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Posts posted by Kaymcdonnell

  1. blimey. exactly the sort of answer i was hoping for, thanks for that mate!

    I was up there last week and it was awful. The beach is very dirty and there is nobody there at all. If you truly only want to crash out and not speak to anyone then fair enough. Seems like a waste of money as you can do that anywhere.

    That beach was one of my favorite but not now

    It is a ghost town. If you go anywhere on Phuket right now it is quiet but in some places at least you can find someone to talk to. I recommend Nai Harn

  2. blimey. exactly the sort of answer i was hoping for, thanks for that mate!

    I was up there last week and it was awful. The beach is very dirty and there is nobody there at all. If you truly only want to crash out and not speak to anyone then fair enough. Seems like a waste of money as you can do that anywhere.

    That beach was one of my favorite but not now

  3. I see them every now and then in Coconut Palm which is a cul de sac close to the Phuket International School, near th3e new Macro in Rawai. But also there a lots of them in the Laguna Complex as there are so many lagoon areas there. They are really very big.

  4. I really do not like people like you that think like this.  They have no regard for fellow country man and if i started a post like this i would be deeply ashamed.  

    You remind me of that falang tourist police recently that treated a friend of mine really shitty and have him very hard time then helped to have him deported.  He was not a real bad guy, just did not take care of his passport.  Then one year later it turns out the same guy was selling drugs to people and totally abusing his power, now he is in jail - thank god!  

    YOU remind me of him and good luck, your day will dawn.

  5. His finances are in good order and he still has quality of life, knows what is going on around him etc.  He is leaving to spend his last years closer to his family and easier climate to deal with.  He still likes to go out and have a swift couple of beers and just traveled for 4 months to Australia where he also has family.  Can still walk around but not very far.  Can see well and hear well.  Can crack so good jokes and can eat a meal bigger than more men.  Always game for a laugh, but his lady chasing ways are long long gone.



    Hope I live until 91!!

    And still be fit enough to travel to pastures new for the next exciting adventure...good luck old codger 555.




    Why has he decided to leave the land of scams after such a long time?

    And to live in Europe? Family reasons?


    He not enjoying it here so much anymore mostly because of the heat and lack of getting around.  He is British and has family and friends in Europe so more enjoyment.  He will get to see his daughters more also.   Many of his friends from here have also left, seems like Thailand to some people is not as enjoyable as it used to be.  I am staying, not going anywhere yet, but people who i have known for a very long time are leaving.




    • Like 1
  7. So this guy is 91 years old and frail.  He has no idea that he has overstayed but he will soon.  His is a British national but will leave to another part of Europe at the end of September.  Paying the overstay is no issue, and not returning is no issue.  What is the worst can happen if he makes to the airport and hands himself in?  Will he be arrested and put in a detention center overnight and deported to England or will he be left to go on his merry way?

  8. Well Kamala is either a place you love or a place you hate.  I lived there once and would never go back but i have friends there who love it.  The biggest problem is the fact that you have to commute to Kathu everyday, that will be a bit of a nightmare especially in high season.  Are you traveling by motor bike or car?  Also if you are traveling when it has gone dark a bigger worry.

    Anyone who works in Kathu usually live in Kathu.

  9. He has to get an emergancy passport from Bangkok, 5,000 bht and travel to Cambodia.  If he sits it out there for about 5 weeks he can come back on a 30 day visa, enough time for the passport to arrive

    What about the guy with the full passport ? I also know someone that needs to get a new passport but where is the best place for him to go and sit it out till he gets one ? No overstay but if he applies here he will have by the time it arrives looking at the posts on TV. Someone said Cambodia was cheap and getting a new British passport fairly easy ? Anyone back this up ? 



  10. I have known about this for a long time. The immigration do regularly check hotels, guest houses, etc. Last year i was sitting with a friend in Ya Nui Resort in Rawai. Immigration turned up and asked for everybody's passport copy at the reception.

    I don't think they are too eager to go to many single houses as this would be non productive (unless they had a tip off). If you are running a property management then you would be fully aware of it. I think they became more keen after the Tsunami.

  11. I am very aware that imigration are reading these post. That is why people are asking friend to help them find out the facts. As i have mu own comapny, Work Permit and valid documents, i have nothing to fear


    The scenario boils down to:

    The rules themselves have to be approved. Codified. THEN a date can be set for their enactment.

    "yeah, we approved the rules as they are set down BUT they have yet to be made into the law of the land"

    Just like many other countries, a committee puts a law together, the media report about it, but it still has to be ruled on as to wording, syntax, etc., and when it will become actual practice. A lot of times that ends up to be weeks/months/years in the future.

    The sheer panic and grabbing at straws desperation expressed in the hundreds of "my friend, not me" newbee posts in currently running crackdown topics is very telling.

    It's a good bet Thai Immigration Officials wai.gif (now three most dreaded words in any language) are reading EVERY ONE! Sure they are.

    'nuff said


  12. Ok thank you. Now i have another question.

    Another guy has no pages left in his passport. He has overstyed but not for a long time. He would have to pay the 20,000 bht fine at the ariport (if he can get that far). It would be better if he could get a new passport from the Bitish Embasy in Bankok first but he mght get caught on the way to Bangkok. Are there any options for him? He really wants to get the new passport as before it would hae taken 10 weeks to get one from the UK

    He simply does not even have the space or the exit stamp.

    I read today that British can now get the new passport in Bankok?

    The latest notice on the immigration website states the new rules are in the process of being approved by the interior ministry. From day one when this first came out immigration said that it would be 60 days before it was approved.

    The August 12th is not correct and what may happen on that date has been overblown by rumors and speculation.


    See the latest warning on the immigration website after first one was taken down. http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/popup_anounce.html

    It states they have not been approved yet.

  13. My God did he ever do any kind of visa run?

    Kmacdonnell post # 1

    So a guy has a long overstay - years. If he turns up at the airport before the end of this month with a flight ticket to Singapore and a genuine application for a non b to come back to work, and the 20,000 bht fine, will they let him come back?

    An acquaintance of mine just did that very same thing only he went back to the U.K. and is now back and happily at home here in Thailand.
    Paid the 20,000 baht and that was it.
    All much to his and I must admit his friends amazement as we all thought we would be starting out as prison visitors in his case.
    His overstay was a twenty years overstay ..
  14. The latest notice on the immigration website states the new rules are in the process of being approved by the interior ministry. From day one when this first came out immigration said that it would be 60 days before it was approved.

    The August 12th is not correct and what may happen on that date has been overblown by rumors and speculation.


  15. This is where it is confusing. Some articles say it is already approved, some say it comes into effect after 12th August, then another article says that it will start 1st September?

    The point is the guy has accepted that he has done wrong and will get things organized now. But if you are arriving at the airport knowing that you cannot come back for 5 years there are things that need to be done in advance, I wish the powers that be would just be very clear on this very serious topic. What ever the answer is good or bad

    More than likely yes until new overstay rules are approved..

    • Like 1
  16. I thought it was too late to leave with an overstay over 90 days and expect to come back.? I hope he can.

    Penang might be better. But you will need more than just a contract. You must have applied for the WP and have a letter and form from the labour office confimring that.

    You should be able to get a visa, unless immigration black lists you on the way out with the overstay.

  17. Thought so. Would not make sense other wise. Do you really think they are banning people from this week if they arrive at the airport to leave and they have an overstay? Has there been any reports does anyolne know?

    Immigration will have a record of an entry (and a photo) against the name and birthdate in the Emergency Travel Document.

    No escape.

  18. One of the most talked about topics which has created the most interest that i have ever know whilst being here in Thailand has to be the visa crackdown? (Tsunami an exception)

    I know numerous people that are in trouble and seeking to get out of Thailand fast. Some i have sympathy for and others not. I know of two people just this week who are having SAD leaving parties. They have not overstayed but they do not check all the points to be able to stay. One has an income of 40,000 bht a month from the government, but this is not enough to suffice to the rules to get a pension. (40,000 bht a month that Thailand looses).

    Some others i know were planning to leave before the end of the month - they have overstayed. They were all set to leave, they will still leave, but now they cannot come back, even though one has now managed to get a job.

    People are looking for loopholes.

    One person mentioned that many people are now saying that they have lost their passport and requesting a temporary/emergency passport to avoid showing the overstay. Surly this cannot work can it, they would have an history in the computer of being nowhere for a year or so if they overstayed?

    Would the thai immigration realize this when they wanted to leave?

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