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Posts posted by donna

  1. OK. This sounds like it is becoming a regular event. As I am too lazy to go back through all the posts, can someone tell me if any TV member is welcome, where, and what day you all meet?

    I've got a few friends that may be interested in a girly night, too.

    It will have to wait as I'm going to Melbourne for a few weeks to stock up on twisties and Samboy chips, but after that I reckon it would be great to meet all you girlies.

  2. Yeah, you can get it done in a number of places around town.

    With regards to the permanent tattooing, I've had my eyeliner tattooed on over here and love it.

    I never used to wear any make up at all at home, but after being hassled by my local beauty shop girlies, I took the plunge. Hurt like anything, but it looks great now. It was 3 days of eye irritation (but not too bad) and after that everything as fine.

  3. I was having a conversation with a friend today about why people get married. Is love the only reason? Apparently not. There are hundreds of reasons why people are together:

    Love :D

    Company :D

    Money :D

    Sex :o

    are just a few of them.

    So why are you with your partner? Do you know why, or are you just there? Is there a base reason that we all have in common, or do we all have completely different reasons?

    Just a thought...

  4. I wear Luang Phor Somdet on a gold chain around my neck. It was given to me by a numerologist Monk a while ago.

    Several weird things have happened to me since.

    Once, I was on a trip with a group of people. I had forgotten my Buddha, as I had showered prior to leaving, and had left it at home. Anyway, I was on a boat, and around 5 minutes before we were due to arrive at our destination, BOOM. We had hit a submerged tree. The boat sank. Nobody hurt.

    January this year. I was on the way to the Dr in a taxi, and same thing. I had left it at home after showering. BOOM. The taxi was hit by a bus. Nobody hurt.

    April this year. I was in the Sth again with a Muslim friend who was driving the boat. I told him half way to our destination that I hoped nothing bad happened that day because I had forgotten my Buddha. I was told that I was just being superstitious and of course we would be OK. He was walking over to the boat and as he arrived, there was smoke billowing out of the back of the boat. BOOM. (Well not BOOM exactly - more of a pfffft). There had been an electrical short in the boat and we could not use it for the rest of the day.

    But the funniest thing is this. The Monk told me that after my birthday this year, I would have such good luck. I was going to be so happy, well etc.

    I got Malaria on my birthday.

    BUT. The Thai's say that I am lucky. "How can you call that lucky? I got ###### malaria on my birthday and it sucked"

    "You didn't die"

    Amazing Thailand. :o

  5. You Go, Girl!

    Actually, Monkeygirl, I thought your first post was interesting, and the replies to it have been even more so.

    I didn't read it as you saying that all Thai women were prostitutes, and don't know why your post was interpreted in such a way.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions. And I think you have a point, too. Yes, you are lucky you are happily married. Whether this is to a Thai or farang is irrespective. And, yes, being a single farang woman in this country can be lonely. That's what Monkeygirl is getting at.

    Her initial point was to say that if she was not happily married, she may find it incredibly lonely here and this is due to the fact that it APPEARS that most men come here and only have eyes for Thai girls.

    But as a Farang female living here:

    Do we find Farang men attractive? ###### yes.

    Do we find Thai men attractive? ###### yes.

    We are all attractive in our own way. It just takes time for some people to see it.

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