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Posts posted by angsta

  1. Erghhhh no they can't make you do shit. Just go through and say goodbye. Make sure they know you're not continuing so they aren't waiting for you on the Cambodian side. Tell then as you're getting off.

    When you come back into Thailand get a tuk tuk to the bus station (80 baht) where the buses go to Mor Chit Bangkok every 90 minutes. There will also be mini buses out the front of the station next to the 7-11 and they go to Victory Monument.

  2. 3. The Pattaya north/northern bus terminal just off Suk. They also advertise a bus to Samui. Buses go to Mor Chit, Ekami and the southern bus terminal where buses direct to Samui run from.

    4. On Pattaya Tai as you are heading towards Suk on your right hand side before second road there is a place that advertises buses to Hua Hin. After Friendship Supermarket before Walkabout Creek Pub.

    • Like 1
  3. There are a couple of really (relatively) good ones. One of them is always advertising mainly because they have so many foreign teachers and people probably don't want to live there for too long.

    There is also a questionable expat recruiter who offers positions. Allegedly.

  4. Much ado about nothing.

    Pattaya Songkarn 2015.

    Were you actually IN central Pattaya yesterday ? It was a madhouse - everyone got in on the act and the noise alone from a bazillion cheap speakers was deafening. I ended up getting drunk just to put up with it, but if I found myself transported back in time to a week ago I would have been in a car to Bangkok by midday. Even if I spent 20-30k on a week in BKK I believe it would have been worth it to avoid the madness of the last 48 hours - never again. For those who live in quieter parts of town, it probably wasnt such a big deal, but its the first time I've seriously regretted living near Third Road.

    I was in central Pattaya 'celebrating' on the 13th, 14th, 15th and 18th. Yesterday I did a loop that involved Central Festival (great atmosphere), Beach road, Second road down to the Dolphin roundabout, Soi Buckaow and Sois 6 through 9 oh and third and Pattaya Tai earlier and later in the day. So yeah I saw a bit. Yourself?

    I agree yesterday was the Pattaya Songkarn 'nightmare scenario' we were warned about earlier in this thread. It was pretty cool. But it was only one day of crazy.Not nice or ten. Again what's with this 48 hours of madness? The rest of the days were pretty tame compared to say Chiang Mai and Korat for example. For the rest of the week the traffic was quiet and the stores empty, what's not to like?

    Good times emoji_1F601.png

  5. Insinuated? That may have been me. I personally slept like a baby. My advice is to have a couple of cans of cider around 2pm then go out and throw water aka daytime drinking on soi's 6,7 and 8 until sunset. They could hold the next Castlemorton (Google it) on third road and you wouldn't notice.

  6. Day four from the frontline. The Angsta report.

    Casualties mounted up today as the amount of non Thai people experiencing temporary dampness increased. Many ex-pats were affected this has been confirmed. Rumours of a minutes silence this coming Friday have yet to be confirmed.

    If you gave a freezer, a low paid Thai security guard and a marriage or retirement visa then the official advice is to stay indoors until the 20th. Stay safe people. #pray4pattaya

  7. Which half?

    The half owned by one family or the others?

    Don't worry, the time has come for all of them to pay what is due for a long time.

    Give some credit to this government for their efforts to clear this country from these verminthumbsup.gif

    Time has come for them all to pay? Are you talking about the Greek government and the EU or Kho Tao??


  8. It's just water? Tell that, for example, to the survivors of the storm surge in Tacloban City which killed 7000 in late in 2013, or the people flooded out in the Bangkok during the 2011 floods.

    555 this is comedy gold. Now I know you're joking. You had me going for a minute there smile.png

    Good one.

    My family home is 58 km from Tacloban, so that particular natural disaster was not just a news event or a joke - it cost me a fortune. Water is a very dangerous indeed. Wait until you've had a high pressure water gun aimed directly at you face and tell me it's only water.

    Comparing a water gun at Songkran though? Come on. This is why it's so hard to take you seriously.

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