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Posts posted by waldwolf

  1. New "improved" models appear daily, however I recently saw both a Toshiba and Sony notebook with:

    17 inch "ultrabright" widescreen

    WindowsXP Media Edition 2005


    1 gig memory

    100 gig HDD

    Dual-layer 16x DVD/CD burner

    Full Wi-Fi

    Full-size keyboard (you did say you could live with a little bulk)

    TV recorder

    Dual batteries

    ......and much more

    Cost: $2800-$3000 (US)

    (Asked Santa for one. Got my fingers and toes crossed. :o)


  2. RDN - Failure to install the updates, which were apparently downloaded OK, is a puzzle. Neither the use nor lack thereof of any browser (IE or any other) should not have prevented the installation.

    I suspect another utility you have running (e.g. antivirus, spyware detector, etc.) may be the culpert. Perhaps you could give us a brief rundown of these type programs your running. (Also version of XP your using.)

    Will then do some investigation/testing.


  3. As others have mentioned, would strongly recommend you also be checked for H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori), as up to 95% of people having gastric or duodenal ulcers symptons were found to be infected with the H.pylori bacteria.

    A simple, inexpensive blood test or breath test should provide ample evidence, one way or the other. If an endoscopy is performed, a small samples of the stomach lining can be obtained and tested for H. pylori.

    Failure to rule out H. pylori is a high-risk decision, as people with this bacterial infection have up to 6 times greater chances of developing gastric cancer and mucosal-associated-lymphoid-type (MALT) lymphoma.

    Health is not something to do "on-the-cheap".

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.


  4. I use an IBM laptop, can the battery be removed when the unit is running on AC?

    A model number would be helpful for researching this question.

    If one were to take your question literally, no it is not a good idea to remove anything from your computer (laptop or desktop), while it is "running on AC", (or for that matter while it is running on battery).

    Your User's Manual, if you have one, should cover this subject.

    Note: In some charging operations, the battery itself looks like a large capacitor to the charger and provides "shock-smoothing" functions to protect other "voltage-sensative" components within the unit itself.

    Post back with model info.


  5. To start with, don't worry too much about the software.

    Get out a pencil and paper and design what you want first.

    You need to consider navigation around the site, the information you are going to provide etc etc.

    Do it all on paper first, test it on paper and then start to build it.

    Excellent advice, mattnich.

    Somewhat like building a house and the old saying "measure twice, cut once". Its all in the planning. The actual construction, once you know what you want and where you want it, is the easiest part.

    have fun.


  6. Laptops May Damage Male Fertility

    BBC News - World Edition

    Men who use laptop computers could be unwittingly damaging their fertility, experts believe.

    Balancing it on the lap increases the temperature of the scrotum which is known to have a negative effect on sperm production, researchers found.

    Coupled with the rising popularity of these computers - about 150m people use them worldwide - much more research is needed say the US authors.

    The State University of New York findings appear in Human Reproduction.

    Teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps.

    Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said: "Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70°C.

    "They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs."

    The researchers asked 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 to take part in an experiment.

    They then recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use and different seating positions over one hour time periods.

    Just sitting with the thighs together, a posture needed to balance a laptop, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1C.

    Full article here:


  7. ....... I just want to shut down all the Norton programs running......

    1. Hold down both the CTL and ALT keys, then press the DELETE key once*.

    2. A new window titled Close Program will open.

    3. In new window, highlight, one-at-a-time, all Norton and/or Symantec listed items. (DO NOT remove Explorer or Systray entries.)

    4. Click End Task button. (If confirm window opens, just reconfirm action.)

    (* Only press DELETE key once, or your system will reboot.)

    The above will shutdown those programs you selected. To restore normal operation, just reboot the computer.

    Check your PM for more info.


  8. .......This is only limited by the imagination of the attacker (phisher)..........

    An new law was introduced in the U.S. Senate on July 9, 2004 which would make "phishing" a federal crime punishable by a large fine and up to 5 years in prison.

    Current US laws permit enforcement authorities to prosecute "phishers", but only after someone has been defrauded. This new bill would allow charges against "phishers" for attempting to deceive Internet users.

    (It is estimated, losses from "phishing" in the USA alone, will exceed 2 billion dollars in 2004.)

    More info:

    Anti-Phishing Act of 2004 (pdf)

    What Is "Phishing"? A Brief Primer

  9. noctambule - First, your needs will vary somewhat depending on whether you connect to the internet via broadband or by dial-up. If broadband, a router with a "firmware" firewall (not-free) would be the safest way to go. If you'll be on dial-up, then a "software" firewall like Zone Alarm (free) would be your best choice. The firewall in WindowsXP (SP-2) is reportedly quite good. (Of course, its "father" was Zone Alarm :D ).

    As to the rest, I'd suggest you look at:


    ZoneLabs "Zone Alarm" (free)

    Sygate's "Sygate Personal Firewall"

    Agnitum's "Outpost Firewall" (free)

    TinySoftware's "Tiny Firewall"


    Webroot's "SpySweeper"

    Lavasoft's "Ad-Aware SE" (free)

    Computer Associates "Pest Patrol"

    P. Kolla's "Spybot-Search & Destroy" (free)


    Panda's "Titanium" Antivirus

    Kapersky's Anti Virus Personal

    Grisoft's AVG Anti-Virus (free)

    Computer Associates eTrust EZ Antivirus

    Symantec's Norton Antivirus

    Trend Micro's PC-cillin

    If I were only allowed one from each category, today I'd pick:

    Firewall........Zone Alarm

    Adware........Spy Sweeper

    Antivirus.......Panda "Titanium" or Kapersky's AVP

    One important caution. Make sure you have a firewall installed and working before you connect to the internet. This is especially critical if you are on broadband, as you don't want to start out with any virus's or backdoor trojans. Most of above "pay" software have 30 day trial versions, so check them all and then select the one you believe is best for your particular needs.

    good luck with your new "putter"


  10. I believe self examination is most important. Who knows your body better than you do?

    Earlier this year, I noticed a mole or wart type leasion on my leg would occassionally have a "scab" on it when I awoke in the morning. I mentioned it to one dermatologist who examined it and said it appeared "normal".

    A few months later, I again mentioned it to a different dermatologist (same hospital) who recommended a biopsy. The results came back positive for Basal Cell Carcinoma. The dermatologist then did a "full-body" exam (with magnifying glass) and found another suspect leason on my back. Biopsy of second leason also came back positive for Basal Cell Carcinoma. Two weeks later had surgery to remove both leasions.

    While the Basal Cell Carcinoma is normally a "slow growing" skin cancer, they can on occasion grow quite rapidly, therefore it is important treatment start as soon as possible. Once discovered, it is important you be re-examined every 4-6 months.

    Age also appears to increase your chances for developing the disease, so periodic examination should be a priority for "Seniors".

  11. "Cold sores" or "fever blisters", as the're commonly called, are caused by a viral infection (Herpes Simplex) which is carried in one form or the other, by up to 90% of people in the world. If your mother had the virus when you were born, you most likely are also a carrier. You can be infected without showing any symptoms.

    It is believed the virus is kept under control by ones immune system, with occassional "outbreaks" occuring when the immune system is under stress. When inactive, the virus is thought to reside in nerve endings. You can have mild "outbreaks" without showing any signs.

    As with all viral infections, there is no cure. The Simplex "outbreak" usually lasts 2-3 weeks. It is possible to spread the virus to ones eye by touching a sore and then touching the eye. This could cause serious complications. You can reduce the chances of spreading the virus, by not touching sore(s) and washing your hands frequently. One should also avoid kissing, and oral sex during "outbreaks" of the virus.

    Remember, the medical profession has yet to find a "cure" for this or any viral infection, even the common cold.


  12. Would second bartender100 and melus's suggestion, assuming you have a seperate sound card.

    Turn power off, then remove sound card and carefully clean sound cards edge contacts using an ordinary pencil eraser. After cleaning, wipe card connector edge with soft cloth. Reinsert card and run a test (a test such as available in the "DirectX Diagnostic Test" should provide good information.

    good luck

    [edit] - melus beat my post. Sorry, I'm a slow typest. :o [/edit]

  13. Panasonic, Sony, Phillips and many others make a "Home Theatre" system, which includes a unit incorporating an AM/FM radio, Hi-Fi VHS player/recorder and DVD player. Includes 4-6 speakers (with woofer/amplifier) for "Surround Sound". Prices range $250-$400 (US). The VCR records from the radio, as well as TV.

    Also of possible interest; the major Japaneese VHS-VCR manufacturers (Panasonic, Toshiba, Akai, etc.) use to make what they called an "International" or "World" unit, that operated on 110-220 volts, and would Play & Record all broadcast formats, such as NTSC, PAL, SECAM, etc.

    Haven't seen them around lately, but suggest you inquire of these manufacturers direct. Or possibly a used machine may be found on eBay.

    These versions were very popular a number of years back, especially with ex-pats in USA, who would record/copy movies, convert them from NTSC to PAL, and sent them to relatives in the home country.

    Good hunting.


  14. I assume what your looking for is free benchmark software. :D

    Check out the following:

    AIDA32 - AIDA32 is a professional system information, diagnostics and benchmarking program running on Win32 platforms. It extracts details of all components of the PC. It can display information on the screen, print it, or save it to file in various formats like HTML, CSV or XML. For corporate users, AIDA32 offers command-line switches, network audit and audit statistics, remote system information and network management. (Note: Further development of AIDA32 has been discontinued by the author.)

    Sandra 2005 - SiSoftware has announced the availability of SiSoftware Sandra 2005, the latest version of its award-wining utility which now includes remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, PDAs, Smart Phones, small office/home office (SOHO) networks and enterprise networks. more... [Check your PM for more info]

    Other PAY benchmark utilities here:



  15. kurgen - Just so its clear...the $1,000 dollar cost mentioned earlier is for the prescription Lamisil treatment where you have fungus in either your toenails or finger nails themselves. (This fungus infection does not respond well to topical treatments.)

    For most common Athletes Foot fungi involving the skin, the liquid or cream Lamisil is currently the fastest and most effective over-the-counter medication. Costs $10-$20 per tube (depending on size).

  16. Hi,

        Can anybody give me some info please. I have been logging in to a photo forum for some time now - http://photography-on-the.net/forum/  but since 2 days ago I have just got the message that it cannot be found on this server. Now I know the Thai police are cracking down on porn sites, but this is a totally legit site mainly for users of Canon gear. Thanks in advance for any help.    MonsH :o  :D

    Appears the server in question is down.

    You could try emailing the site owner Pekka Saarinen at [email protected].

    good luck

  17. Picture in your mind, a small house sitting atop a large hill. The house is a brothel.

    There is one man inside the house, another climbing the hill to the house and a third man has just left the house through the back door.

    Name each man's nationality!

    The man climbing the hill is RUSSIAN-ing

    The man leaving is FINNISH-ed

    and the man inside .......... HIMALAYAN


  18. NEW YORK TIMES/LONDON TIMES - According to people close to the negotiations, I.B.M. is in serious discussions to sell its PC business to Lenovo, the largest maker of PC's in China - a rapidly expanding market that Hewlett-Packard and Dell covet. I.B.M. is in talks with at least one other potential buyer. Industry experts note that a sale to Lenovo may create a powerful new rival with operations based in China.

    Alan Promisel, an analyst at the research firm I.D.C., said a deal with Lenovo "would put up a significant roadblock to Dell and H.P.'s Asia Pacific expansion, at least potentially so." Mr. Promisel and others noted that a larger Lenovo, formerly known as Legend, could have the power to further squeeze down PC prices because of its track record as a producer of low-cost machines.

    "If they're able to complete a deal," Mr. Promisel said, "Lenovo is obviously going to be more aggressive on the pricing front, which could lead to a compression on price points in the industry," potentially eating into the profits of every PC maker. The price for I.B.M.'s personal computer unit is likely to be $1 billion to $2 billion. A buyer would be purchasing the blueprints to the ThinkPad, generally regarded as the world's most reliable and secure laptops.

    "The ThinkPad isn't just the best machine for the price," said Richard Dougherty, director of the Envisioneering Group, a market research firm in Seaford, L.I. "It is the machine for anyone concerned about security."

    A buyer would presumably get the ThinkPad name and also I.B.M.'s customer list, but whether that would be worth much over time remains to be seen. According to people close to the negotiations, a buyer is also likely to get the use of I.B.M.'s brand name on PC's for a transitional period and I.B.M. may continue to sell the computers to corporate customers after the business unit is sold.

    Additional news links:

    London Free Press



  19. a couple of nights ago whilst drying between my toes I managed to split (crack) the skin at the base of my little toe..........

    This is a classic description of "Athletes Foot" caused by a fungal infection.

    There are many over-the counter medications to treat this condition, but most "specialists" agree the best medication currently available is Terbinafine Hydrochloride sold in various forms (cream, liquid, etc.) under the tradename LAMISIL . Cost will run approximately $10-$20 (US) for 2 week supply. Treatment is relatively simple, usually involving washing, drying and applying the antifungal cream or liquid to affected area twice-a-day for a 2-3 week period.

    If the fungal infection has spread to the toe-nail root, a more agressive treatment involving prescription Lamisil tablets and physician monitiring, may be warrented. In this case, you would take 1 Lamisil tablet each day for 90 days. As the oral Lamisil can effect liver functions in a small minority of people, your doctor should check your liver function before beginning treatment and every 30-45 days once treatment starts. The cost for the 90 pills used in this treatment can be quite expensive, ranging from around £200 in UK to $1,000 in US.

    Many other over-the-counter antifungal medications, containing Miconazole Nitrate or Tolnaftate are also quite effective in treating milder cases of the fungus.

    If home treatment utilizing over-the-counter products is not effective, then you should seek professional advice and treatment from a qualified doctor.


  20. For info, there are several insurance policies one can purchase which cover ALL costs to fly you to the hospital of your choice, worldwide, in a medically equipped and staffed aircraft.

    Policy Cost:

    Currently less than $200 (US) per year for an individual or under $300 (US) per year for a whole family. (Same coverage for 7, 14 or 21 days of travel starts at $69 (US).)

    Two companies* offering such coverage:

    MedJet Assistance

    Travel Guard International

    * As recommended by Peter Greenberg, "The Travel Detective" (bio here) (Peter owns a home BKK)

    Everyone, regardless of age, is subject to DVT's resulting from long flights. A few years ago the then U.S. Vice President Al Gore suffered a DVT, following a long flight in Air Force 2. (Having personally suffered 5 DVT's, 2 in left leg, 3 in right, I can confirm the're no picnic.)

    You'll find more info on DVT's here


  21. .....I still get about a dozen netbios probs a day though  :o

    Only 12? Sunday, I had 586 probs in less than 2 hours. :D

    (You've got to give our friends in Taiwan and the Mainland credit for all the effort they expended. :D )

    Thank you ZoneLabs. :D

  22. "In the December, 2004 issue of PC World, the author of an article titled Poor Defenders concludes that most commercial anti-spyware software is ineffective. In tests using a fresh install of XP and 6 typical spyware infections the commercial software failed to stack up against freeware competitor Spybot Search and Destroy. Four out of seven commercial products failed to remove any of the infections. One product even installed 57 spyware files itself! Conclusion: Use freeware products like Spybot and Lavasoft's Ad-Aware SE Personal."

    thx to slashdot.org

    The PC World article talks about comparing MyNetProtector, NoAdware, PAL Spyware Remover, SpyAssault, SpyBlocs, Spyware Stormer, and XoftSpy.

    Has anyone heard of those "antispy" programs they reportedly tested? Not me.

    Interesting that the article (here) makes no mention of Lavasoft's Ad-Aware or Webroot's SpySweeper.


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