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Posts posted by Jobiwankenobi

  1. Coherent, well organized and an overall enjoyable read! On top of that, a well founded argument is clearly presented! This is not normal but it's most certainly welcome!

    On second thought, the writer of this article should be taken down a notch! A good dressing down is what is required of this smart alec! Who the hell does he / she think they are?! Making Thai authority point the finger back at themselves for a change?! Pfft. For clear and concise opinion I much prefer other news sources! Posts from The Nation are supposed to be fun, not interesting! What's going on around here!?

    I'm scared so I'm TAKIN OFF EH!

  2. Unbelievable, I think it's safe to say that any other region in the world with a beachfront like Phuket plus an extremely high volume of tourist traffic, lifeguards aren't even a question!!! I'm from the east coast of Canada, I've seen beaches with three people on them on a 12 degree day and the water's freezing, and theres still some 20 year old dude sitting up in the lifeguard tower watching....this place man, I dunno....

  3. "Jutaporn is considered a competent and dedicated person" I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Terrible, just terrible. Proof positive, these people are dangerous as hell, and I can't for the life of me understand why everyone on this message board can't see it that way. The largely uninformed and under-educated good folks up in the Isaan, fair enough, the Red Shirt rouse has alot of 'em fooled. I do have hope that this band of greedy exploiters will be someday seen largely for what they truly are: Those who shamelessly and selfishly use the poor for their own ends, yet at the same time claim to be one of them!

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  4. My pesonal experience of these so called 'bikers' from Norway, Denmark etc are that they are total numbnuts...most have never ridden a bike in their home country and are largely pensioned off sailors or the like...they come here, the girls make them feel special then they get a few tattoos and a bike and think they are a gansta.....pussies the lot of them

    For the most part, you're absolutely right on the money...but anyone who is sporting the real deal Hells Angel or Bandido's colors on their backs should be steered clear of....true dirt must be done to sport a patch like that on a person's back, no doubt!

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  5. Yes, all young Americans use "it's like" incorrectly and far too often for my personal taste as well, so yes, all Americans are not intelligent and all have problems adapting. Especially ones who work for NGO's in Cambodia. I detest when other westerners do not use correct grammar and speak in colloquialisms while speaking with me in public! This is also right on topic. I'm glad I posted this eh! So much insight into the article above.

    Take off eh!

  6. Yeah, the Thai way of learning English is stacks upon stacks of photocopied sheets for homework (especially in M4 M5 M6) and the grammar (ahem) that appears on these homework sheets is utter doggerel! Then the kids are given the wrong answers to these completely incorrect questions, if they're lucky!! Then, stay after school for "extra" classes! In the words of Charlton Heston: "It's a maaaadhouse!"

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