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Posts posted by hayden5650

  1. Will be fun watching how fast you get banned :rolleyes:

    lol just calling it how I see it.

    It was only 30 or 40 years ago that the supposed home of Liberty, America, had legal segregation.

    Now I think we all know that Thailand is more than 30 or 40 years behind the western world, so we probably shouldn't judge them using western standards.

  2. I just want to throw in my stick of dynamite and ask the question, " If skin colour is not an issue, why are Thai people so hel_l bent on being light skinned to indicate to others, they are of a higher class? Note all the skin whitening products here, most of these products are banned in the west, as being classed as known carcinogens? " Thoughts to ponder for today.

    Have a wonderful day rainbow peoples.

    I wonder what puts you at a greater risk of cancer, the whitening practiced by Thai, or the excessive tanning practiced in the west?

    And skin colour is an issue, it's just those liberal Americans who like to pretend everyone is equal. The fact is wherever you go in the world, if you are in a country with a lighter populace and a darker populace, chances are it is the lighter populace who is going to be more affluent.

  3. Don't ban them, they provide a very useful, cheap and fast service. Many will happily run a red light when the road is clear, which sometimes saves 2 minutes of pointless waiting. Nothing pisses me off more than being in a taxi and the driver jamming on his brakes as soon as the lights change to orange, just so he can make an extra 2 or 4 baht.

    It never occurred to you that the driver just might try to avoid being nicked by the law and forced to pay 500 baht for jumping the red light? Or given a real ticket that would set him back 1000. That is the fine for red lighting. So waiting for the green is pointless waiting for you? And nothing pisses you off more than if a driver tries to follow the law. Then we are all very happy as long as you keep using a taxi and not drive yourself.

    Do you take taxis very often? Don't you notice how they will deliberately drive slowly when the seconds are ticking down to 0 on the Green light, and slam on their brakes as soon as it changes to orange? I never said anything about the taxi drivers running reds.

  4. Most waitresses earn about 300 baht a day, and the girls who are sponsored by the beer companies get a bonus of 3 baht per bottle cap of the particular beer.

    I know some Thais who work in office buildings, they get 500 - 600 baht per day. It's bugger all but they live on it. Their monthly rent is only in the range of 1,800 - 3,500 baht per month. This is in Bangkok.

  5. Let him die alone !

    I will never feel anything for poor low so farangs who should have stayed home. Enough poverty around here, no need to bring more !

    Totally agree. Survival of the fittest.

    He even has the means to improve his situation, via his nephew, but refuses to do so. He obviously see's Original Poster as a soft target.

    Stop giving him money and let 'Sink or Swim' take its course.

  6. Let's be realistic, as we've seen in the last few days a Thai will sell his or her own daughter to make a bit of cash, so they're certainly not going to refuse the sell of alcohol on any day!

    Yea you can't buy it from Tesco or 7/11 on the holiday but if you know your sois you'll know where to go.

    Even the day before the beginning of lent, the manager at the restaurant I frequent told me "No alcohol tomorrow, holiday." Unsurprisingly, the next day 100 Pipers was flowing freely amongst the Thais.

  7. Don't ban them, they provide a very useful, cheap and fast service. Many will happily run a red light when the road is clear, which sometimes saves 2 minutes of pointless waiting. Nothing pisses me off more than being in a taxi and the driver jamming on his brakes as soon as the lights change to orange, just so he can make an extra 2 or 4 baht.

  8. If you simply need just one entry (up to 90 days with extension) then any of the regional consulates/embassies will be fine.



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    Hi, the single entry with upto 90 days is exactly what I need. When you say any of the regional consulates/embassies, do you mean I can go to my own embassy in Bangkok, or do you mean any Thai embassy abroad?

    Thankyou very much for your advice,


  9. Hi all.

    I am 22 years old and from New Zealand.

    I arrived in Thailand 2 weeks ago, and being from New Zealand am allowed 30 days without a visa.

    However I am wanting to stay for 90 days, am I able to apply for a Tourist visa while I am here? Is this complicated or costly?

    And can I do it at my embassy?

    I realise these questions have probably been answered many times on here, however I am using an internet cafe and only have limited time in which to read through older posts.



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