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Posts posted by waldwolf

  1. ..........And I still get about 5 trojans or viruses per month :D
    Do the same ones keep showing up? If so, suggest you do some online "cleaning" using several of the free scans listed in the earlier post, here.
    i suppose i should really turn on zone alarm..
    Yes.....I think that would be a good move. :o


  2. In an earlier thread, several publications were quoted as having written, Hotmail is planning to eliminate access to email accounts using OUTLOOK or OUTLOOK EXPRESS .

    The following is the reply received, following a request for clarification:

    Thank you for writing to MSN Hotmail Technical Support.

    This is (name deleted) and I am writing in response to your inquiry about MSN's plan of eliminating free Hotmail accounts to access their messages in Outlook or Outlook Express.

    I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Unfortunately, we recently received an extremely high volume of e-mail messages and are working diligently to catch up.

    I understand that you need to access your Hotmail through Outlook or Outlook Express. You can no longer set up a free MSN Hotmail account to download Hotmail to a Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express inbox. This change was made to help stop e-mail abuse. However,  if you have a free Hotmail account and you have already set up Hotmail to download to Outlook or Outlook Express, you can continue to use this feature.

    Junk mail distributors (spammers) exploited MSN Hotmail accounts through Outlook and Outlook Express to send unwanted messages to MSN Hotmail customers and others in the e-mail community. By making this configuration feature part of our subscription services, we require customers to provide billing information. Therefore, the mailers are accountable, and we can help limit the amount of unsolicited e-mail that MSN members and others receive.

    If you currently have a free-Hotmail account and you want to configure Hotmail to download to Outlook or Outlook Express, you can upgrade to MSN Hotmail Plus or MSN Premium. Both of these paid subscription services support this feature.

    For more information about the benefits of upgrading from a free MSN Hotmail account to an MSN Hotmail Plus or MSN Premium subscription, visit http://join.msn.com

    Thank you for your understanding and continued patronage of MSN Hotmail.

    Please don't hesitate to write back if you encounter problems with Hotmail and its services; we'll be glad to assist you.

    Have a nice day.


    (name deleted)

    MSN Hotmail Technical Support

    NOTE: The red highlighted portion and name deletion in above message is my work, not the senders.

    Comment: My reading of this response/policy is, if you already have a free Hotmail account, then you will be allowed continued access using Outlook and/or Outlook Express, but new "free" accounts will not be aforded this privilege.

    Your thoughts?


  3. ....... - proxy is the one chioce that make you safe b'coz it will stealth you real IP and show their IP

    sabina - Don't be lulled into believing any proxy or similar product will keep you 100% "safe" from prying (hacking) fingers.

    With the best firewall, the best proxy and all the rest, one item which is virtually "unprotectable" is your browser. Each website you visit has the potential to put some type of "malware" on/into your system, either directly through programs you download or simply by your browser displaying pictures on an infected website.

    These "malware" have the capability of defeating both your firewall as well as most antivirus software and establishing "backdoor" avenues which report your movements and, in some cases, allow for remote access/manipulation of your whole system.

    It is a constant battle to avoid these pitfalls, and unfortunately, it is likely to get worse, before it gets better.

    As the Mother said to her daughter, "...when in doubt, cross your legs."

    My advice ".......don't keep anything on your internet-surfing computer, you wouldn't want the world to see."


  4. Sorry, can't help with a specific store name, but have you tried a camera store?

    If they don't have the canned air try one of those "rubber bulb" air blowers used to "dust-off" camera lenses.

    DO NOT use the CSC or any other cleaner on either your keyboard or, especially the camera lens. It could remove the len's anti-glare coating, or even "melt" the lens, if it is plastic. (Same for other plastic items, such as keyboards).

    (Note: Eating crackers and chips while typing, or reading in bed, is not recommended. :o )

    good luck

  5. I got my upgrade recently, and at the same time I saw a link to some FAQs (can't find it now, dammit) that stated that the access to Hotmail using Outlook and Outlook Express will stop soon. So I've gone over to GMail, which does have that access.

    Sorry Firefoxx, just a little bit of Hotmail bashing :o

    RDN - Your probably referring to the following articles:

    PC World

    The Register - UK

    Have requested clarification from "the horses mouth". :D

  6. joka - Have you tried uninstalling these routines in "Safe Mode"?

    There are ways and means to do such "un-installs" in DOS, but they are quite involved and time consuming. You would also need to "clean-up" (delete) registery entries, which is even more "dangerious", if you don't know what your doing.

    Perhaps your best bet would be to post a help request in the eMule forum at:


    Cheers and good luck.

  7. If your Hotmail account is to be upgraded to 250MB, you should already have received the following notice:

    Big News: Free Storage increase to 250MB

    FREE 250MB of storage capacity is coming to your MSN Hotmail e-mail account. We are increasing your online storage to 250MB—that’s over 100 times the storage you have now.

    That’s not all we are also increasing your attachment size from 1MB to 10MB! This means that you can send and receive more messages without worrying about available storage space. You’ll be able to see party photos, hear new songs and watch video clips that your friends e-mail to you.

    You may already have your increased storage--look for this upgrade to your account, between now and the end of November.

    Once you account has been upgraded, you'll then receive the following notice:


    Dear MSN® Hotmail® Member:

    Congratulations on your storage upgrade from 2MB to 250MB!

    As a valued MSN Hotmail Member, you have been specially selected to receive a special storage upgrade - at no cost to you. We've increased the storage capacity of your Hotmail account from 2MB to 250MB and increased your attachment size from 1MB to 10MB .

    So what does this mean for you?

    Well, now you can store even more emails and share larger attachments such as photos, music and video clips and more. Please note, you don't have to take any action - we have taken care of upgrading your account for you. Your storage meter should now read 250MB.

    Take a look at the table to the right to see how we've upgraded your Hotmail Account.

    We'd like to thank you for being a valued MSN Hotmail Member and enjoy your increased storage!

    Thank you,

    MSN Hotmail Member Services

    Note, the update completion date is "end of November". As with most Microsoft projects, dates have a tendency to slip, somewhat, so if your not updated by the 2nd week of December, I'd send Hotmail Support here, an enquiring as to your status.

  8. lungbing - Your new modem may not have a speaker mounted on the modem board itself.

    Check the modem (where the phone lines are plugged in) and look for a either a picture or label indicating "Speaker" or "Audio Output". If you see this, you'll need to run a short cable (with duplicate jacks at each end) between the modems "speaker output" jack and your main computers "audio input" jack.

    Check your computers manual for additional details and diagrams.

    If you still have problems, post back giving complete details (make. model, etc.) of BOTH your compter and the new modem.

    good luck

  9. there seems to be offer of "speed up your dial up internet...bla, bla"

    Does it work?

    or does one of you guys just know exactly how to do without needing to buy a softwarer that optimize it (WIND  XP)....?

    I believe what your referring too is a form of "service" many dialup providors offer, for an additional fee of about $5.00 (US).

    Basically, these type "services" utilize software to compress data, when viewing various websites.

    The following is part of the "small print", one such ISP spells out in their disclosure:

    Our "HiSpeed" service accelerates certain web page text and graphics when compared to standard dial-up Internet service. Actual results may vary. Some web pages such as secure or encrypted web pages will not be accelerated. "HiSpeed" is not a broadband service and actual data transmission rates are not faster than standard dial-up Internet service. Transmission of files including, without limitation, streaming audio or video, digital photographs, MP3 or other music files, executable files and other downloads, is not faster using "HiSpeed" than with standard dial-up service. "HiSpeed" may not be compatible with proxy based software or services such as content filters or firewalls. "HiSpeed is only compatible with specified browsers. Available only for Windows.

    You will note the ISP admits, that with this "HiSpeed" service:

    1. ...actual data transmission rates are not faster than standard dial-up Internet service.

    2. ...downloads, such as .exe files, MP3 music and photos are not faster than standard dialup

    3. ...may not be compatable with certain firewalls

    4. ...only compatable with specific browsers.

    IMHO, these type services are not worth their cost. If you "tweak" your system, so as to shutdown or turn-off unused programs and filters, you'd benefit just as much or more.

    Some free or low-cost "downloadable" programs also make similar claims, however, my experience is most do not really improve overall speed/performance and many contain spyware. So be extra careful.

    Finally, there are Windows "tweaking" utilities, such as MagicTweak, TweakALL, and TweakNOW, which will allow you to change certain Windows parameters so as to increase overall performance. HOWEVER, uses of such utilities requires a certain level of computer/software knowledge, otherwise you may do more harm than good, to your system.

    cheers and good luck :o

    (PS - I have a recollection this subject was discussed at length a month or two back. You may also want to search & review comments made at that time)

  10. I've been told :o if you stand next the clock and your "big hand" emulates either the clocks 9, 10, 11, or 12 o'clock* setting, you don't need TRT.

    If your "setting" reads 6, 7 or 8 either your over 65 and need to see a doctor about TRT, or find a new "companion" to share mutual interests.

    (*=PM settings. If you see 1, 2, 3 AM settings, contact your doctor immediately.)


  11. Dancali - Its doubtful additional RAM (memory) would noticeably speedup your system, unless your involved in very heavy CAD or video processing.

    First, it's difficult to answer your question(s) without having specifics about BOTH computers, (make/model number/processors/etc., etc.).

    Are you sure your IBM Thinkpad laptop has a 7200rpm HDD? Most laptop HDD's operate in the 4200-5200 range. Also, what is the buffer size, if any. 2mb? 8mb? What is your HDD's access time?

    Frankly, trying to compare your desktops Western Digital "Raptor" 10,000 rpm SATA, 8mb buffer, 4.5ms access time drive to a 4200 rpm EIDE, 2mb buffer, 12ms access time drive is, well, like comparing apples to oranges. Your desktop will run rings around your laptop every time. (For example, a 7200 rpm E-IDE HDD will improve access time 33-40%, vs. a 5200 rpm E-IDE HDD)

    Windows does utilize two (2) of its own HDD cache methods called VCache for DISK and FILE settings. They can (with patience) be re-adjusted to improve performance, however, unless your very experenced in computer & software operation, it is recommended you allow Windows to manage these settings.

    Hope this helps. :o

  12. vodka - Really need to know which operating system your using, but you can try one of the following:

    1. Hold down left keyboard WINDOWS key and press PAUSE/BREAK key.

    2. Click DEVICE MANAGER tab on new window

    3. Click on + next to MODEM

    4. In new window, highlight your modem's name and click PROPERTIES button

    5. In new window, click MODEM tab

    6. Click on SPEAKER VOLUME slider and move to HIGH

    7. Close windows by clicking OK buttons.


    1. Go into CONTROL PANEL

    2. Double-Click on MODEM icon

    3. In window, highlight your modems name, and click PROPERTIES button

    4. Click on SPEAKER VOLUME slider and move to HIGH

    5. Close windows by clicking OK and CLOSE buttons.

    If you still have problems, postback.

    cheers :o

  13. My Thai is not very good, but I believe what he probably said was "sawat dii krap".

    It looks like your hard drive (HDD) has gone soft (SHD) and you may need to re-install the Sildenafil Citrate Support Driver (scsd.dll).

    However, before doing so, I'd recommend you get a second opinion, as most of these drivers only provide temporary relief and are quite expensive.


  14. Contact your local school to see if they would like to have your old PC.

    Very good point, udon.

    WS, if your a US Citizen and donate a computer to a local school, the IRS allows you to take an automatic $500 (US) tax deduction on your US Federal income tax. No questions asked.

    You may want to check and see if Thailand and/or your home country also have this provision.

  15. So sorry to keep on about this and all but does eating oily fish actully help reduce colesterol??.....

    RamdomChances - ALL animal meat contains both saturated and unsaturated fat.

    Beef, Pork, Chicken etc. are higher in saturated fat (the "bad" fat) than Fish, but BOTH contain these fats. Therefore one could say eating the same amount of fish vs. beef, does lower your overall intake of a cholesterol producing food. Not because it is cholesterol-free but because it has less saturated (cholersterol producing) fat.

    However, there are other problems associated with eating large quantities of fish.

    Medical authorities suggest you limit your intake of most fish to one serving per week. With some fish (large "shallow water" fish), that recommendation is 1 serving per month. Pregnant women are advised not to eat fish during the pregnancy. The reason for ALL this caution is the high mercury levels in many species of fish/seafood, especially larger fish. It should also be noted that farm raised fish (which now accounts for over 80 percent of fish sold in stores) contain a higher level of these "heavy metals", than "wild" fish. Most food stores in USA have posted FDA "fish warnings" on their seafood counters, detailing these cautions.

    Again, it's all about "everything in moderation".

  16. wilson steer - Before buying a new computer, you need to sit down and make a list of things you need and/or want to do with it, both today and 2-3 years in the future.

    For example, surfing the net, email and the occassional word processing requires minimal computer speed, memory and storage capacity. On the other hand, if your a gamer, do video editing, or photo retouching, then you'll need a lot of CPU speed, RAM memory and "high speed" storage capacity.

    If you'll provide more information on your needs, and if possible your budget for a new computer, I'm sure you'll get a lot of "advice". :o

  17. IMHO, the best in this category is Webroot's SpySweeper. At $29.95 (MSRP) its a bargain. Current version checks for over 38,000 different malware. Bear in mind, there is not one antivirus, trojan detector, or spyware utility that "does it all". My personal feeling is one needs specialized software in each category, with the most important being the firewall.

    If your on broadband, with a fixed ID, currently your best protection is a router with "firmware" firewall. If your on wireless, a "Wireless Firewall Router" is essential. If on "dial-up" then a software firewall such as Zone Alarm is you next best option (aside from never using the internet). Most dial-ups will show a different "address" each time you connect, thereby affording some protection against a hacker(s) who attempts to target you specifically. Those lucky enough to have broadband, are most vunerable, and a firewall of some type is mandatory.

    Most virus's, trojans, adware, etc. are "actionably" acquired. By that I mean, one downloads an infected program, opens an infected email attachment or initiates some other action which allows the infection to install itself on your computer(s).

    Currently, I utilize the following: (most are inactive and used for periodic system scanning, except for the firewall)

    ZoneLabs "ZoneAlarm Pro"

    Symantec's "Norton AntiVirus Pro"

    Moosoft's "The Cleaner"

    Webroot's "SpySweeper"

    Lavasoft's "Ad-Aware SE Pro"

    Spybot - Search & Destroy

    eTrust's "Pest Patrol"

    Remember the old saying, "Prevention is worth a pound of cure".

  18. For info:

    Your Cholesterol Reading - What should it be?

    Cholesterol readings you receive from your medical provider generally include total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol levels. It is important to look at all three readings, not just the total cholesterol. The following are recommended goals for your cholesterol readings:


    Desirable: Below 200

    Borderline: 200-239

    Undesirable: 240 and above

    LDL CHOLESTEROL (mg/dl) "The Bad Cholesterol"

    Desirable: Below 130

    Borderline: 130-159

    Undesirable: 160 and above

    HDL CHOLESTEROL (mg/dl) "The Good Cholesterol"

    Desirable: Above 45

    Borderline: 40-45

    Undesirable: Below 40


    Desirable: Below 150

    Borderline: 150-199

    Undesirable: Above 200

    Saturated fat is the main dietary component associated with raising cholesterol. Saturated fats are found mainly in animal products and the tropical oils.

    The following foods are high in saturated fat and should be used sparingly in the diet: beef fat, lamb, pork fat (lard), butter, cream, whole milk dairy products (whole milk and cheeses) coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and cocoa butter.

    The body converts the alcohol in beer into a sugar, and therefore your Triglyceride count may be raised. As with all alcohol consumption, moderation is of prime importance. Smoking also effects cholesterol readings as it constricts blood vessels, elevates blood pressure, and raises the LDL cholesterol level.

  19. bkk_mike - I'd first try to find a satellite installation technician who has access to a "Satellite Signal Strength Meter". He should be able to determine if the signal strength in your area is sufficient to provide viewable reception. Signal strength will vary depending on what transmission frequency (e.g. Ku band) the satellite uses.

    Also, bear in mind satellite reception is also suseptable to various weather conditions(e.g. rain), so a weak signal will more likely cause signal "drop-out".

    Antenna size is basically related to broadcast (wavelength) frequency. Lower frequencies use larger antennas, while higher frequencies use smaller antennas.

    good luck

  20. For info, here (in alphabetical order, not preference) are a few online sites where you can go to have your computer scanned for virus's and the like, at no-charge:


    Computer Associates eTrust WebScan

    Kaspersky Antivirus OnlineScan

    McAfee FreeScan

    Panda ActiveScan

    Sygate Online Services (SOS)

    Symantec SecurityCheck

    Trend Micro

    ZoneLabs Free Online PestScan

    In addition, would recommend you download and install the following FREE spyware scanner/blockers:

    Lavasoft's Ad-Aware Personal

    Spybot-Search & Destroy

    If you do not yet have a firewall and antivirus utility installed, there are FREE ones available here:

    AVG Antivirus - Free Edition

    ZoneAlarm Firewall

    Microsoft links to check minimum requirements to use WindowsXP:

    WindowsXP - Home Edition

    WindowsXP - Professional Edition

    As others have suggested, once you have your system back to "normal", would suggest, if your finances permit, you buy and install a basic CD burner, so you can backup your data. You should be able to purchase a reasonably fast CD burner (including software), for around $25 (US).

    Good luck, and post back how you make out. (fixing your computer, that is. :o )

  21. Approximately 80 percent of the bodies cholesterol is made by your liver. Your liver produces an enzyme which your own body then uses to produce cholesterol. The so-called cholesterol lowering drugs like Lipitor and Pravastatin actually inhibit the livers production of this enzyme, thereby causing the liver to takeup more of the bloods cholesterol.

    Saturated fat raises your blood cholesterol level more than anything else in your diet. Therefore, the best way to reduce your blood cholesterol level is to reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat. All animal products, such as milk and butter contain high levels of saturated fat. This also applies to fish and shellfish (shrimp, lobster, etc.) but especially meat.

    Unsaturated fat actually helps to lower cholesterol levels when it is substituted for saturated fat. Polyunsaturated fat is found in the oils of fish and shellfish (often referred to as fish oils, or omega-3 fatty acids), however, there is little evidence that omega-3 fatty acids are useful for reducing LDL-cholesterol levels. While "oily fish" such as herring, salmon, and mackerel contain the highest levels of polyunsaturated fat, the use of fish oil supplements are not recommended for the treatment of high blood cholesterol, because it is not known whether long-term ingestion of omega-3 fatty acids will lead to undesirable side effects. Tests (in women) showed omega-3 does provide some "blood thinning" qualities, which may aid in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

    As our good Dr. Pepe has stated many times, when it comes to good health its all about DIET...DIET...DIET

  22. I just checked my hotmail. It is still 2MB.

    May be I am not that lucky one.


    This forum looks great.

    Keep checking your account(s).

    MS expects to have all current accounts raised to 250mb by end of November. Newly established accounts will initally be at the old 2mb limit, but increased to 250mb about 30 days after first startup.

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