose and throat. A dirty, completely unsanitary business. Funny but hilarious as hell. I say let em sniff 'til their heart's content! Followed by antibiotics! Those who do it may as well go lick a toilet seat in the women's washroom in the mall. Gross!

  3. An undeniable example of the primitive nature of this country and these people. They're so far behind the civil societies of this world it's laughable, yet so many of us flock here and then even settle here!! For what? Quality of life? Nope, cheap "Tail." No matter how you explain it, that's what it comes down to, sadly. Living here for almost 10 years has exhausted my patience and my skewed my once positive perspective beyond belief. Story after story.

    Preach, brother! clap2.gif (So when are you leaving?)

    Honest to God, not being saucy at all, me and the wife are hightailing out of here on a flight July 3rd! Not looking back either. At least I'm not! We'll see about the wife! Either way, I'm effin done!

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  4. Sad to see, and honestly fellas I have to admit when I first came here 11 or 12 years ago, my perception of them was leaning more toward the idea that these things were toys rather than motorbikes (or "motosai," as it were). I used to say to ladies, "That's not a motorbike, that's only a scooter!" Many times in my younger years did I have a lady on the back of a scooter, going 60 up the road well past midnight. Although after seeing stories like this, it doesn't take long to realize riding one of these things after throwing back a few drinks can be deadly. That's not to accuse the driver of being drunk or tipsy, that comment is in relation to my own mistakes of driving on a scooter after 8 beers, but I don't do that anymore.

    Many of us do things here that we would never do in our home country, speeding around on a scooter in shorts and flip flops at night is just the tip of the iceberg. Terrible that it cost this lady her life though.


    Wow, 750cc's, that's most certainly NOT a scooter. I didn't peruse the 2nd story closely enough, my mistake.

  5. "I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man, spanning all the compiled knowledge of humankind. But I use it to look at pictures of cats and to get in arguments with strangers."

    Quote of the day Sir. wai.gif


    I never go 'all in' ... That would just not be.. 'clever'.

    Spent half my life on a search for nothin'

    I came up with somethin'

    And it's on again!

    I found myself by the river and jumped in

    it's all or nothin'

    gotta be all in!

    It's all or nothin' baby,

    It's never, ever maybe;

    You think I might be crazy

    But I gotta be all in!

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  6. "I possess a device, in my pocket, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man, spanning all the compiled knowledge of humankind. But I use it to look at pictures of cats and to get in arguments with strangers."

    Quote of the day Sir. wai.gif

    Haha if I could only take credit theblether, but alas it came from a 16 year old smart alec back in Canada! But at least I can take credit for typing it lol, and on that note, G'night fellas!

  7. I went "all in" and you are absolutely right, what a mistake! At the time I did so (11 years ago) I should have been thrown in a mental institution for what I did. Oh, but back then the world was my oyster, and on top of that everyone was so nice to me! I was a big hit in the village!! And Holy Jesus could I ever dance! Now I can barely piss straight, so I sit down to do it! But as they say back where I come from, whatta ya gonna do? Screw it, I'm still having a laugh on a regular, and I'm a pretty fun guy to be around believe it or not. Granted, if anyone were to ask me what they should do with 200,000US I would say FIND A COUNTRY WHEREIN THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU LEGALLY INVEST HAS YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME ON THE TITLE!!!!

    OR, you know, just rent.

    Years ago there was a saying going aroud Europe: There are only 2 types of flat-roofs: The ones that leak and the ones that don't leak YET.

    These days one can hear things like: There are only 2 types of real-estate-deals involving a Farang in Thailand: The ones that have turned "sour" or the ones that have NOT YET turned sour.

    Food for thought. Cheers.

    Did you tell William E. Heinecke.

    Minor International, Anantara among others.

    I guess you should do a little research eh?

    Yeah, yeah, Billy Heinecke, every time there's a somewhat credible attempt to portray Thailand as a great place for a foreigner to succeed in business, without fail, Bill Heinecke's name is always brought up. And you know, it's a valid point. Mr. Heinecke is without question a great success story. But don't forget, Chiangmaikelly, that for every Bill Heinecke there's a thousand complete and utter F'ups. He rolled the dice with a cleaning company, then pizza, then hotels and Burger King and so on and so forth. He rolled the dice and he came up big; some guys are lucky, some guys are smart, and some guys are both. Billy Heinecke is both; but as for me, well I aint either of those things. All's I got are my looks, and even though I may be the exception to the rule in the looks department, on account of my being so <deleted> handsome, Bill Heinecke is the exception to the rule in the non-Thai business success story in Bangkok. He's one in 10,000, certainly not a fluke, but undeniably uncommon in this country. Most guys are like myself, and if you think otherwise, well then you're fooling yourself.

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