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Posts posted by Jobiwankenobi

  1. First off, sorry to see there's no new news about Ronnie. Like I said in my first post I hope there are some people out there are truly missing Ronnie; and I know Ronnie doesn't care but it would be nice to know, ya know?

    Second, about my original post - 29 likes! Holy God that's certainly a record for me! Although I would like to set a few things straight, don't feel bad for me, I made my bed and now I'll lie in it. And just to let you all know I'm not some sad sack who walks around all poopy and lonely all day feeling sorry for myself, I laugh my arse off on a regular basis and everyone that knows me can attest to that. I just don't believe ANY foreigner can truly attain a sense of community in small town Thai village life. Bangkok might be another story, but I wouldn't know. To those guys not in BKK or Pattaya or whatever, if you think you're "part of the village," believe me, you're not. Nope. Not a chance. Fuggettaboutit! Anyone who believes otherwise, wake up and stop fooling yourself, and don't dare buy anyone any beers unless he's older than you and been either working in the rice field all day or picking through garbage for plastic bottles all day. That kinda guy deserves a cold glass of Leo and ice cubes every once and a while. Any other Thai, F 'em! Especially your wife's loser brother, uncle, cousin or even worse, her loser father. Just laugh in their face when they ask you for something! That's what I do! It's hilarious and believe me, they hate me for it! And you know what, screw 'em! And one more important note, yeah I wish I had invested in property somewhere else but 11 years ago, the world was my oyster!! Hahah. Ah well, what are ya gonna do? Laugh brothers, laugh. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I've soiled myself yet again!! The wife's gonna be some mad, since the washer machine is on the fritz!!

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  2. Poor fellas, just trying to have a good time in Bangkok eh and look what happens. Terrible. Just terrible. Low quality Thai drugs are to blame, not the choices of these two individuals who were only trying to party

    Hmmm...if people wish to 'party' and 'have a good time' in this way then they should know the possible consequences of buying drugs in a third world country. There are much better ways to party in Thailand without doing anything dangerous to themselves at all.

    Whatever mom. Thanks for the life lesson. And that my friends, is one to grow on!

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  3. Like most of the above posts, I agree that Abhisit's account of what went on during this time may very well be the most accurate writing available on the subject; a statement which I intend as both praise and criticism. Surely, it's better than anything written by these "Red" morons and I look forward to reading an English version if one becomes available. I'll surely pick an original Thai copy up for my wife and get her to tell me a few stories.

    Looking forward to it, and good for Abhisit for having the wherewithal and cajones for compiling his experiences during this bizarre time. Beauty eh.

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  4. That's no story. They also didn't drown. Who cares what DIDN'T lead to their deaths? The question is...what did. Why print a story that tells nothing at all? That's news? They also weren't attacked by white sharks! What a story!

    I agree, no story there.

    I also agree that TV members needn't snoop around looking for more. Their parents have requested no more be made public, and there is a good reason for that. They don't want their daughters' images spoiled, so let's respect that.

    Why do people jump in and make the same ridiculous statements that were made many days ago and which were PROVEN FALSE .... Go back and read the facts please and then state again ... I am reposting # 118 from the previous thread so you all get this one fact straight ! THE PARENTS MADE NO SUCH REQUEST AND NOR DID THE CANADIAN EMBASSY !

    It's all lies from the TRP..... Nor The family nor the Canadian Embassy have requested the investigation to be stopped... on the contrary the father is furious about this and said he will go to all ends to find out the truth.

    My friends in Quebec sent me these 3 links of different media reports and they all say the same thing.


    http://www.radio-can...fermeture.shtml This one has a video of their father being interviwed and here again he is denouncing that he never asked for the results or details of the investigation be withheld nor the investigation stopped...!


    Here are a few extracts from the last link above.... everything is in French so I will translate just a few important parts.

    «C'est ce à quoi je m'attendais. J'ai toujours dit que la conclusion de leur enquête serait une cause inconnue. Ils ont tout fait pour éliminer les preuves avant que l'autopsie soit pratiquée, alors c'était à prévoir», affirme M. Bélanger, en faisant référence au délai qui s'est écoulé entre la découverte des corps de ses filles dans leur chambre d'hôtel et l'autopsie pratiquée en Thaïlande, période suffisante selon lui pour éliminer toute trace de produit toxique dans leur corps."

    This is what I expected. I always said that their investigation would be concluded as " Cause Unknown" They did everything to eliminate important proof prior to the autopsy so this result had to be expected., referring to the delay that occured from when the bodies were found in the hotel room to when the autopsy was finally done in Thailand... a period long enough to eliminate all traces of toxic products in their bodies"

    «Beaucoup de questions demeurent en suspens et c'est pourquoi l'enquête menée ici par la Sûreté du Québec doit se poursuivre. Deux filles dans la vingtaine qui entrent dans leur chambre d'hôtel en parfaite santé et n'en ressortent pas, pour moi, ce n'est pas une raison inconnue. À peine une semaine après leur décès, nous étions incapables de les identifier. Elles ne s'étaient tout de même pas fait frapper par un train», a dit M. Bélanger au Soleil, ajoutant ne pouvoir commenter davantage pour ne pas nuire à l'enquête, «qui va bien».

    Their father also said "Many questions remained unanswered and that is why the investigation here by the Quebec Police must continue. Two girls in their 20's enter their room totally healthy and never come out again to me is not "AN UNKNOWN CAUSE:. Barely 1 week after their death we could not even identify them ! THEY WERE NOT HIT BY A TRAIN ! I will not say more at this point as I do not want to jeapordize the investigation which is progressing very well."

    Il nie toutefois avoir demandé aux autorités thaïlandaises de ne révéler aucun détail sur l'affaire, comme l'écrit l'article du quotidien thaïlandais citant le lieutenant-colonel Jongrak Pimthong de la police de Krabi. «Ce n'est pas vrai. Ce n'est pas nous qui avons demandé ça. Au contraire, nous voulons savoir ce qui s'est passé.»

    He absolutely denies having asked the Thai authorities to stop the investigation and to not reveal any details. He says "It's not true...! It is certainly not us who have asked this. On the very contrary WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED"

    «Nous ne le rencontrerons pas, puisqu'il ne vit pas en Thaïlande, et la famille nous a demandé de ne pas l'interroger», poursuit le lieutenant-colonel Jongrak. «C'est faux, rétorque M. Bélanger. De toute manière, les policiers ici connaissent son identité. Il est polonais et sera probablement rencontré par Interpol.In reference to the man who accompanied them back to the room he said " The police in Thailand said they will not question him as he does not live in Thailand and that we asked them not to question him, THIS IS NOT TRUE...said Mr. Belanger ..Anyway the police here know his identity and he will mostly be interrogated by Interpol"

    «Notre vie est brisée à jamais, et chaque retour de cette affaire dans l'actualité nous démolit un peu plus. Qu'elles soient mortes est déjà épouvantable et que nous ne sachions pas la cause de leur décès est encore plus dur, mais je vous assure que nous voulons savoir et nous irons jusqu'au bout.»

    Renée Roussel, la coroner québécoise au dossier, ne déposera son rapport final sur l'autopsie pratiquée au Québec que dans plusieurs semaines.

    Our life is broken for ever and everyday it kills us a little more. That they are dead is unbearable as it is but to not even know the CAUSE is even harder but I can assure you that we want to and must KNOW and we will go to all ends to find out".... It will still take many weeks to get the final results from the Quebec Autopsy.

    Thanks for this crazydrummerpauly, it is much appreciated. Your post should appear directly below the OP. Beauty.

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  5. Good. I'm gonna throw caution to the wind here and take this report at value, I really hope and have faith that they got the right guys on this one. As bad as things can sometimes be in this place, I can't fathom that the cops would employ two patsies to take the fall here. Mostly because the risk of this happening again would be too large and there'd be too much to lose with this happening again in Phuket. Terrible though, I really feel bad for this lady and her family and friends. And these fellas will be appointed a lawyer, a lazy one hopefully, and will serve the rest of their days suffering. The needle here is just too quick and too easy for these lowlifes.

  6. Yeah Thailand is effed up, but make no mistake about it mon freres, Myanmar (or Burma, whichever you choose to call it) is one of the most savage, vile, corrupt, and unapologetic military dictatorships still in power today, and this country remains one of the most closed off countries in South Asia. Don't forget that it's current government strives to benefit itself (Burmese elite) by whatever means necessary. Bribery and corruption have now been institutionalized just as much as (or even moreso) than here Thailand. This has gone on with such permanency that it'll take generations to fix, let alone the military's position, which will never be easily given up. Believe you me, those people will find a way to perpetuate their hold on power, even if it means massacre. Aung San Su Kyi or no Aung San Su Kyi, we're talking about a country that's more effed up right now, right at this very moment, than Thailand ever was. Again, yes there are problems here, huge problems that seem impossible to even make an attempt at solving, but lets not praise Myanmar like it this empty canvas ready to be painted with beautiful insight and foreign investment / ideas - that in 10 years it will surely leave poopy, immoral Thailand in the dust. Hah. Don't hold your breath. Thailand is effed up, but Myanmar....it's effed up, BIG TIME.

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  7. I want to punch myself in the face after reading this, first off, on last night's Thai news, I saw the CCTV footage of this guy walking with the girls in the hotel hallway back to their room, and he certainly wasn't he "helping" them as the article states, as though he was carrying them or assisting them. He was talking to them, and walking a bit ahead of one of them, thats it. And this article offers no new info, none at all, really.

    at what point did the cctv stop?

    did he walk further, did he go into the room, did he turn around and go back, how did they say good-bye (waiving, lame nodding...)?

    why would one think, the girls werent feeling well on that video?

    It just didn't seem like they were being "helped" to their room, they certainly didn't appear to be in a stupor, they were indeed walking upright, slowly but consciously, thats all, and no I don't know when or how they said their goodbyes, whatever man, I just meant that the article - especially the headline - is misleading and irresponsible "Thai Police Hunt For Portugese Men"

  8. I want to punch myself in the face after reading this, first off, on last night's Thai news, I saw the CCTV footage of this guy walking with the girls in the hotel hallway back to their room, and he certainly wasn't he "helping" them as the article states, as though he was carrying them or assisting them. He was talking to them, and walking a bit ahead of one of them, thats it. And this article offers no new info, none at all, really.

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  9. You know it's times like this when I question my previous stances I take on capital punishment, I often say in discussions that as a Canadian I don't believe in it....but my God, when I see news like this, just terrible, I mean it could be my own mother.....this kind of violent but cowardice act angers me so much, I mean to stab a 60 year old lady walking on the street, for what?? this guy should be slowly beaten to death over a period of days. Awful. I'd love to be locked in a room with him, no weapons, just me, him, and the four walls.

  10. I just said to my Thai girlfriend, this type of senseless violence scares me, her reply ok you don't like Thailand go, not a word from her about the women attacked its like it does not register.

    My wife is Thai and she's super pissed off, sad and embarrassed this happened, sorry dude your girlfriend is an idiot, no fault of hers of course. I guess now it's "Up to u."

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